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Prophetic call and warning to priests to respond

…Tell my priest they have turned their backs from Me.  I want their faces to be turned to My love crucified. As they gaze at Me, they must see themselves in Me.  I want their love to be crucified like Mine.  They do not preach with the power of My Word because their hearts are not transformed nor do their hearts seek transformation in Me through the power of the Holy Spirit... If they do not transform their lives in Me I will spit them out.  They will have to account for every soul that has been lost because of their lack of shepherding before the Father…Tell them I am raising up My army of holy priests, My Green Berets:  Men of fortitude, men of courage, holy men, men willing to lay down their lives for their God.  It is these holy priests that will be My apostles of Light during the time of great darkness that is approaching.  The time is at the horizon.  3/11/10

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