Our Lady takes us to the Eucharist
Part IV
Entering the Basilica's upper chapel to celebrate our Community Mass. Dec 10. The bus could not take us to the convent due to the crowds, and none of us knew how to get there. This made us late for our scheduled Mass at the basilica, it appeared that we would miss the opportunity to celebrate it. We were able to apply what the Lord has taught, living in His hands.

Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, from the high chapel where we celebrated Mass.
Some Marian dates of LC
2006: Our Blessed Mother invited Lourdes at Medjugorje to be a victim soul.
2008: Love Crucified was founded.
2009: Our Lady of Laus at the Sanctuary (France) deepens our identity to be ONE with her in Jesus Crucified, Mothers of the Cross and Missionaries of the Cross.
2011: At Tepeyac, Our Lady of Guadalupe gave Lourdes further clarity about the identity and mission of Love Crucified.
2016: 25 members of Love Crucified go as pilgrims to Tepeyac to give thanks, re-consecrate, and continue to listen and ponder in our hearts with Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Left to right: Maria Hickein, Fr. Ron Sciera, Daniel Blanchette.


On the night of Dec. 11th, we went early to the basilica, hoping at least to be able to participate in the midnight Mass of the solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec 12, 12 AM) at a distance... But our Lady had better plans. Lourdes wrote:
We had no assigned seats inside the Basilica, so we thought we would probably have to stand outside for the Mass. To our surprise, through a connection Edgar made with a priest of the Basilica, we ended up sitting almost in front of the altar. This was another gift from our Blessed Mother to our LC community!
In Video, see:
28:33 – center, front row, from far, Michelle and Patti.
44:22 – Father Jordi with the other priests.
53:13 – Jacky, Eucharist.
53:49 – Fr. Jordi, Eucharist.
1:03:11– Fr. Jordi.
Our Lady gave us the first seats of her basilica for the Mass of her feast. We were her little guests of honor, but those seats were not an honor in the way of the world. Our Lady placed us close to the altar of sacrifice, where Jesus gives Himself as a Victim of love so that we, too, live fully as victims with the Victim. Our Lady, in this way, received our community and prepared us to live being ONE with her at the foot of the Cross.
Our Blessed Mother gave us this message before the midnight Mass:
"I have brought you before me to receive the fullness of the blessing God desires to give you and my family of LC. Receive my tears of joy; joy for your fiat united to mine; joy for your faithfulness to live united as One Body to the Holy Sacrifice of my Son. Receive the crown of glory reserved for the martyrs of Christ’s love. Do not be afraid during the time of the great trial that must come upon the world, for I am with you. You have followed me to the altar of sacrifice. It is here, in the perfect sacrifice of the Mass, that I am forming you as God’s holy warriors of love to fight the final battle. Remain with me in the perfect Sacrifice of my Son, and you will receive the crown of glory..."