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  • Love Crucified Catholic Community

    WELCOME TO LOVE CRUCIFIED CATHOLIC COMMUNITY "Suffer all with Me, no longer two but one, in My sacrifice of love" LC Updates María Hickein 4 days ago Hijo Pródigo (music) Prodigal Son, song by Maria Hickein, includes lyrics in English Love Crucified Community Feb 24 God's Hidden Victim Souls A Trumpet Call from God for His Victim Souls in These Decisive Times. Messages from Heaven 2006-2024 given to the Love Crucified... Lourdes Pinto Feb 22 Maidens in the Cloister of the Immaculate Heart — Retreat How to be maidens in the cloister of the Immaculate Heart. Now with transcript of teachings. MESSAGES OF JESUS AND MARY MOST RECENT: APRIL 10, 2024 Given to the Love Crucified Community for the Church ​ Encounter Colombia 2024 A CALL TO PRIESTS "How marvelous is the priesthood of the Christian, for he is both the victim that is offered on his own behalf, and the priest who makes the offering. He does not need to go beyond himself to seek what he is to immolate to God... The victim remains and the priest remains, always one and the same…" —Saint Peter Chrysologus READ MORE BOOKS FROM LOVE CRUCIFIED Love Crucified (LC) has published three books inspired by the messages and teachings God has given the community for the Church. ​ The Simple Path , is God's formation manual for His hidden victims of love, the saints of the end times, to usher in the Triumph of Mary with the new Pentecost. ​ God’s Hidden Victim Souls contains the messages received through the LC Community. ​ Teachings on The Simple Path given to the LC community to help live more fully the Simple Path. BOOKS A CALL FOR SPIRITUAL MOTHERHOOD “You will be the mother of a great number of spiritual children, yet they will cost your heart the death of a thousand martyrs. Bring yourself as an offering for the priests. Unite your offering with My offering, to obtain graces for them.” —Blessed Conchita READ MORE Donations Love Crucified is a nonprofit org.

  • Encounter Colombia 2022

    Encounter Colombia 2022 Suyapa came from Honduras to make her covenant with LC. More on her covenant Adoration The joy of the Lord filled the hearts Cleaning the covenant crosses Jaime and Constanza made their consecration to Our Lady and entered the second stage of discernment with LC From left: Fr. Edgar, Adriana, Lourdes, Marcela, Juan Carlos Next Page

  • Victim Soul according to Love Crucified Community

    Victim Soul According to the Love Crucified Comm. Lourdes Pinto , August 23, 2018 Back

  • Spiritual Motherhood for Priest 2019 | Love Crucified

    Spiritual Motherhood for Priests Lourdes Pinto – Germany — February, 2019 ⇧ Notes are here Back

  • Paul: Salvation by Faith | Love Crucified

    St. Paul: "We are Saved by Faith" Fr. Ron Sciera, October 11, 2018 Back

  • Tienes Que Crucificarte –Song | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    TIENES QUE CRUCIFICARTE You Must Crucify Yourself Lyrics and music: María V. Hickein ​ ​ Solo me queda esperarte, solo me queda confiar, All I can do is wait, I can only trust, Que tiene valor amarte, que valió la pena amar That it's worth loving you, that it was worth loving Yo no puedo ir a buscarte, tienes tú que regresar I can not go looking for you, you have to return Tiene Dios que conquistarte y por Él dejarte amar... God has to conquer you and you need to let Him love you... ​ ¡Tienes que... crucificarte! Morir con Cristo en la Cruz You have to ... crucify yourself! Dying with Christ on the Cross Tienes que querer clavarte abrazado a mi Jesús. You have to want to nail yourself embraced to my Jesus. Tienes que... ¡crucificarte! Y en la oscuridad ser Luz... You have to ... crucify yourself! And in the dark be Light ... ¡Ser mi Luz! Be light! Tengo que vivir y amarte en silencio y soledad I have to live and love you in silence and solitude Si he de desencadenarte y comprar tu libertad If I am to unleash you and buy your freedom No he de salir a buscarte, solo te puedo esperar I shall not go looking for you, I can only wait for you Nunca dejaré de amarte, ¡no te dejaré de amar! I will never stop loving you, I will not stop loving you! Tengo que... ¡CRUCIFICARME! Seguir al pie de la Cruz I have to ... CRUCIFY MYSELF! Remain at the foot of the Cross Y por amor desangrarme abrazada a mi Jesús And for love shed blood embraced to my Jesus Tengo que... ¡CRUCIFICARME! Y en la oscuridad ser Luz... ¡Ser tu luz! I have to ... CRUCIFY MYSELF! And in the darkness be Light ... Be your light! ​ ​ ​ Music Page

  • Eucharist: The Hidden Force | Love Crucified

    Eucharist: the Hidden Force Lourdes Pinto — January 25, 2014 Back

  • En Su Amor –Song | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    EN SU AMOR In His Love Lyrics and music: Maria Hickein ​ ​ Unidas a María en sus penas y alegrías, United in Mary, in sorrows and joys, ​ Fue el mismo AMOR, It was the same Love, ​ Fue Él quien nos conquistó, It was Him who conquered us, ​ Y nos fue transformando y purificando, and kept on transforming and purifying us, ​ Hasta formar un solo corazón… Until He form only one heart... ​ En Su amor (2x) In His love (2x) ​ Dos mujeres sencillas, dos madres de familia, Two simple women, two mothers of family, ​ Donde el carisma de Su corazón, Where the charism of His heart, ​ Como una zarza ardiente, un fuego incandescente, As a burning bush, an incandescent fire, ​ Fue apoderándose y nos consumió... Kept taking hold and consumed us... ​ En Su amor (2x) In His love (2x) ​ Dos amigas del Alma en las luchas y en la calma, Two soul friends in struggles and and in calm, ​ Adoradoras del único Dios, Adorers of the one God, ​ Teniendo un mismo anhelo, ser todo Su consuelo y... Having the same longing, to be all His consolation and... ​ Ser Compañeras de Su corazón... His companions of His heart... ​ En Su amor (2x) In His love (2X) ​ Y así de enamoradas, ¡no le negamos nada! And in this love, we do not deny Him anything! ​ Fieles guerreras junto a su Señor, Faithful warriors united to their Lord, ​ De espinas coronadas, con Él crucificadas, Crowned with thorns, with Him crucified, ​ Solo una víctima, una inmolación... Only one victim, one immolation ​ En Su amor (2x) In His love (2x) ​ Music Page

  • Teaching Manual 2020 order form

    Teachings on the Simple Path 2020 Teaching Manual Love Crucified – 2020 Order FIRST NAME / NOMBRE LAST NAME / APELLIDO EMAIL / CORREO ELECTRONICO Line 2/ Segunda linea Street / Calle State/ Estado City / Ciudad Postal / Zip code Phone / Teléfono # BOOKS/LIBROS ENGLISH # BOOKS/LIBROS ESPAÑOL The books are free, but any donation to Love Crucified to help spread this work & defray the cost of publishing & shipping is greatly appreciated. Send Request DONATION *Send request BEFORE donation. Thanks for requesting our book. God bless you. We will ship as soon as possible.

