Prayer at moment of consecration of the Precious Blood
by Blessed Conchita

Beloved Father!
Through The Immaculate Hands Of Mary
Receive My Blood
which I place in the chalice in union
with The Blood of Jesus,
sacrificing It for Love of You,
for Your priests
and for the salvation and regeneration of the whole world through the Cross.
Accept it Father, and sprinkle with it the good and the bad,
the living and the dead, making fruitful the field of the Church through this sacrifice. Amen.
Jesus, Savior of mankind, save them!
Ven. Concepción Cabrera de Armida said the following prayer at Mass when the priest raised the chalice at consecration. The Lord showed her that her blood was to be united with His as a united offering. This offering is truly the most perfect way to participate in Holy Mass because love is fulfilled in self immolation in union with the Beloved. Notice that she offered for all. All Love Crucified members say this prayer (or an adaptation) during consecration.
Conchita's prayer is confirmed by the Church's catechism: "Since Christ died for us out of love, when we celebrate the memorial of his death at the moment of sacrifice we ask that... in the strength of this love by which Christ willed to die for us, we, by receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, may be able to consider the world as crucified for us, and to be ourselves as crucified to the world." #1394
Abbreviated version:
Beloved Father!
Through the immaculate hands of Mary, receive my blood. I unite it with the blood of Jesus in the chalice, sacrificing it for love of you, for your priests, my family and for all. Jesus savior of mankind, save them!