We continue the pilgrimage to
Tepeyac, where Our Lady of Guadalupe came to Juan Diego and to us.

The sign at the foot of hill of Tepeyac reads: "Near this place was the cazanuate tree where Our Lady waited for Juan Diego with the miraculous roses and where she touched them." Next to the sign is the Garden of Roses (right photo).

Juan Diego climbed the hill, as Our Lady told him, to find the roses

Consecration of the Missionaries of the Cross to Our Lady of Guadalupe
On Dec 10, 2016, at the foot of the cross that marks the place where Conchita and Fr. Felix witnessed the foundation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, Lourdes and Fr. Jordi, founders of Love Crucified, consecrated the Missionaries of the Cross to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Angels with Mary
Angels are not the cute characters of fairy tales. They are powerful warriors through which God works. These warriors are at the service of their Queen, Our Blessed Mother. Four of them - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel - guard the Tepeyac Hill, the holy ground where Our Lady of Guadalupe received Juan Diego and, since then, all her children who come with faith to her. The Missionaries of the Cross are called to be like them, a strength that is more than muscles; it is an interior fortitude to live the interior martyrdom to the end.

Above is the Cross that Jesus showed Conchita in a vision, asking her to plant it everywhere as a fountain of grace. His Sacred Heart is at the Cross, Pierced, and produces an explosion of love in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Don't just touch Jesus; plant your hand, representing your heart, fully open, vulnerable, trusting, on His Sacred Heart, and be no longer two but ONE...

Rejoice in the Lord always!
Victim souls reflect the joy of being ONE with Christ and Mary.

Members of LC (four visible) descend Tepeyac with the Church of the miracle of the roses in the background.

Celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe goes on day and night

Celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe goes on day and night