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The Keys to progress: To see our own misery, abandonment and perseverance


It is My souls that willingly see their misery revealed to them by My Spirit [and who respond] with cries and tears of sorrow that touch the Heart of Abba, Father, and He quickly comes to embrace them with His forgiveness through My crucified love. Souls advance from this part of My Path (My feet), depending on their docility to the lights of the Holy Spirit on their many patterns of sin. It is here that My path is most strenuous and difficult because each soul must abandon its will to Me. Letting go of human ways and control is difficult for every soul, but, with each response of genuine effort, God pours forth His mercy upon that soul.

The soul that lives wrapped in the gift of knowledge grows in true humility and is then able to advance in My path on the wings of the Holy Spirit. At times, you fall and have setbacks; but do not get discouraged, for these falls are meant to help keep you wrapped in the gift of knowledge, the gift of knowing that you can do nothing without the grace of God. Satan will try to use the tactic of discouragement, making you believe that you cannot continue on this narrow path; it is then that you must beg the Holy Spirit and My Mother to come to your aid, and they will help strengthen you.

It is here, at My feet, that you must persevere with great discipline of spirit, because your spirit is weak because the appetite of your flesh is so strong. As your spirit is strengthened, the appetite of your flesh is weakened. Love is the greatest means to strengthen your spirit. As you come to know Me and experience My love, your spirit is strengthened.
Many never advance from this beginning stage because of lack of perseverance and eventually enter a different path that is more pleasing to their flesh. This is a deep suffering of My Heart and Mary's Heart.
—12/12/11, Simple Path pg.40.

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