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Love Crucified encounter with Regnum Christi

Medellin, Colombia, 2020


Come to Me, says the Lord...


My gaze is upon each of you. I see your struggles; I know your trials; I feel and suffer your sorrows; I collect your tears; I suffer with each of you.

Have perfect faith in the God that loves you… Believe in the power of your hidden ordinary lives lived through Me, with Me and in Me, ONE with Me, no longer two. Believe in My crucified love, in the power of My crucified gaze to penetrate all darkness. My gaze is upon you; allow Me to heal your wounds and purify all darkness.  —Diary of a MOC p.59 on the Path.

Heart to heart sharing the Path...


My desire for you, My thirst for each of you, is to make you My living icons. My little ones, suffer all with Me, gazing upon My crucified love so that your suffering can perfect your faith and you can become My living chalices poured upon the world, redeeming, restoring and purifying with Me. Learn to wait upon the Lord, for that proves your love and perfects your trust.  —continuation of the above


The soul that lives wrapped in the gift of knowledge grows in true humility and is then able to advance in My path on the wings of the Holy Spirit. At times, you fall and have setbacks; but do not get discouraged, for these falls are meant to help keep you wrapped in the gift of knowledge, the gift of knowing that you can do nothing without the grace of God.


The Lords heals my wounds and fills me with joy...

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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