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La Espada del sufriente – III:
La Cruz del amor puro
Lourdes Pinto – 22 de noviembre, 2011

(Continúa de La Espada del sufriente III


Weeping over Jerusalem

Luke 19:41-44
As he drew near, he saw the city and wept over it, saying, "If this day you only knew what makes for peace, but now it is hidden from your eyes. For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will raise a palisade against you; they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides. They will smash you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another within you because you did not recognize the time of your visitation"

"it is hidden from your eyes". If we don't recognize Jesus as Lord we cannot see what makes for peace. We must COME TO THE FOOT OF THE CROSS to remove the plank from your eyes that keeps us from contemplating the glory of God in Christ Crucified.

11/16/10 Eyes have not seen nor ears heard what your God has prepared for you in heaven. I invite you to come and see. I will remove the veil that covers the eyes of your soul so that you can see what few are able to see. You will see the new Jerusalem in all her glory. She, more precious than gold or diamonds, will be yours to possess. Allow Me to remove the plank from your eyes that keeps you from contemplating the glory of God before you. Come My daughter and bring many to the foot of the Cross. Prostrate yourselves before the foot of My Cross and kiss holy ground. Rise and embrace My precious feet, and kiss My wounded feet. It is here through this gesture of humility and love that the plank of pride and self-love is removed from blinding your sight. Touch My feet, bless My feet with your kisses and cleanse them with your tears. The Holy Spirit drew Mary Magdalene to this act of love in preparation for My crucifixion and it is My Mother who completed this act of love and reparation at My crucifixion. It is here at My precious feet that you receive the gold of precious repentance. I desire for you to bring My sons to the foot of My Cross.

(Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, Sword of the Sufferer)

...the most precious contribution we can make to the cause of peace is that of prayer.

Jesus Christ is a meek and humble King. King of the anawim, of those whose hearts are free of the lust for power and material riches, free of the will and the search for dominion over others.

It is not the sword of the conqueror that builds peace, but the sword of the sufferer, of he who knows how to give his very life.

THE CROSS: "Jesus is the poor king among the poor, meek among those who desire to be meek. In this way, He is the king of peace, thanks to the power of God, which is the power of good, the power of love. He is a king who causes the chariots and charioteers of battle to disappear, who will shatter the bows of war; He is a king who will bring peace to fulfillment on the Cross by joining heaven and earth, and by throwing a bridge of brotherhood between all peoples. The Cross is the new bow of peace, the sign and instrument of reconciliation, of forgiveness, of understanding, a sign of the love that is stronger than all violence and oppression, stronger than death: Evil is conquered with good, with love."

"In his own flesh he abolished the law with its commands and precepts, to create in himself one new man from us who had been two and to make peace, reconciling both of us to God in one body through the cross, which put that enmity to death." (Ephesians 2: 15-16)


Pure love is of far greater apostolic fecundity than the most outstanding works accomplished with less than love. It is at the eve of life, in silence and isolation, in prayer and in sacrifice, that Godfs Mother attains her maximum of love and her fullness of apostolic fecundity in the service of the Church of Christ, just as Christ Himself did not save the world in the luster of His Word and of His miracles, but on the Cross. (Conchita: A Motherfs Spiritual Diary p. 181)

The purest love on earth must be united to suffering.

"My daughter, the purest love on earth must be united to suffering. I came from Heaven to Earth to suffer in expiation for the sins of the world. This is love. Pure love gives itself solely because of love. The love of the Trinity is pure love, therefore, the Father gives His life by giving to the world His only begotten Son. The Holy Spirit flows from this most pure love, thus igniting the hearts of souls to suffer with Me so that they can enter in Love. The Cross without My Sacred Heart is useless suffering brought about by sin. But suffering united to My Cross is new life; it is participation in the work of redemption which is participation in the life of the Trinity. These mysteries can only be grasped by a humble heart, therefore, you must call My sons first to repentance at the foot of My Cross to receive the gold of precious repentance. Be still My daughter, for it is the pure suffering of the Mothers of the Cross that I will use to pierce the harshness of My sons' hearts. Suffer all with perfect faith in My crucified love." (1/13/11)

You (LC) are Our true contemplatives of the Cross and the oasis of Our suffering Hearts. I cry tears of blood because My Heart profusely bleeds with so many thorns. It is your hands, as you suffer all with Jesus, that removes so many thorns that cause Us to suffer. It is you (LC) that the Father is most pleased with. The hands of the priests are the hands of My Son who come to me to remove these thorns that cause me so much suffering. The hands of purity remove these thorns but purity in every act, purity in every thought, purity in every desire It is not busyness with so much to do that consoles our Hearts but pure love in every act, thought and desire. The Missionaries of the Cross, above all, must be PURE and the hands of Jesus removing the thorns that pierce my Heart. Teach this SIMPLE PATH OF HOLINESS Jesus and I are leading you in to all. Remain steadfast in your mission and share the treasures you are receiving with all. (5/16/11)

It is through the "treasured pearl of suffering" that our Lord called us to "receive" that we are able to PARTICIPATE in our Spouse's redemptive suffering. It is in this participation of SUFFERING WITH HIM that we come to KNOW LOVE and LIVE IN LOVE! We enter the fire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is PURE LOVE, the love of the Most Holy Trinity, through the passage of suffering all with Him. This is the life of true *victim souls; the life of pure love, and this is the "PURE LOVE" our Lord says will conquer the darkness that is consuming the world.

Why do I desire and need for you to suffer with Me?

It is through My suffering that you come to know Love. Love is purified in suffering, but My suffering is pure love, therefore, when you suffer with Me your love is purified in Me. This suffering with Me and loving with Me brings new life, a new creation. Allow all suffering to draw you into My sufferings and sorrows and in this way you will come to know Love. My Sacred Heart is pure love. You were created for Love, but how few, My little one, come to know Love and enter the joy of living in Love.

Satan and the principalities of darkness have been conquered by My crucified love. The triumph of My Cross, which is the triumph of Love, will come to fullness through My martyrs of love. This is your mission: to raise up many martyrs of love for the decisive battle at hand. (8/27/11)

The mission of Love Crucified is to raise up many martyrs of love for the decisive battle at hand. The MC must call with great courage and zeal their brother priests to lay down their lives as My victims of love. They must call them to love, the love that I revealed to the world. The pure love of poverty, chastity, sacrifice and mortification. The extreme love of God found only in the Cross. (9/13/11)

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