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Transformed Priests Will Help Usher in the

New Pentecost

In preparation for the Second Vatican Council, John XXIII, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, proclaimed vigorously: The Church needs a "new Pentecost."

In the book, Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary, edited by Fr. Philipon, the message of a new Pentecost for the Church as given to Blessed Conchita and the importance of a sanctified priesthood to usher in this grace for the world is explained (p.251-252):


Our secularized and desecrated world is dying on account of the absence of God. It is steeped in the spirit of comfort and pleasure. There is but one remedy: The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. He alone will be able to revitalize the Church and revivify her by a "new Pentecost." Fifty years before the Council, after 1911, Conchita kept on writing again and again: "The Church and the world has need of a 'new Pentecost,' a second Pentecost, a priestly Pentecost, an interior Pentecost."


Yes, Conchita's prophetic mission is that of recalling to the modern and materialistic world, avid for liberty, that it will be saved only by a NEW PENTECOST and by the GOSPEL OF THE CROSS.


This new Pentecost, this sanctifying action of the Spirit, must begin with priests and extend itself to the entire People of God, as on the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and on the whole community assembled in the Cenacle.


"I want to come back to the world in My priests. I want to renew the world of souls on manifesting Myself in My priests. I want a powerful impulse in My Church on infusing upon Her the Holy Spirit as on a new Pentecost" (Diary, Jan. 5, 1928).


But the Holy Spirit cannot descend to the world save by Christ's Cross since both missions, that of the Son and that of the Spirit, are inseparable.

"The Holy Spirit will reign the day when My sacrifice of suffering will also reign: the Cross in hearts. In so far as the Cross will not reign in souls, the Holy Spirit, He too will not reign" (Diary, May 26, 1901).


The messages given to the Love Crucified Community for these decisive times speak of the urgent need of sanctified priests to usher in the new Pentecost. They are an urgent call to enter the Cross and to be ONE with Him as victims of love in the heart of the Church.


You will prophesy the new Pentecost that is in the horizon.  You will prepare the way by raising up My army of holy priests.  You will call them to repentance. Tell them of My immense love for each of them…  I wish to embrace them and forgive them.  I want them to know and experience the love I have for each of them.  I want them to understand how much I need them to fulfill My work of redemption.  My hands are nailed to the Cross; I need each of them to be My hands-- to anoint, bless and heal My children.  I need them to be My feet-- moving out as My missionaries to proclaim My words.  I need them to be My eyes, so that My divine gaze can penetrate the core of My children and bring them to repentance and reconciliation with God, their Father.  I need them to be My suffering and pierced Heart to My people--My Heart of compassion.  My daughter, My priests MUST become My loving image in the world.  They, united to My Mother, will bring the Church to the foot of My Cross and through their cries, supplication, prayers and tears the Holy Spirit will be released from My Cross. 3/17/10

Encouragement to seminarians to live a life in the Holy Spirit, by Msgr. Ron Sciera🔗

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