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  • Colombian Prophecies (text) | Love Crucified

    Colombian Prophecies Lourdes Pinto | Colombia, Foyer de Charité, June 2014 June 24 Colombia has been a chosen land of God destined to bring the Light of God to the world. Colombia has been showered with heavenly graces, and therefore, Satan has also come to spread his darkness and lies. My Colombian people need to repent with tears of supplication and the sacrifice of a contrite heart. My Love Crucified has now entered this country through the living sacrifice of My victim souls of love and reparation. I desire to raise up My army of victim souls in Colombia to pierce de darkness of Satan. Many of my Colombian people have fallen asleep, and like a thief in the night, Satan has entered and planted his seeds of discord, sin and evil. I am now entrusting you the mission to raise up My army of victim souls, for the future of this country selected by God to be the salt of the world, is in danger. Do not be afraid to proclaim My Love Crucified as the way to conquer Colombia back to God. June 25 Cf. Jeremiah 16:5 My people have forsaken Me with the idols of adultery, the occult, lust and impurities of all kinds… God in His infinite mercy is granting the people of Colombia a certain amount of time to repent… They need to turn their eyes toward My love crucified. The Holy Spirit, through the power of My love crucified, will grant them the gift of self-knowledge, to see with new eyes the darkness within them. Then, as they repent, I will come and raise them out of the pit of hell… It is the grace of my victim souls that God will use to bring many to this repentance of heart, mind and soul. Love crucified is now to enter Colombia with the force of the Holy Spirit to help raise up my victims of love for the great battle has begun… Back

  • Franz Jagerstatter – Martired by the Nazis

    Franz Jägerstätter Fr. Jordi Rivero A faithful witness to Christ when most Catholics justified their silence or cooperated with the Nazis. The striking similarities with our times, the arguments used against him, and his responses offer us invaluable lessons. Village of St. Radegund parish church where Blessed Franz is buried Mrs. Franziska Jagierstatter, Franz's widow, with their daughter during our visit, Oct 7, 2008 –Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (Victory at Lepanto). Back

  • Contact us | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Contact us at: Adriana Prieto and Maria Hickein respond to the messages for Love Crucified. Love Crucified Community 105 Riverbrooke Rd. Covington GA. 30016 USA Optional donation

  • Identity of a Mother of the Cross – II | Love Crucified

    Identity of a Mother of the Cross — part II Lourdes Pinto — December 6, 2014 Back

