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Writer's picture Lourdes Pinto

"Pamper Disorders"—The Truth Shall Set You Free

Lourdes shares the joy of the personal experience she had with two members of the community of receiving the truth about her disorder that set her free. 

Two virtues are essential for maturity in living the Simple Path: The humility to receive the truth of our disorders and the courage to speak the truth of what Satan wants to keep hidden.

Messages related to this teaching

“Pamper Disorders”

The Truth Will Set Us Free




God’s Glory

Every disorder in your humanity is a distortion of God's glory. Therefore, the Spirit comes as fire from My pierced Heart to burn away all falsehood in each soul so that through this living pulsating fire, each soul can be renewed through Me, with Me, and in Me in God's image and likeness, and thus bring glory to God on earth and for all eternity in heaven.

My Simple Path brings each soul to encounter their misery so that they can encounter God's glory. God's glory is who He is–– Love–– perfect, pure Love. As you put on Jesus Christ (Rom 13:14), you take off all falsehood. Thus you become God's witnesses, His saints for these end times. Teach My Simple Path to all peoples, and this act of obedience and love will bring Him great glory. Go in peace, My little one, believing I am one with you.


12/28/12 — Feast of the Holy Innocents

Speak the truth of the darkness that Satan wants to keep hidden

My beloved one, you have a mission that must be accomplished in you. You hold the Word of everlasting life. You possess the God of heaven and earth. You must bring to life the mission within you. Are you willing to forfeit your life so that many will receive new life? You must allow the barrier to come down that prevents you from speaking the truth as My living torrent of grace. The truth will set you free, and living in a lie will keep you in bondage. You have not been asked to form good men and women but pure victims of love. You must always speak the truth of the darkness that Satan wants to keep hidden in the hearts of My sons and daughters. My victim souls will be the power of God's love to free many from Satan’s deception. Speak the truth of all that I reveal to your heart. 




My little one, fear is a great obstacle to faith. Fear is an obstacle to love. Fear is the consequence of original sin––they (Adam and Eve) hid. Fear in the hearts of all men and women comes from the distortion of the truth of who God is. I came into the world sent by My Father to penetrate this evil with the truth. I came to reveal the truth that Abba is Love. Yes, My little one, the love that is both mercy and justice, for He is the Father.

In the garden, before original sin, Adam and Eve never feared, for they lived in the truth of Abba’s love. They lived in perfect joy and peace in the innocence of the children of God. Fear is the consequence of sin.

—My Lord, I’ve lived all my life in fear. Please help me.

—The human will must choose to act in trust and always speak the truth, for fear, since it is rooted in self, brings a soul to hide and remain silent in the face of lies and deception. This is why I am now bringing you to know God's love as Justice. Divine love can never remain indifferent nor silent to the deception of Satan. That is why I confronted with just anger the Pharisees because Satan’s evil was working through them and causing great harm to the people of God. Truth must always confront lies. Justice lived through Me, as one with the Father, always brings to light the darkness Satan wants to keep hidden. Those who choose to live for God and die to self will speak My truth and, therefore, be hated on My account.

My little one, I am perfecting My little mustard seed in Love. Be at peace, for you will become My martyrs of love.



The mission is not easy, for the ways of God are never the ways of the world. All who are chosen by God to fulfill his plan on earth are hated by some, rejected by others, ill-treated, persecuted, for I came upon the earth to set one against another, for the ways of God will never be accepted nor appreciated by those who live for the things of this world. You have been asked by God to bring Him victim souls. A victim… must be willing to fight against all his disordered desires.

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