  • How to Enter God's Mercy | Love Crucified

    How to Enter God's Mercy Fr. Jordi Rivero & Lourdes Pinto — 2016 Back

  • Violence of Sorrows -I — Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Violence of Sorrows –Part I Lourdes Pinto – July 28, 2016 Back

  • Coupling Spiritual Box Cars

    Coupling Spiritual Box Cars Fr. Ron Sciera — To men of Love Crucified Comm. 1 December, 2022 Back

  • Saint Paul

    Apostles of light as St. Paul My Missionaries of the Cross are My apostles of light as St. Paul. They will preach My love crucified as one with St. Paul. St. Paul and St. John are their patron saints. They will become one with Love Crucified as St. Paul, therefore, their lives will be a living testimony of My crucified love and the power of the Cross. They will love Me and all with the tenderness of the heart of St. John. They will possess zeal and love…. The Heart of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is all power and tenderness. The hearts of all men must grow in the power of God and the tenderness of God. This healing will come about through the Holy Spirit and Mary Most Holy. Therefore, consecrate yourselves to the Holy Spirit daily through His spouse, Mary Most Holy. The prayers and sacrifices of love of the Mothers of the Cross will be My channel of healing grace for the transformation of My sons’ hearts. 3/18/11 Back

  • Oath of Fidelity

    Oath of Fidelity to the Catholic Church I, ______________________________________________, with firm faith believe and profess each and every thing that is contained in the Symbol of Faith, namely: ​ The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. ___________________________________________ With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the Word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed. I also firmly accept and hold each and every thing definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals. Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise their authentic Magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim these teachings by a definitive act. Back

  • Sorrowful Mysteries – Rosary – Love Crucified Cath. Comm.

    Sorrowful Mysteries ​ INTRODUCTION I want you to be truly one with Me. I wish you to be like a very clear mirror in which is reproduced the image of your Jesus Crucified. I wish you to reflect Me in you, such as I was on the Cross. On your part, abandon yourself simply to receive in you My image. I wish you to be as I am: crowned with thorns, scourged, nailed to the Cross, in desolation, pierced, abandoned… Meditate one by one all these things and be My living portrait in order that My Father find in you His pleasure and pour out His graces on sinners (Diary, April 6, 1895) (Conchita’s Diary, p. 124). Abandon yourself simply by accepting all, the way that it is given to you... Give yourself completely serving all for love of Me. The mission will move forward according to My plan and Will. You are called to be love by sacrificing yourself completely for Love. It is this simple abandonment to each of your lives and circumstances of life I have placed you in, that will produce the hidden force needed to conquer the darkness covering the earth. Abandon yourselves to love the most difficult ones closest to you. Kiss My pierced feet each morning and set yourselves out like warriors on a mission to serve with love, patience, tenderness, slow to anger… (Simple Path p.231) 1. ABANDONED in the Garden of Gethsemane: ​ I was abandoned by all, except for a few, and I abandoned Myself into the Will of My Father, My One and All. I was abandoned by My beloved three apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane, but Abba came to console Me through the angel and I saw each of you, My disciples of consolation and reparation. Abandon yourself simply and daily into My crucified embrace and you will never experience abandonment because you will possess ALL. I suffered abandonment so that you could enter into the fullness of life in the Blessed Trinity, living in the loving embrace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I call you, My family of LC, to suffer all with Me, so that you can serve as My balm to alleviate My pangs of seeing so many of My children, especially My consecrated souls, abandon Me, and at the same time, as My disciples of reparation, your suffering as one with Me saves many form the fires of Gehenna. (Simple Pat h p.93) 2. SCOURGING: “You have the power to heal My wounds” My wounds are the sins of humanity. I bore them all upon My Body to heal them with My love. You have allowed Me to heal your sins through My wounds. Now, your love, which is one with the love of God, has the power to heal My wounds by receiving them, one-by-one, in your heart. In this way you will suffer greatly as one with Love… (11/30/10). 3. THE CROWN OF THORNS: The crown of thorns you see on My head in Calvary represents the thorns that pierced My Heart during My life and continues to pierce My Heart. My Heart was tortured and shredded before I began My Calvary. I received the thorns of ingratitude, denial, indifference, apathy, hatred, rejection, solitude… Can you begin to imagine this My daughter? The God, who so loved the world, was not received and till this day continues to be rejected by all except for a small remnant. Love is not known nor loved by the majority. Have My community, that I want to use to awaken the world to love, ponder these things. 2/26/11 4. NAILED TO THE CROSS: ​ The way of the Cross is a lonely path because few walk this path. You are called to lead many on this path that leads to new life. As they pierced My feet, I blessed all the souls I saw trod the wide path of destruction, lured by the passions of the flesh and world. My blessing with My Blood provided the strength they need to choose the narrow path of life. I also saw you and the few truly following in My footsteps and I blessed you and sealed you with My Blood in perseverance. I now ask you, My blossoming mustard seed, to help guide many out of the path of destruction into the path of life, especially My beloved sons, whom I need to shepherd My people into the safety of My Cross. 3/1/11 The love of God will stretch your love beyond your physical capacities. The expansion of the tent of your hearts is a most painful process. You have to choose to love those most difficult to love. You must always choose love, patience, and tenderness and never give into anger and resentment. The tenderness of God was manifested through My hands. The healing grace of God was transmitted through My hands. I need you to be My hands and to transmit the healing grace of God to your spouses, children and many. It is My tenderness that heals the harshness and hardness of hearts. Radiate My tenderness through your hands. 3/1/11 ( Simple Path p. 294) ​ My children, climb the steps of My feet, My side, My Heart to reach the gaze of My crucified eyes. It is My gaze that will pierce your hearts and heal all pride, self-love and vanity. It is My gaze that will awaken your hearts to love Love Itself. It is through My crucified gaze that you will find the courage to continue in the path of life. It is through My crucified gaze that you will receive the revelations of the mystery of suffering, which is the mystery of love. It is through My crucified gaze that you will desire to be One with The Victim of Love, in which you will desire solely the Cross, in which you will desire the salvation of all your brothers and sisters and forget yourself, in which you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit to lay down your life as My sacrifice of love for the salvation of many. 3/1/11 (Simple Path p.52) 5. Jesus Crucified, IN DESOLATION In desolation is when your life has the greatest power and is most fecund. In My desolation on the Cross My life shown most brilliantly the love of God the Father. My desolation made My faith in My Father radiate its perfection. Through My desolation I gave birth to My Church and all Her sacraments. Through My desolation I gave birth to all My sons, My priests. Through My desolation the Holy Spirit expanded the maternal Heart of My Mother to embrace all of humanity. It is in your times of desolation that the Holy Spirit and My Mother wish to unite you more intimately to Me. It is in your times of desolation that you are given the opportunity and grace to suffer with Me. It is through your desolation that you can come to know the pain, suffering and love of My Heart. It is through your desolation united to Mine that your life will also be most fecund. My desolation was so important for the salvation of the world that the Father willed for My Mother to continue suffering My desolation on earth. Her suffering of solitude was her continuation of My desolation and it produced and continues to produce a shower of graces for the world. I desire for the souls that love Me to live their times of desolation united to Me and completely abandoned to the Holy Spirit. In this way, My hidden force will acquire the power of God to overcome the darkness in the world. My Cross is not My Cross without the power of desolations lived with perfect faith. 3/2/11 (Simple Path p. 210-211) Back

