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About Us

Love Crucified is a Catholic community of men (Missionaries of the Cross) and women (Mothers’ of the Cross) of all states of life ---married, single, priest, consecrated—who have entered a covenant with God and each other to be God’s hidden victims of love. The community was founded on March 11, 2008, by Father Jordi Rivero and Lourdes Pinto in response to this call to be one with Christ’s crucified love, by living the messages and teachings contained in the community's spiritual formation books.  Our vocation is summed up in His call:


Suffer all with Me, no longer two but one, in My sacrifice of love.

The Lord has called us to be His “little mustard seed,” to be consolers of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and to be contemplatives of the Eucharist, where He continues His hidden martyrdom of love.  The ordinary hidden lives of the Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross united with Love Crucified become God’s hidden force of victim souls that aids in the renewal of the priesthood, hastens a New Pentecost with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and fights the decisive battle against the forces of darkness.

Love Crucified Covenant

Explanation of the covenant – Audio & text

Where We Are Located

Love Crucified has members in the USA, Colombia, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Argentina, Peru, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Australia (in some states and countries, there is only one member). Members can be anywhere in the world since our unity is not geographical but based on the call to live as one heart, the way of life explained in The Simple Path to Union with God.

Inspired By:

Blessed Conchita Cabrera de Armida: The Lord continues in the Love Crucified Community a formation akin to the Works of the Cross of Blessed Conchita, an ordinary wife and mother, whose mission it was to set the Church on fire with His crucified love:


Give Me souls who love Me in suffering, who find their joy on the Cross. My Heart thirsts for such a love, an unselfish love, an expiatory, crucified love, a sound love such as it may be said no longer exists on earth. Yet, it is the only true love, the love which saves, purifies, and the love I require through My commandments. All other apparent loves do not satisfy Me; all other love is vain, artificial, and often culpable, save the love which I have just shown you. Conchita: A Mother’s Spiritual Diary.

Pope Benedict XVI: Our community was founded during the papacy of Benedict XVI. He is our spiritual father whom God used to inspire, guide and confirm our call and mission.

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It is not an idea or a strategy that unites us but love of Christ and his Holy Spirit. The effectiveness of our service to the Church, the Bride of Christ, depends essentially on this, on our fidelity to the divine kingship of CRUCIFIED LOVE.   —Benedict XVI

Christian faith is not a system. It cannot be portrayed as a complete, finished intellectual construction. It is a path, and it is characteristic of a path that it only becomes recognizable if you enter on it and start following it. —Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) from his book Truth and Tolerance. 

His Eminence Mauro Cardinal Piacenza: His Eminence's support for spiritual motherhood for priests has been an inspiration to us. On May 7, 2013, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, he received us and encouraged us to persevere in our important work for the Church.


Cardinal Piacenza with Lourdes Pinto and Fr. Jordi Rivero

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