  • Cross, New Life and the LC Mission | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    The Cross, New Life and the Love Crucified Mission Lourdes Pinto, March 2017 Reflection II ​ #9 The Cross, New Life and the LC Mission ​ My daughter, My Cross without Me is nothing but agony; My Cross with Me is new life. I came, My little one, to bring you new life. Your life without the saving grace of My Precious Blood is death and darkness. I came to restore you to your original state of grace as a daughter of the Father, a daughter who is pure and holy as God is pure and holy, a daughter created for Love and to be love, a daughter to reflect and radiate the beauty of God Himself. ​ The Lord begins by telling us why He came. Reflection: - Am I being restored? - In what specific ways have I become a new man or woman? What changes do I see in myself from the time I began in LC? Since last year? -If I do not see any changes in myself, why not? The Cross is your sole wealth and happiness on earth because it is your path to new life. It is the place of encounter between a creature and the Trinity. Yes, My daughter, that place of encounter with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You enter the Cross through the gate of My Mother. She accompanies you to the foot of the Cross to kiss My pierced and wounded feet. This first encounter is the awakening of your soul. It is through this act of humble love, in imitation of My Mother, in which you receive the gift of knowledge, therefore, receiving the gold of precious repentance. ​ ​ #31 p. 96 - By allowing all suffering to draw you into My sufferings and sorrows, you will come to know Love. ​ ​ The Lord now explains to us the means to this "new life" – the Cross. ​ ​ Reflection: - Since coming to the Cross with Mary, the beginning of living this Path, how have I encountered Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Father?Is there a Person of the Trinity I feel I have not come to know yet? ​ - The Lord’s ways are simple – literally kiss my feet and ASK for the GIFT of knowledge & repentance. We are the ones that complicate it with our analyzing and intelligence. Do I literally do this simple humble act every day? If not, why? ​ - Do I have the humility & docility to RECEIVE self-knowledge from my spouse, accompanier, friend, brother, sister, community member? Is there a certain person or persons I find myself reluctant to receive from? Have I ever asked the people I live with if they find me open to receive healthy criticism? ​ - How do I block the gift of self-knowledge – justify – "it's wrong"? ​ - What have I learned this past year about myself? Lies, wounds, disordered tendencies, anger, ​ - What have I repented from that I am working very hard to correct? ​ ​ My feet represent My desire to bring My Gospel to the ends of the world. On earth, they were continuously walking, moving forward in love of my Father's mission, which was My mission because We are One with the Holy Spirit. As you kiss My feet ask: How far are you willing to go to proclaim My mission that I have placed in your heart? Will your feet reach the summit of Golgotha? Will you continue to love and be faithful to My mission when you are persecuted and misunderstood, many times by those closest to you? How far are you willing to walk for Me? Are you willing to remain at My feet and wash them with the perfume of your tears and sacrifices as Mary Magdalene did? (2/24/11) ​ ​ - "Know who you are." Living out your consecration is the fulfillment of the mission. "Bring me victim souls." ​ - Duplicity. We do not want to share what we think people do not want to hear. (ex. Donato’s house) ​ - It’s not enough to have just a personal attraction to these teachings; to be in the community is a vocation to make these teachings our way of life and to live the mission. ​ LC Consecration ​ Heavenly Father, moved by Your love and Your grace, in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, and the family of Love Crucified, I, (name), resolve to deny myself, to take up my cross daily, and to follow Jesus, Love Crucified. Through the immaculate hands of Mary, receive my blood, united to the Precious Blood of Jesus, as a sacrifice of love for You, for Your priests, families, the most hardened hearts, and for the salvation of the world. Transform my heart into Your living chalice so that I become Your companion of love. Inspired by Venerable Conchita and our patron saints, I offer myself as a victim united to Jesus the Victim of love. I surrender my entire heart, will, plans, desires, sacrifices, sufferings, joys, prayers, works, every thought and action, uniting all to Christ's sacrificial love on the Cross, so that no longer I live but Christ, Love Crucified, lives in me. My Lord, I surrender myself to the Holy Spirit and vow to be attentive to His promptings and movements in my soul, that I may come to a deeper knowledge of Christ and of myself, to learn from Him love, tenderness, mercy, humility, docility, obedience, purity, silence, service and all the virtues. I promise full assent and obedience to all the Catholic Church teaches and to treasure the Eucharist, the Word, Reconciliation and all the Lord provides for our sanctification. I enter into a covenant of love with my brothers and sisters of the Love Crucified Community and commit to its way of life. My words and actions shall reflect my love for all, so that we can help each other live the Path to Union and be witnesses to the world. All for the glory of God and the renewal of the Church through a new Pentecost. Every movement of my soul shall say with Christ: "Suffer all with Me, no longer two but ONE, in My sacrifice of love." ​ -Amen. Back