  • Teachings Weekly | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Teachings of the Love Crucified Community Weekly Cenacles Also: 🔗Teachings on the signs of the times and global issues. 20 2 3 ​ How to Live the Passion of the Church Being One with Christ Lourdes Pinto, October 12, 2023 Remain with Me mourning the death of My Bride, the Church. Collect My tears as one with Mary and present them in the chalice of your heart to our Father. 2/25/13 This teaching explains how the union of sorrows with Christ is the perfect prayer to help the Church and console Christ in His agony of love. Am I Resisting Jesus Crucified? Fr. Ron Sciera , October 5, 2023 I love my concept of Jesus, but is it real? Do I seek Him as He truly is? Do I take my cross and follow Him who is Love Crucified? G od Is Leading Us Into the "Land of Mild and Hon ey" Lourdes Pinto , August 17, 2023 The life of Moses and the Israelite people’ s journey to the promised land of milk and honey (Book of Numbers and Deuteronomy) illustrates the message of the Lord given to us on 8/10/23. God is preparing His faithful remnant to have perfect faith and hope in God, who loves us and will never abandon us in trial! Self-Will: Public Enemy #1 Fr. Ron Sciera , August 3, 2023 The monster of self-will lies disguised within us as a strong force that prevents us from receiving self-knowledge of our sins. ​ L ong Suffering Perfects Us in Love Lourdes Pinto, June 22 , 2023 T hrough the grace of long-suffering, you are perfected in love if you allow the Spirit to bring into the light of your conscience the darkness that lives in each of your hearts. This teaching explains, through the lives of Tobit and Sarah, how God uses long-suffering to perfect us in love. Testimony: The Gift of My Accident Lourdes Pinto, June 8, 2023 "Trust, for there isn’t a suffering I permit that will not bring you into the union of love I desire." 7/9/12. This testimony reveals the truth and beauty contained in the above sentence from the Lord. My Light Is Love Lourdes Pinto, March 20, 2023 This teaching is a reflection on a message given by Jesus to the Love Crucified Community for the Church Monday of Holy Week 2023. It explains the Light of God as Love and the process of becoming one with it. These are the souls that become God’s saints of the end times! ​ The Return to Abba Lourdes Pinto, March 16, 2023 God the Father waits for your response to His personal invitation, “Return to Me with all your heart.” This reflection reveals the w ay back to the Father. ​ Rock Bottom In Our Hearts Micah Parsons, March 9, 2023 The Lord cries out to the Missionaries of the Cross through the interc ession of the Mothers of the Cr oss, REMAIN in mourning with Abba and Mary. This teaching explains the lament of Papa (God) and the process of feeling the pain to reach the "Rock bottom, in our hearts." A soul does not ascend high, to UNION with God and Mary, unless the soul hits rock bottom in his heart. P erfe c t L ove Lourdes Pinto, February 16 , 2023 What is perfect love? How do we attain it? Why are there few souls who enter this perfect state of union with God? The few victim souls who reach perfect love are “God’s saints of the end times to usher in His era of peace in the world.” The P urpose of the private revelations in the Simple Path Lourdes Pinto, January 26, 2023 What is God’s purpose through the private revelations contained in the Simple Path? Why are they crucial for these decisive times? This teaching answers these questions and explains how the Holy Spirit, through the Simple Path, rekindles the fire of Christ’s Word in us. Courage 1 & 2 Lourdes Pinto, January 12 & 19, 2023 Jesus explains in a message that “courage is the virtue of the single-hearted” & an act of obedience to His Will, which requires moving through our many fears. Part 1 explains what it means to be single-hearted. Part 2 explains how courage, obedience, and fear are interwoven. ​ ​ 2022 Complete What is Lacking in the Sufferings of Christ Nina Heereman SSD, December 29, 2022 The biblical foundation for Col 1,24. Every Christian is incorporated into Christ to become an offering of love to the Father – one with Christ. Glory of God Lourdes Pinto, December 15, 2022 On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Mother said, persevere in faith, hope, and love during the purification by fire, and God's little mustard seed will experience the glory of God. What does the Glory of God mean? ​ The Entire World Will Experience the Purge of Fire Message from our Blessed Mother, December 8, 2022, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception . Father Ron's Testimony Father Ron Sciera with an introduction by Lourdes Pinto. November 17, 2022 Fr Ron shares some “gold nuggets” he has discovered by struggling to live the Simple Path . Fr Ron and Lourdes reveal the beauty of helping one another walk the narrow path. Testimony of a Missionary of the Cross Orlando Martinez with an introduction by Lourdes Pinto. October 27, 2022 Orlando shares his experience living the Simple Path and how self-knowledge brought him to repentance to experience transformation. Propitiate and Appease the Justice of God Lourdes Pinto – October 20, 2022 Jesus, in the message given to the Love Crucified Community on the feast of St Faustina, states, “Each victim soul has great power to appease the justice of God and propitiate My coming.” This teaching explains the meaning of propitiating and its power in Christ crucified with Mary. Blessed Franz Jägerstätter – A model for our times Jordi Rivero – September 29, 2022 A faithful witness to Christ when most Catholics justified their silence or cooperated with the Nazis. The striking similarities with our times, the arguments used against him, and his responses offer us invaluable lessons. Do You Want to be “Partners with Demons”? Live in Fear Lourdes Pinto – September 22, 2022 Fears hold us in bondage, paralyze us, steal our joy, and prevent us from experiencing the freedom given to us as children of God. If we do not come to know our fears and process them in Christ, we will become “partners with demons” (1 Cor.10:20) and not God’s warriors for these decisive times. Discipleship of Christ vs. Ideologies Fr. Jordi Rivero – September 1, 2022 Only the few who carry the cross as Jesus commands will remain faithful in these decisive times. Meekness Lourdes Pinto – August 25, 2022 In Christ, the meek are the strong, the hidden force of God, the Sword of the Spirit. They are the ones that will fight the great battle against the forces of evil and win through the meekness of Jesus crucified! St. John the Baptist, True Devotion to the Sacred Heart, Part I & II Lourdes Pinto – June 23 and June 30, 2022 The life of St. John the Baptist revealed in Scripture teaches us about true devotion to the Sacred Heart. This teaching compares the virtues of John the Baptist as a man after Jesus’ own heart with the words of the Lord to LC and the Church. Part I covers Faithfulness to his mission, poverty, mortification, sacrifice, simplicity, and humility. Part II: Obedience, audacity, and fidelity in times of doubt. ​ Path to New Life, Heaven on Earth Lourdes Pinto – May 26, 2022 God sent us His Son so that we can begin to live Heaven on Earth through our union with Jesus crucified. The Simple Path prepares us to live in the ecstasy of the love of the Trinity on earth, yet few are aware of this glorious state of life available to us. ​ Patience in Hope Michelle Griffith – May 12, 2022 Michelle teaches us how impatience can derail us from remaining with Jesus in the trials of life, and how we can learn to wait upon Him with confident hope in the good He has planned for us and for countless other souls. Heralds of Hope – II Lourdes Pinto – April 28, 2022 The opposite of hope is despair. What are the causes and symptoms of despair? Can “good Catholics” be lukewarm? How is God bringing hope in despair through The Simple Path? Heralds of Hope Lourdes Pinto – April 21, 2022 What is Christian hope? How do we grow in hope to live in peace and joy? What does it mean to be heralds of hope? Fatima: Respond