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A prophetic call for priests to renounce to the world and turn to the Lord

My daughter, my sons have not heeded My command. I have chosen them to continue in My work of redemption in the world, bringing to fulfillment what I have accomplished through My death and resurrection. I have chosen them to be one with Me, fully transformed into Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. But they have denied the Holy Spirit this work in them by choosing the things of the world.  There is no difference among My chosen sons and the men of the world. My covenant with each of them calls them to love as I have loved; to love with My heart.  My love is sacrificial, My love is gentle and patient but above all my love is crucified.  I came upon the earth desiring only the cross; My sons must have the same love of the cross I had.  It is only though crucified love that their lives will bear abundant fruit; It is only through their crucified love that they will be transformed by the fire of the Holy Spirit into Me.  It is only through crucified love My priests will become the fortified wall of bronze protecting My Church from the principalities of death.  This is what you must tell My priests.  If they do not listen to My Words they will perish during the time of great darkness. —3/30/2010

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