  • Heralds of Hope | Love Crucified

    Heralds of Hope Lourdes Pinto — April 21, 2022 UNDER CONSTRUCTION Heralds of Hope Lourdes Pinto – 4/21/22 HOPE Catholic Dictionary The confident desire of obtaining a future good that is difficult to attain. It is therefore a desire , which implies seeking and pursuing ; some future good that is not yet possessed but wanted, unlike fear that shrinks from a future evil. Hope is confident that what is desired will certainly be attained. It is the opposite of despair . Yet it recognizes that the object wanted is not easily obtained and that it requires effort to overcome whatever obstacles stand in the way. Thomas Aquinas defines hope as "...a future good, difficult but possible to means of the Divine Assistance...on Whose help it leans". Hope is, by its very nature, always concerned with something in the future. Hope, the pursuit of God, Heaven, and holiness, is what charges us on towards the perfection of temporal matters. Magnanimity is a virtue under the heading of Hope. Magnanimity literally means "great-souled," and it refers to a striving towards that which is most great, a desire for the highest , most noble goals. It is the ultimate ambition, the ambition to become the absolute greatest thing you can be - a saint, and to achieve the greatest accomplishment possible - union with God. Hope gazes ahead to the good things which are in store for those who are faithful to God and His Church; hope looks forward to the life that hasn't really begun yet. Do not let the thief catch you unprepared. 10/20/12 Feast of St Paul of the Cross I have formed you (LC), trained you, dressed you to be My prophets of light to warn and awaken My people before the horrible day of judgment comes down upon you. There will be wailing, groaning, and grinding of teeth in your streets. The darkness of evil will cover you. Be prepared when these things happen that I speak to you about. Do not let the thief catch you unprepared. (Jesus prophetically warns us of the darkness that must come) Mark 8:31-33. And he began to teach them that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. 32 And he said this plainly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him. 33 But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter, and said, "Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men." Mark 9:13 Mark 9:31 Message of 10/20/12 continues Believe, you are My people, My little ones, held in the Father's palm. Believe that I am one with you, the Light in the world, My living hosts. Believe so that My Light can shine through you to penetrate the darkness consuming the world. Believe in the Power of God working through His hidden force. (faith, what He has been doing with us, His presence with us now, forming us, guiding us…) Love and continue to suffer ALL, as one with Me in My sacrifice of love, to enter prepared with God's armor the fiercest battle that is at hand. (Love by suffering ALL with Him) Do not be ashamed of My words (Cf. Mark 8: 38) and share the treasure of Heaven that has been entrusted to you (The Simple Path to Union with God) with many. Complete My Path and, as My Heralds of Hope teach it from the housetops. This is your mission. Respond with great zeal and courage of heart, as My warriors of love, for these decisive times. Be sent out as My HERALDS OF HOPE to usher in My era of peace –5/26/14 My “flame of love” is the Holy Spirit through My Path. My flame of love has been possessing your minds, hearts, and faculties so that it is no longer you who live but I who live in you. In this way, I live in you as you live in Me, and the Father lives in us. Do not be afraid to be sent out as My HERALDS OF HOPE to usher in My era of peace . Do not be afraid to confront the forces of evil as My light, for it is the light of My holy remnant that will conquer the forces of darkness. BELIEVE that you are the light of the world and hold the power of God. The Path is My formation for the saints of these decisive times –6/27/16 The Lord of heaven and earth cries tears for Daughter Zion . She, more precious than gold, has defiled herself, making herself unfit for the King of Kings. Therefore, God, in His infinite mercy, is coming as Justice to purify all that has been defiled. Prepare My people for this purification by fire. “Zion” meant Jerusalem and, later, Israel as the people of God. “Daughter of Zion,” then, does not refer to a specific person. It’s a metaphor for Israel and the loving, caring, patient relationship God has with His chosen people. The Holy Spirit prepared Mary with His grace. It was fitting that the mother of Him in whom “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” should herself be “full of grace.” She was, by sheer grace, conceived without sin as the most humble of creatures, the most capable of welcoming the inexpressible gift of the Almighty. It was quite correct for the angel Gabriel to greet her as the “daughter of Zion”: “Rejoice” (CCC 722). Message of 6/27/16 continues: My Lord, how do we do this? By living and becoming My Path, you become My heralds of hope , for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The Path is My formation for the saints of these decisive times, preparing the path for My Second Coming. Do not be afraid to proclaim from the housetops the words I speak in the recesses of your heart, for those who have pure hearts will hear My voice and follow Me, but the obstinate will perish. My Lord, you told me that we could bring back to life the dead. Please, you are God, also pierce the hearts of the obstinate. It is your willingness to persevere in suffering with Me that has the power to pierce these souls. Remain steadfast in all that I have taught you. Hope in the future : “new dawn,” “new springtime,” “era of peace,” “I am making all things new,” “new Pentecost,” “Eucharistic Reign.” 9/6/13 A new dawn is coming upon the earth. You, My holy remnant, if you remain faithful during the time of great darkness, will see the Light of the new dawn rising from the east. Persevere! 12/27/20 Her (Church) glory will shine like the radiance of the sun through the purity of its few victims of love, and these few, united as one in My sacrifice of love, will usher in the new dawn for My Church and world. 3/2/13 It is My victims of love that God the Father is using to carry My Bride into the era of peace . 12/28/14 One saint that becomes one in My crucified love has the power to transform an entire society. I am raising up My saints for the decisive times at hand to fight My holy war and usher in the era of peace. 2/12/18 The few, My little ones, who accept, receive, and honor this mission given to you, will be blessed by our Heavenly Father. He will multiply your lives given and broken through Me, with Me, and in Me. His power and His glory will fill your small sacrifices, united to My perfect sacrifice of love, to raise up a holy priesthood to usher in My Second Coming. My Second Coming will come through Mary, with Mary, and in Mary, for it is My Eucharistic Reign. My little one, the New Pentecost, will be the Reign of My Mother as one with My Eucharistic Reign united to the Father. This will be the new era of peace in the world – The Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This is the great mission given to you and the few that respond. 3/21/20 Remain steadfast as I continue to guide you on the path of total transformation in Me, and you(LC), along with My faithful remnant, will defeat Satan and cast him into hell, and usher in My era of peace. 2/25/14 I am making all things new through My hidden victims of purified love. 6/29/21 Trust in God's goodness and mercy, for His ways are perfect. The time draws near, my little one, please remain attentive daily to Me, for we are making all things new according to God's plan. I am making all things new 3/14/19. Lenten message I am making all things new. Do you think that My death and resurrection was useless and powerless? No, My little one, I am making all things new , yet few believe, they have not come to know Me, My Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit. They live in the deception of Satan’s lies and darkness. Their gods have become money, wealth, power, self, but the truth is that I am alive in the world, present with all My power and glory, and at the designated time, chosen by our Father, I, united to My faithful remnant of victim souls, will cease the dragon. Many will be lost because their pride kept them from believing in Me, the God of heaven and earth. Persevere in the mission I have entrusted to you. (I stopped to ask Jesus how He wants me to persevere… So many times, I do not know what to do or say….) Tell My family (LC) to pray for greater faith to believe in the words I have spoken (I understood His messages to us). If My words remain in your hearts, you will persevere through the many trials predestined for you to suffer for the glory of God and the salvation of countless souls. I desire to see each of you rejoicing ALWAYS, in good times and in bad, because you have come to believe that I am with you . You have come to taste the goodness of the Lord. Joy is the fruit of trust, and therefore, My followers live in praise of God. My witnesses will be known in the world through the light of praise and joy that radiates from your lives. My little ones, believe that amid this darkness, I am making all things new through you , with you, and in you. Proclaim what I have done in you (plural) through The Simple Path I have been leading you in. Go forth and be My disciples of Light, for the Light has already conquered the darkness. “Woman, why are you weeping?” (John 20) “Why are you troubled?”(Luke 24) Back