to Mary like the three children Fr. Jordi Rivero – March 24, 2022 Our Mother not only gave us messages but also three heroic exemplars of how to live them. Lourdes: Why did Our Lady Choose a Dirty Muddy Grotto? Lourdes Pinto – February 17, 2022 Mary –one with Jesus– enters the grotto of our filthy hearts and broken relationships. With her loving gaze, she sets us free to see and love as one with Jesus. Then, with Him, we can enter the grotto of broken hearts and gaze upon them with His light, hope, and love. Few Will Remain Faithful Lourdes Pinto – January 14, 2022 Many followed Jesus with enthusiasm but abandoned Him on Good Friday. The Lord is preparing us for persecution. Who will remain faithful? ​ "Ponder" – Message for the New Year Lourdes Pinto – January 7, 2022 ​ 2021 Living in the Trinity on Earth Lourdes Pinto – December 16, 2021 As we enter the mystery of Mary and her life in the Trinity, we understand God's desire for every creature and the greatest gift of redemption: "consummation into the life of the Holy Trinity to participate in the ecstasy of divine lover" Silence and prayer are the essence to remain in this grace ​ Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Satan Lourdes Pinto – December 2, 2021 What are the highlights of the decisive battle of the present time we are living in? What era comes after the decisive battle is won by the faithful few? What warnings must we be attentive to? Faith in the Promises God has Made Lourdes Pinto – October 21, 2021 ​ COVID-19 –Series Fr. Jordi Rivero –Sept.–Oct. 2021 ​ A Well-Formed Conscience: Critical for These Decisive Times –Part I Lourdes Pinto –September 23, 2021 –Part II Lourdes Pinto –September 30, 2021 The Catechism teaches us that man has in his heart a law inscribed by God, a voice of conscience, that must be formed in the Word of God through the Scriptures, the Church, and Tradition. The “Simple Path” leads us in the formation of our conscience to be attentive and enter the depth of our hearts, to encounter Jesus Christ in all our moral decisions, most especially in times of darkness and turmoil. ​ The Mass – II – COVID-19: A Call to Repentance, Beginning with our Shepherd Lourdes Pinto & Fr. Jordi Rivero – September 3, 2021. AUDIO & VIDEO It is in the power of the Mass that we, as victim souls, most perfectly unite ourselves as One with Christ to His victory on the Cross. The Mass, from beginning to end, provides us the armor to fight as One with Christ in the battle against Satan. Through the Simple Path, we learn how to live “IN” the power of the Cross as One with Mary, in the Holy Spirit, and become His Living Chalices and Living Host in the world. –Eucharist ​ The Mass – I – Battle the Beast in the Power of the Cross Lourdes Pinto – August 26, 2021 It is in the power of the Mass that we, as victim souls, most perfectly unite ourselves as One with Christ to His victory on the Cross. The Mass, from beginning to end, provides us the armor to fight as One with Christ in the battle against Satan. Through the Simple Path, we learn how to live “IN” the power of the Cross as One with Mary, in the Holy Spirit, and become His Living Chalices and Living Host in the world.–Eucharist ​ Living in the comfort of the Sacred Heart Lourdes Pinto – June 10, 2021 The PATH teaches us how to unite our sufferings to the Cross, thus drawing us to share more intimately in the sufferings of the Sacred Heart. It is here where we receive the warmth of His comfort and come to know His love. Then our darkness is unveiled as we are purified through our sufferings and become the sweet aroma of Christ that comforts those around us. Living these decisive times as One with Christ Father Jordi Rivero – May 27, 2021 The Lord teaches us to be attentive to the signs of the times and His formation, then live as One with Him the tribulation. In the Unity of the Trinity Lourdes Pinto – May 20, 2021 The Father and I are ONE; the Father in Me, and I in Him with the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 17). The union of the Trinity is pure love. I came upon the earth to draw you into union with the Most Holy Trinity through the Cross Holy Spirit fullness comes with the Mystical Incarnation Lourdes Pinto – May 13, 2021 Saint Steven's words to his persecutors help us discover our own resistance to the Spirit and the need to circumcise our hearts. ​ The Holy Spirit at Work in the Shake-ups of Our Lives Lourdes Pinto & Fr. Jordi Rivero – May 5, 2021 The shake-ups are opportunities to allow the Spirit to set us free and give us a new life. Originally given to priests, this reflection applies to all. –Part I –Part II ​ You Always Resist the Holy Spirit Lourdes Pinto and Fr. Jordi Rivero – April 22, 2021 Saint Steven's words to his persecutors help us discover our own resistance to the Spirit and the need to circumcise our hearts. The Great Deception Fr. Ron Sciera – April 20, 2021, text only Jesus gave us the Gospel for our salvation. Beware of the government's false gospel of salvation. Calm Dignity Amidst Great Adversity Lourdes Pinto – April 16, 2021 Jesus’ calm dignity amidst horrific persecution reveals Divine Love. When the Holy Spirit transforms us in Christ crucified, we testify to Christ and give God glory through our calm dignity amidst great adversity. This teaching is based on a recent prophetic message given by Jesus to the LC community. ​ What it Takes to Remain and Persevere Fr. Jordi Rivero – January 28, 2021 Jesus reveals the Kingdom of God by revealing His heart, but only those who remain as disciples through trials and, ultimately, the cross, and are willing to renounce their expectations can receive the radical novelty of the Kingdom. ​ ​ 2020 Christ's Crusade of Victim Souls Vs Satan's New World Order – Do Not Be Afraid The time has come! The principalities of darkness are consuming the world. Only through the power of the Cross can we, as His victim souls, battle against this new world order of destruction. We must be formed to perfection in love; purified, blessed, broken, and given as His Living Host so we can live in the joy and peace of His Divine Love and be His light in the present darkness. We must believe He is making all things new! –Part I Lourdes Pinto – November 19, 2020 –Text & audio –Part II Lourdes Pinto – December 10, 2020 –Text & audio –Part III –Fear No Longer Had a Hold on Them Lourdes Pinto – January 7, 2021 –Text & audio Fear, doubt, and anxiety grow in this time of darkness and turmoil in the Church and in the world. Scripture and messages of Our Lord tell us, “Do not fear.” But how are we to move beyond fear? Our Lord has been preparing us to confront and conquer our fears by keeping focused on His gaze and not the chaos around us. He challenges us to enter in deep silence into the intense suffering around us to be perfected in love. For perfect love drives out fear! –Part IV –Fear No Longer Had a Hold on Them – II Lourdes Pinto – January 14, 2021 –Text & audio "Who will remain faithful during the great and terrible persecution. The Pope & Remaining in the Bark Jordi RIvero – November 5, 2020 –Text & audio Remaining with Peter in the storm. Jesus gave Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though Jesus had to rebuke him, he confirmed his call. We need to remain with Peter in bark even if we are troubled by some of his statements. ​ The Blood of Christ United With His Martyrs of Love Will Save the World Lourdes Pinto & Fr. Jordi Rivero –October 22, 2020 –Text & audio Christ's Blood is the gift of Himself, which contains the power of His love, yet it has been trampled on. The world offers Satan more innocent blood. We are called to unite the blood of the martyrs with the Lord's, to be ONE with Christ, our Spouse, to shed tears of pure love with Him. This is the power that casts out evil and propitiates a New Pentecost for the salvation of the world. ​ Warn and Awaken My People –Part I Lourdes Pinto –September 24, 2020 United to Jesus in His groans, we speak the truth in love. –Part II Lourdes Pinto – October 15, 2020 ​ Eucharistic Reign Lourdes Pinto –September 10, 2020 Our vocation is to adore