Suffer ALL with Me, no longer two but one, in My sacrifice of love.

The Call
"Will You Be My Victim Soul?"
Our Lord first spoke these words to a simple, ordinary wife and mother while on pilgrimage with her family in Medjugorje in 2006. It was there, with her response of complete surrender, love, and trust, that the mission of this work began. Through a series of interior inspirations and the guidance of an experienced confessor,
the Love Crucified Community was formed.
Its mission is to bring to the Lord victim souls for these decisive times. The Simple Path to Union with God is the book of God’s spiritual formation for those who respond,to the call. We are invited to enter the hidden power of God—His Love. We live our motto:
Suffer ALL with Me, no longer two but one, in My sacrifice of love.
Excerpts from The Simple Path to Union with God (Simple Path):
The Light of Jesus Christ is Love that suffers All
Only love radiates the light of God, for His light is Love...that suffers for all and with all. Receive my wounds, the sin, brokenness, and oppression of your brothers and sisters, so that you can radiate My light in the darkness. This is love. The love of the world is self-seeking and self-centered, but the love of God is self-giving. (Simple Path #88 p. 243)
Your Life Now Holds the Power of God
It is the Light of God that will extinguish the darkness of Satan. You have entered the hidden power of God consumed in His heart. Your life now holds the power of God. It is through your love in suffering that your life will conquer the forces of evil. Live in My Hidden Force, unnoticed by all but seen by Abba, our Father. Believe who you are through the mercy of God who loves you.... Now WE--for we truly have become ONE-- must enter the pains of Calvary for the salvation of many. (Simple Path #89 p. 244)