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How the Love Crucified Community Can Help You Live Your Victimhood

Love Crucified Community has been given the 🔗mission to call forth and form victim souls through The Simple Path to Union with God (a formation book for those wanting to respond to the call to be His victim souls).

The future of My Church depends on My priests becoming true victims of love. You are called to raise My army of holy priests, which will be my army of victim souls. Do not hesitate for the time is short. Preach victimhood, for it holds the power of the love of God. 6/12/11


1. 🔗The Simple Path to Union with God serves as a practical formation guide to becoming one with Jesus Victim. It is a how-to-manual to enter the Cross, and with Mary, the school of the heart.

- It explains the interior martyrdom of the heart as the means to live your daily ordinary life as a victim priest.


- It brings you with Mary to the foot of the Cross to receive the gift of self-knowledge as the means to acquire repentance. It is only through repentance that mercy can flow into your hearts and true transformation take life.


Tell them how much I love them and are seeking them out. I am ready to forgive them and transform them if they come to Me and repent. The time is short. They will each have to stand before My Father to be judged and when they are shown all My sheep that have gone astray, they will not live. I am raising up My army of holy priests. Those that are not with Me, I will spit them out. I have chosen you as My prophet because it is only a mother’s heart that can call My sons to repentance. You must plead and supplicate to them as a mother to her son. 3/21/10 (message given to a Mother of the Cross from the Love Crucified Community)


- It leads you to discover your inner wounds hidden in your heart. These infected wounds are the playground of Satan’s lies that become the source of disordered tendencies, oppressions and barriers that keep you from entering an intimate relationship with Christ.


- It teaches you how to “suffer with him” (Romans 8:17) as a means to enter the intimacy of union that St Paul expresses in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me…”


- You receive St Paul’s understanding that your wounds, united to the wounds of Christ crucified, become the power of God, the power of the Cross, in your life.

- Have you been trying to grasp and explain to others the reasons for the darkness of the times we are living in? Chapter 8 explains in detail through the prophetic voice of the popes and approved apparitions of our Blessed Mother the signs of the time and the hope in seeing the great plan of God through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

🔗See message


2. The audio teachings in this website serve as a formation in living your priest victimhood.

🔗See teachings

3. Would you like your name or intention included in the Love Crucified Community’s weekly prayer list?  🔗Add your name

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Copyright ©2022 .

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