Eucharistic Jesus. The growth of evil is due to our indifference toward the Eucharist. ​ Power of Intercession —3 Parts Lourdes Pinto, July - Aug 2020 The Lord is forming us in our Love Crucified mission to be His “pure Intercessors of love” before the throne of God. We are His warriors of love who hold the power to aid in the protection & salvation of many souls. This power is Christ: the Sword of the Spirit. ​ Sword of the Spirit —2 Parts Lourdes Pinto & Jordi Rivero – August 1, 2020 How to battle. ​ Pray Unceasingly; The Battle Has Begun Lourdes Pinto – June 25, 2020 Prepare your hearts and souls in deep prayer, silence, and in the love of pure suffering, for the time of God’s justice is at hand. ​ Preparation in the Spirit of John the Baptist – The Illumination Lourdes Pinto – June 25, 2020 We are called to be prophets preparing others to receive the illumination of the Holy Spirit, but we must allow the Lord to prepare us. ​ Labor of Love Lourdes Pinto – May 28, 2020. In this talk, we come to understand the importance of preparing ourselves to embrace and even come to desire, the tribulations of our lives as opportunities to grow in deeper union with the love of the Most Holy Trinity. As Christ's desolations on the Cross brought forth the great fruit of salvation, like a woman in labor pains, we, too, in our desolations, can bring forth the joy of new life. The union of sorrows draws us into the union of love! ​ Covenant in Love Crucified Community Lourdes Pinto – May 7, 2020 What is a covenant and its application to our community ​ Divine Mercy Message has an Expiration Date –YouTube 📺 Fr. Ron Sciera – April 18, 2020 Jesus gave us an urgent message through St. Faustina: Those who do not enter His mercy will enter His justice. Do not delay! ​ Receive My Tears Lourdes Pinto – March 26, 2020 This reflection draws us to enter the deep sorrow and “tears” the Lord sheds, not just for all humanity, but for “me” personally. He invites us to receive His tears as a gift that will draw us to pure, heartfelt repentance for our sins. He pleads for us to remain with Him, to collect His tears and present them as ONE to the Father, for our salvation and that of the whole world. His Living Tabernacles in the World –as St. Joseph Lourdes Pinto – March 19, 2020 At a time when many churches throughout the world are being closed, the Lord is forming and preparing us to be His living hosts in the world. He desires our homes and families to become His sanctuaries, where He is adored and glorified so that His presence can be truly alive in our hearts and in the world. As St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother, let us live united to the Will of the Father, in hidden prayer and deep silence as God's pure victims of love to pierce the darkness that surrounds us with the Light of Christ! ​ Stations of the Cross Lived with Jesus Lourdes Pinto – February 27, 2020 Let us enter this season of Lent as a time of mourning, as a time to delve into a deep purification of heart and sincere repentance before God. Only by coming to know our true misery, can we begin to be transformed more perfectly in Love. Let us not just pray the Stations of the Cross, but like Mary, live the Stations as ONE with Jesus, in His agony, His cry, His silence, and in His humility. ​ Loving With Christ Restores Manhood and Womanhood Lourdes Pinto – February 13, 2020 Based on her teaching, "Tenderness in Mercy" (Oct. 5, 2017). Our authentic manhood and womanhood are restored as we begin to live #88 from the Simple Path, in which Jesus teaches us to love as He loves. ​ 2019 ​ Book of Revelation 8: "Pure Incense" Lourdes Pinto & Fr Jordi Rivero – November 14 & 21, 2019 "Pure incense " is the prayer of the saints. In God, it has power. ​ Book of Revelation 14: "First Fruits" Lourdes Pinto & Fr Jordi Rivero – November 21, 2019 "First Fruits": Those who remain faithful in trials and prepare the way of Christ for others. ​ Testimony: The Power of the Hidden Force Juan Carlos y Lilian – November, 2019 ​ Misery Draws Mercy Lourdes Pinto – October 17, 2019 Through the life of St Faustina, Lourdes explains how the light of God wants to reveal to us our misery so that through this knowledge, we can enter His mercy. When we come face-to-face with our misery, we begin to live totally dependent on God, and the fruit of this grace is freedom and joy. ​ Divine Mercy: Ess ence of the Simple Path Lourdes Pinto – September 19, 2019 . ​ Trust: Will Jesus be Impressed with Yours? Fr. Ron Sciera – September 13, 2019 Through examples of personal experience, Fr. Ron Sciera asserts that, as we grow in the knowledge of God's mercy, so we must grow in trust, knowing that He is with us in all situations and will bring good out of our worst trials if we trust Him. Trust is essential to become a victim of merciful love. ​ Hypocrisy in Me? –Purity of Intention —Part –I Lourdes Pinto – June 11, 2019 —Part –II Lourdes Pinto – June 11, 2019 In these talks, Lourdes Pinto reflects on a homily by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, “Blessed are the Pure in Heart for they Shall see God”, by exploring our tendency of hypocrisy. She calls us to recognize how our attitudes, words, and actions are often motivated by our desire for recognition, our need to make a good impression, and please others. The weapon against our hypocrisy begins by being attentive to our hearts and acknowledging every incident of our own hypocrisy. Only then can we begin the process of humbly correcting our heart's intentions. ​ Most Precious Blood —Part-I Lourdes Pinto – May 30, 2019 Receiving the Blood of Christ as victims of love, we become ONE with Him. —Part-II Lourdes Pinto – June 6, 2019 —Part-III Lourdes Pinto – June 13, 2019 ​ Holy Spirit Reveals Jesus Jordi Rivero – May 23, 2019 Joy Lourdes Pinto – April 4, 2019 –text & audio. ​ Our Present Situation Jordi Rivero – March 14, 2019 ​ Prayer of pure Suffering – my testimony Hector Ramos – January 24, 2019 Hector, a member of Love Crucified, has been paraplegic for 18 years —he tells us these are the most blessed years of his life as they have brought them to be one with Jesus. ​ Are you God's Masterpiece? Fr. Ron Sciera – January 17, 2019 Father reminds us that God uses our suffering and difficult life experiences to heal us and draw us to Himself. ​ Docility to the Holy Spirit Fr. Jordi Rivero – January 10, 2019 ​ ​ 2018 Proximity, a Revolution of Tenderness Lourdes Pinto – December 13, 2018 "I see clearly that the thing the Church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. I see the Church as a field hospital after battle." —Pope Francis ​ Book of Revelation: Prepare for the Battle and the Eucharistic Reign Lourdes Pinto – November 27, 2018 The Book of Revelation helps us to see how living The Simple Path to Union with God is the preparation to be ONE with Christ, among the “144,000” saints –the holy remnant of victim souls, sealed with the power of the Cross to proclaim the glory of God’s plan, conquer Satan and usher in the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus and the New Pentecost for the Church. ​ Poverty, Rich Young Man Lourdes Pinto – October 18, 2018 The Lord's words to "sell what you have and give to the poor" must be discerned by each person with the Spirit of total transparency before God wanting to truly know the "one thing that I personally lack." The spirit of poverty is allowing God to strip us interiorly of our desires, expectations, plans, attachments, securities, and consolations in order to be emptied so that we can be filled with Christ. Related to Chapter 5-D in the Simple Path ​ St. Paul: We are Saved by Faith Fr. Ron Sciera – October 11, 2018 In this teaching, Fr. Ron takes St. Paul's letter to the Galatians and Romans to explain his identity and mission to profess Christ Crucified to the Gentiles. Our faith and transformation come not from the law, but from Christ Crucified, received by the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. This message is one central to our identity and mission in Love Crucified Like Paul, we strive to become ONE with Christ Crucified..."no longer I who live but Christ who lives in Me" (Galatians 2:20). ​ Crisis of Faith, What Is It About? Fr. Jordi Rivero – September 27, 2018 ​ Storm in the Church —Part I Lourdes Pinto – September 13, 2018 We are now living a storm within our Catholic Church. We need to live it in the same way we have learned to live the storms in our personal lives. How do we know when to stay quiet and when to confront? —Part II Lourdes Pinto – September 20, 2018 Jesus has brought to light the darkness in the Church so that she can overcome Satan's power of darkness and hiddenness. Now, there is an opportunity for repentance so that conversion, healing, and transformation can take place. In order to bring to life the darkness in others, we first must be committed to bringing to the light the darkness within ourselves. ​ Victim According to the Spirituality of Love Crucified Lourdes Pinto – August 23, 2018​ The vocation to be a victim soul is a total oblation to the Father in Christ. It is not based on how much we suffer. There are persons who suffer much and do not have the call to Love Crucified. This vocation is lived and confirmed by living the Simple Path to Union with God. ​ Crisis of Faith and Scandals Fr. Jordi Rivero – August 9, 2018 How are we to respond to all the scandals, turmoil, despair, and crisis of faith we see around us? We are called to look at the crucified and united to His sacrifice of love, bring comfort, healing, and salvation to those He places before us. ​ Faith; Do I Believe? —Part I Lourdes Pinto – July 19, 2018 God loves us and His mission so much that He desires to make our faith PERFECT. For our mission to be ESTABLISHED firmly, each of us MUST BELIEVE what the Lord has said to us. Our FAITH must be witnessed in the way we live the storms, piercings, and thorns in our flesh. If any of us continue to believe with our minds, but not in the way we act in our daily lives, then our mission and community will not be firm. Related to Chapter 5-F in the Simple Path —Part II Lourdes Pinto – July 26, 2018 What to do when we enter a storm (trials, challenges...). This is the process to go from our suffering to self-knowledge, to repentance, to more perfect faith. Related to Chapter 5-F in the Simple Path. —Part III Lourdes Pinto – August 16, 2018 Through the interior work of the heart in silence, our painful relationships enter into the embrace of God and become redemptive. Related to Chapter 5-B in the Simple Path. ​ Mustard Seed Lourdes Pinto – June 21, 2018 Like the tiny mustard seed, the Host appears a small and insignificant piece of bread, yet contains God Almighty. Our Lord calls us His little "mustard seeds." This expression contains a great mystery for us and contains the manner in which we will be transformed into God's Living Host. Trust Inspired by the Annunciation Fr. Jordi Rivero – April 12, 2018 The Annunciation teaches us how God relates to us and what it means to truly trust Him. Jesus is asking us to respond like Mary, to partake in His love, as co-redeemers, to save many through the power of our hidden lives, united as One with Him. The creator of the universe begs each of us to bring his love and salvation to many. ​ In the World but not of the World Lourdes Pinto – March 1, 2018 –Text & audio. The Lord tells us: "I need souls who receive the brokenness of other souls and suffer for them as one with me solely for love, souls immersed in the darkness of this world to fight as my soldiers of light...these are my hidden victim souls in the world living through Me, with Me, and in Me. " ​ Solomon's Unfaithfulness Lourdes Pinto – February 8, 2018 Like Solomon, we, too, run the risk of going astray, becoming proud, and being unfaithful to the Lord. Unless we fight against disordered attachments and hardened hearts, and live in the knowledge that without God's love and mercy, we too are capable of great sin. ​ Perseverance Through Love of the Cross Fr. Jordi Rivero – February 2, 2018 –text only The only way to holiness is perseverance through the love of the Cross, as St. Cyril of Jerusalem instructs us. "Even in a time of persecution, let the Cross be your joy." ​ Knowing Self and Others in Christ & Satan's Strategy Lourdes Pinto – January 18, 2018 The Holy Spirit reveals to us who we have become that we are not. Who we truly are in Christ begins to blossom through this revelation. ​ ​ 2017 Remain with Me, Learning from the Joyful Mysteries Lourdes Pinto – December 21, 2017 ​ Tenderness in Mercy Lourdes Pinto – October 5, 2017 Christ receives our wounds and bears them upon His Body to heal us with His tenderness in mercy and asks us to do the same. ​ Mount your Horses Through the Storm Lourdes Pinto – September 21, 2017 We mount our horses by recognizing and embracing each "storm" or piercing in our lives as a great grace and believe that our hidden lives lived with great courage and zeal can defeat the darkness through the power of our silence. ​ Canaanite Woman's, Faith Lourdes Pinto – August 10, 2017 Called to combat - mount horses; the contrast between the response of the Israelites (book of Numbers) and the Canaanite woman of Mt. 15:21-28. ​ Steadfast in the Truth we have Received Lourdes Pinto – July 30, 2017 We are His HERALDS OF HOPE, never of doom!!! Please remember to always see the darkness taking place in the world in light of who we are and our mission, and transmit this MESSAGE OF HOPE to all!! ​ Eucharist Series —Part I – The Love of God is the Eucharist Lourdes Pinto – June 22, 2017 –text & audio —Part II – The Love of God is the Eucharist Part II Lourdes Pinto & Aimee DeGrange – June 29, 2017 –text —Part III – Participation in the Eucharistic Life of Jesus/Living Host Lourdes Pinto – July 13, 2017 –text & audio —Part IV – Participation in the Groans of Jesus Lourdes Pinto – July 20, 2017 –text & audio ​ Holy Spirit Received by Victim Souls – Become Living Hosts Lourdes Pinto – June 15, 2017 –text only ​ Living Chalices Lourdes Pinto – April 20, 2017 –audio Before a Chalice can carry the blood of Christ, it must be purified and consecrated. We, too, must be purified and healed of the wounds we carry, if we are to be One with His blood and become Living Chalices, his vessels of mercy, love, and healing to others. ​ Gratitude Lourdes Pinto – April 20, 2017 –audio Gratitude is the opposite of resentment. How do we get rid of the hidden resentments hidden in our hearts? ​ Salted with Fire, Mark 9 Lourdes Pinto and Fr Ron Sciera – January 27, 2017 –audio The Simple Path brings us into the Sacred Heart to be consumed in the fire of the Holy Spirit. This fire purifies us so that we become the image and likeness of God. ​ Pure Suffering Lourdes Pinto – January 12, 2017 –text & audio The Lord calls us to receive as He did the wombs, brokenness, and oppression of humanity so that we can radiate His light in the darkness. "Only Love radiates the light of God...Love receives her. wounds and bears them upon His body." This teaching leads us through the steps to fruitful suffering: 1. Thank God, 2. Accept, 3. Suffer with Christ, 4. Intercede. ​ Missionaries of the Cross; identity Lourdes Pinto — January 5, 2017 –audio ​ ​ 2016 ​ Violence of Sorrows —Part I Lourdes Pinto – July 28, 2016 –audio —Part II Lourdes Pinto – August 4, 2016 –audio ​ Faith, to Become the Sword of the Spirit Lourdes Pinto - May 19, 2016 –text & audio. ​ 2015 ​ Cana; New Relationships Between Men and Women Lourdes Pinto – February 12, 2015 –text & audio. ​ ​ 2014 Love Casts Out Fear Lourdes Pinto – January 8, 2014 –text & audio ​ ​ 2012 or earlier ​ Sword of the Sufferer —Part I Lourdes Pinto – 2011 —Part II Lourdes Pinto – 2011 —Part III Lourdes Pinto – 2011 ​ The Cross is the Treasure/Spiritual Motherhood Lourdes Pinto, 2011 Mary accompanies Jesus to the Cross and becomes one heart with Him in His sacrifice of love. Mary desires to bring each soul to the Cross to be transformed into Love. The feminine heart has the capacity to love passionately and to sacrifice. This feminine force is at the heart of spiritual motherhood. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Top of Page ⬆︎

