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Your Passion of Love

Lyrics and music: Maria Hickein


Esposo mío, ¡amado mío!
My Spouse, my Beloved!

desde el pesebre hasta la Cruz
from the manger to the Cross

Te has entregado a mí en Tu amor crucificado
You have given yourself to me in Your crucified love

Tu corazón me has dado, moriste para mí...
You have given me your heart, You died for me.

y Te has quedado encarcelado
and You remained imprisoned

tanto has amado que para mí 
You have loved so much that for me

te hiciste pan de vida para alimentarme
You became bread of life to nourish me

y de tu amor saciarme... para vivir en mí...
and fill me with Your love... to live in me...

y ahora al fin te digo: «¡Sí!»
and now at last I say, "Yes!"

me entrego toda a Ti
I give myself fully to you

esposa amante y fiel
your loving and faithful bride...

para endulzar con mi beso de amor... la hiel...
to sweeten with my kiss of love ... the gall ...

¡De Tu Pasión de amor!
of Your Passion of love!

Esposo mío, ¡esposo amado!,
My Spouse, my Beloved!

has perdonado a Tu esposa infiel,
You have forgiven Your unfaithful spouse,

me has esperado como eterno enamorado,
You have waited for me as an eternal lover,

y tu beso apasionado es más dulce que la miel...
and Your passionate kiss is sweeter than honey...

en el madero de Tu lecho es donde hoy quiero
on Your Cross-bed is where I now want

amar sin miedo abrazada a Ti en la Cruz,
to love without fear embraced to You on the Cross,

has consumado en mí Tu amor y me has salvado, 
You have consumated in me Your love and You have saved me,

has borrado mi pecado.
You have blotted out my sin

¡Ha triunfado en mí Tu luz!
Your light has triumphed in me!

Y ahora al fin te digo: «¡Sí!»
And now at last I say, "Yes!"

me entrego toda a Ti
I give myself fully to You

esposa amante y fiel
Your loving and faithful bride

para endulzar con mi beso de amor... la hiel...
to sweeten with my kiss of love ... the gall ...

¡De Tu Pasión de amor!
of your Passion of love!

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
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