  • Tears | Love Crucified

    Tears Lourdes Pinto – 2016 Back

  • In the Unity of the Trinity

    In the Unity of the Trinity Lourdes Pinto – May 20, 2021 Back

  • Open Our Hearts to the Holy Spirit | Love Crucified

    Open Our Hearts to the Holy Spirit Lourdes Pinto, March 2017 Beginning Reflection of Retreat: ​ Simple Path pp.8-9: Pope Benedict XVI “God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us” (Rom 5:5). Nevertheless, it is not enough to know the Spirit; we must welcome Him as the guide of our souls, as the “Teacher of the interior life” who introduces us to the Mystery of the Trinity, because He alone can open us up to faith and allow us to live it each day to the full. Pope Francis Trust in the Holy Spirit, for it is He who “helps us in our weakness” (Rom 8:26). But this generous trust has to be nourished, and so we need to invoke the Spirit constantly. … It is true that this trust in the unseen can cause us to feel disoriented: it is like being plunged into the deep and not knowing what we will find. I myself have frequently experienced this. Yet there is no greater freedom than that of allowing oneself to be guided by the Holy Spirit, renouncing the attempt to plan and control everything to the last detail, and instead, letting him enlighten, guide and direct us, leading us wherever he wills. The Holy Spirit knows well what is needed in every time and place Holiness is life in the Holy Spirit. The Path is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Path became the result of our listening to Christ in the Holy Spirit. Are these two reflections how we live our lives? Do we invoke the Holy Spirit before we pray and read the Path? Bring to your conscience your concerns, troubles, issues, for example with spouse, child, work, health. How are you living these situations in your life according to life in the Spirit. Back

  • Wedding at Cana | Love Crucified Community

    Canaanite Women's Faith Lourdes Pinto – August 10, 2017 The con trast between the Israelites in the desert and the Canaanite woman –Lourdes Pinto, cenacle of 8/10/17 ​ My little one, know that I am pleased with you because you have responded to the cry of My voice. My little one, this is a time of an outpouring of grace for My little mustard seed. You are each being given the grace to be transformed into My living hosts to bless, release from bondage, and set free countless souls. See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. –6/8/17 *Respond by suffering all with Me in My sacrifice of love. *Respond with courage and zeal, believing that God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. *Believe that as My warriors – the hidden anawims of God – you have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. *Remain steadfast in living daily what I have taught you. *Do not be afraid, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is close at hand. *Usher in the triumph of our Two Hearts. Trust in the words I speak in your heart and share them with perfect faith and hope in the God who loves you. Go in peace. ​ Numbers 13 & 14 The Israelites, after having lived the parting of the Red Sea, being fed miraculously with the manna every morning and quails every evening, witnessing the face of Moses shining with the Light of God after having spoken to Him face-to-face, seeing the presence of God in a cloud over the tent, finally arrive at the land of Canaan. Upon arriving, the Lord sends Moses to “reconnoiter” (make a military observation of a region) the land of Canaan, and says, “which I am giving the Israelites.” (Numbers 13:1). But after observing the territory, they are frightened because the men of this land are too strong for them. (13:31) Some begin to doubt, and this leads them into Satan’s trap of discouragement, and they begin to grumble against Moses and Aaron: “All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, the whole community saying to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt,” or “If only we would die here in the wilderness! Why is the Lord bringing us into this land only to have us fall by the sword? Our wives and little ones will be taken as spoil. Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let us appoint a leader and go back to Egypt.” (Numbers 14:2-4) They are not able to believe that God will do the impossible with the impossible. Fear becomes an obstacle to faith. The spirits of fear, doubt, and discouragement quickly spread among the entire community. It’s amazing how quickly fear, confusion, discouragement, and despair can spread throughout a group of people. The Lord also has warned us about this happening in the world: ​ Message of Jesus, 7/17/15 Soon and very soon, Justice as the illumination will be knocking at your doors. There will be great moaning and grinding of teeth. Many will despair. There will be confusion. But those who have been made clean by the blood of the Lamb will experience the glory of God... Know who you are... ​ Message of Jesus, 8/10/12 Soon the world as you know it will cease to exist. My followers will be persecuted. You will be hunted down as beasts are pursued in secret, hidden, and captured. There will be much wailing in the streets of Jerusalem. Be attentive, for the justice of God is now approaching the world. It will visit you as a thief in the night. My messages must now be published, ‘It Is My Victim Souls That Will Conquer The Dragon; Bring Me Victim Souls!’ (Then Jesus asked me to go to His Word (the Bible) to confirm what He just said. I opened to 1 Samuel 20:24-42.) The beast will pursue you as Saul pursued David... The beast shall die. He will be killed by the Word of the Cross, which is the Sword of the Spirit. Be My sword! Because of Israel’s lack of faith and obstinacy, the Lord is forced to punish them. Corresponding to the number of days you spent reconnoitering the land—forty days—you shall bear your punishment one year for each day: forty years. Thus, you will realize what it means to oppose me. (Numbers 14: 34) We can very easily read these stories of the Israelite nation and judge them, and yet fail to see ourselves in the many difficult situations that God has permitted in our lives and our lack of faith also. We forget the many times that we, too, have grumbled against others and God in the storms of our lives. We, too, forget how God has been providing for us all our lives. We can have this same spirit even within our Love Crucified community.​ Like with the Israelites, God has been leading us, His little mustard seed, by the hand. He has been speaking to us, warning us, forming us, showing great signs and wonders, and promising us truly amazing things. Message of Jesus, 8/6/17 See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. ​ God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. You have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. Do we, too, forget these promises, like the Israelites, every time we are confronted with an impossible situation? How do we grumble?​ ​ We must REPENT of our lack of trust. Pray PSALM 51 with the groans of your heart united to the groans of the Spirit! ​ MATHEW 15: 21-28 –The Canaanite woman’s faith Then Jesus went from that place and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” 23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. His disciples came and asked him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” 24 [j]He said in reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But the woman came and did him homage, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 He said in reply, “It is not right to take the food of the children[k] and throw it to the dogs.” 27 She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.” 28 Then Jesus said to her in reply, “O woman, great is your faith![l] Let it be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour. We need to have the same spirit of the Canaanite woman and learn from her, for Jesus was using this pagan woman to teach us something of great wealth. ​ 1. First, she makes herself VULNERABLE and is willing to look like a fool, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” Trust believes and always looks foolish to the eyes of the world. True trust is rooted in humility. What have we learned about humility? Humility requires that we know God and ourselves. The Canaanite woman knows that Jesus is Lord and that she is a “dog”, a pagan, unworthy of anything. 2. She PERSEVERES, even when Jesus “did not say a word in answer to her.” Even the disciples look at her with repulsion because they say to Jesus, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” Then Jesus finally answers her with the reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This woman could have easily entered and reacted from the wound of rejection, but she perseveres in faith, knowing who Jesus is. ​ Through humility and purity, you will quickly attain perfection in all the other virtues if you persevere in prayer. (03/04/11) Path #28 Persevere in wearing the crown of many thorns. Path #41 Are you willing, My little ones, to allow your hearts to be pierced as ONE with My Mother’s for the cleansing of My priesthood and the salvation of many? Do not grow stubborn, but persevere in love by suffering all as ONE with My Pierced Sacred Heart and the pierced Immaculate Heart . Path #76 3. She approaches Jesus and does Him HOMAGE, “Lord help me.” She acknowledges her nothingness and begs for His help because she is convicted of who He is. This conviction of the truth that Jesus is God, all-powerful and mighty, able to do the impossible, keeps her in homage before the Lord. The prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving should be your every breath. Path #97 This is why suffering all your sorrows with Me is so beneficial for your soul, because, in that process, you touch the open wounds of My love for you. This perfects a soul quickly in abandonment and trust until you come to experience all, the good and what you perceive as bad, as a gift of My love for you. The gift of knowing with your mind, heart, and soul that the love of God only desires to make of you the new creation you were created to be from the beginning of time, a creation in the image and likeness of God as holy sons and daughters of the Most High. Path #115 My Mother lived her life in praise of the Father. She lived in the constant awareness of who the Father is. Her soul was in a constant state of awe. Path #20 4. Her FAITH AGAIN IS TRIED by Jesus, “It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” These seemingly harsh words from the Lord do not seem to distress her in any way. Her faith in Christ is anchored in the knowledge of her nothingness and that Jesus is everything, and she proclaims from the depth of her humble heart: “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.” Our faith, too, must be tried in the furnace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. ​What seemingly harsh words from others can set me off and bring me into anger, doubt and discouragement? 5. Jesus, through her faith, casts out the demon hurting her daughter. ​ ​ These angels of death can only be fought through Me, with Me, and in Me, in the power of the Spirit, through the Cross. I am dressing My soldier of light in My humility, purity, and childlike innocence. He must live knowing his nothingness and weakness, for it is I who am everything, all power, and might. Pray for greater trust and abandonment so that the authority of My Spirit can be stirred into flame in him to cast out the demons of hell. The hidden force of My little mustard seed (LC Community) is the power of God’s force moving through him. – Message of Jesus, 8/3/17 The Lord has called us to fight against the demons of hell. For this, we must ponder the striking difference between the hearts of the Israelites and this pagan woman. The Lord in this message makes it very clear that we, too, like the Canaanite woman, must be humble, pure, and have a childlike innocence. We must know who we are – nothing – and who God is – everything, all power, and might. We must all pray for perfect TRUST and ABANDONMENT rooted in true humility so that we do not continue falling in Satan’s trap of responding through our wounded hearts, but rather, through hearts steadfast in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE! ​ To have the humility and faith of the Canaanite woman is rare. We too must be transparent before God to recognize, through self-knowledge, how our hardened hearts continue to be like the Israelite people. We must understand that we are in a process, from hearts like the Israelites to hearts of great faith and trust like the Canaanite woman. God is promising us transformation into living hosts, and we must be receptive and docile to this process. Image: Carl Christian Constantin Hansen –Christ and the Canaanite Woman Back

  • Our Family in Heaven | Love Crucified

    Our Family in Heaven ​ Jose with his wife Macu (left) and Mónica. Mónica Ríos March 22, 1972 — February 1, 2020† Jose Arruñada March 4, 1958 — December 9, 2020† Below: His last Easter letter Below: Letter of his last Easter. Luz Angélica Sierra Román October 6, 1959 — October 11, 2021† Adrián Marrero LC covenant: May 29, 2014 April 2, 2023 † Back to Photo Gallery

  • Labor of Love | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Labor of Love Lourdes Pinto – May 28, 2018 Back

  • Meekness – the virtue

    Meekness Lourdes Pinto, August 25, 2022 In Christ, the meek are the strong, the hidden force of God, the Sword of the Spirit. They are the ones that will fight the great battle against the forces of evil and win through the meekness of Jesus crucified! See also: " Calm Dignity " Back

  • Eucharistic Adoration – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Prayers Reach Heaven The prayers of the Mothers of the Cross are heard by My Father in Heaven. They are a sweet fragrance that reach heaven. These mothers are My Father's white lilies. They have been purified in My blood... Believe, My daughter, believe. — 11/24/08 Participate in My Body and Blood Most people partake of My Body and Blood, but few desire to participate in My Body and Blood. “The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the Body of Christ?” In order to become One Body in Me you must respond to participate in living in My Body and Blood. In the Eucharist, I give of Myself fully to you and you partake, meaning that you receive Me; but then you must respond to this gift of Love by giving yourself to Me. You must give Me your blood in sacrifice and your body, which is your will. In the Eucharist, I Am the Victim of Love. In order for you to become ONE BODY, ONE BLOOD in Me you must respond to become My victim of love, a victim united as ONE to The Victim. What is required of My creature is her response, her “Fiat,” then the power of My Spirit, the Holy Spirit, brings about this perfect union. It is at the foot of the Cross with My Mother that you receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit from My pierced side. It is He who will lead you through the narrow path of My Cross to perfect union in Me. — 6/26/11, Simple Path #55 p.168. Back ​

  • Teachings by Topic | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Teachings of the Love Crucified Community Teachings by Topic Crisis in the Church The Cross Eucharist Faith Gratitude Holy Spirit Joy Living Chalices/Living Hosts Martyrdom of the Heart Mercy Poverty Prophetic preparation Self-Knowledge Silence Spiritual Motherhood Suffering Tenderness Trust Victim Souls

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