  • Partners with Demons

    Do You Want to be “Partners with Demons”? Live in Fear Lourdes Pinto, September 22, 2022 ​ Fears hold us in bondage, paralyze us, steal our joy, and prevent us from experiencing the freedom given to us as children of God. If we do not come to know our fears and process them in Christ, we will become “partners with demons” (1 Cor.10:20) and not God’s warriors for these decisive times. Back

  • Holy Week – Day by Day

    Holy Week Messages from the Lord for each day of Holy Week, 2023 Stations of the Cross Holy Week Reflections, 2018 Holy Week day by day, 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Back

  • Identity and Mission | Amor Crucificado – Comunidad católica

    Teachings on Identity/Mission of the Love Crucified Community ​ Identity of a Mother of the Cross — Part I Lourdes Pinto | October 5, 2013 ​ Identity of a Mother of the Cross — Part II Lourdes Pinto |December 6, 2014 ​ Missionaries of the Cross - Identity & mission Lourdes Pinto | August 30, 2018​ ​ "Victim" According to the Spirituality of Love Crucified Lourdes Pinto | August 23, 2018​ – Audio The vocation to be a victim soul is a total oblation to the Father in Christ. It is not based in having great sufferings. There are persons who suffer much and do not have the call to Love Crucified. This vocation is lived and confirmed by living the Simple Path to Union with God. ​ Identity: Know Who You Are Lourdes Pinto | December 8, 2016 ​ Love Crucified Mission Lourdes Pinto | May 31, 2012 ​ Discern the Signs of the Times (pandemic agenda, climate change, gender ideology, Great Reset, etc.) ​ Testimony: Power of the Hidden Life Juan Carlos Duque and Lilian Giraldo | November 7, 2019 Husband and wife, members of the Love Crucified Community, share their testimony of how God used two experiences to confirm their identity as victim souls and to reveal the power of the hidden life and of the cross as one with Him. Advent Preparation 2018 Lourdes Pinto | December 1, 2018 ​ Letters from Founders: Steadfast in the Truth We Have Received Lourdes Pinto | July 30, 2017 ​ ​ LC mission identity/mission

  • Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Satan

    Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Satan Lourdes Pinto — December 2, 2021 What are the highlights of the decisive battle of the present time we are living? What era comes after the decisive battle is won by the faithful few? To what warnings must we be attentive? Notes for the above teaching Decisive Battle: Kingdom of God vs. Satan's Kingdom Cenacle 12/2/21 11/21/21 Feast of Christ the King Today, the Church celebrates Christ the King. I told Pilate that My Kingdom is not of this world. My Kingdom is in heaven in perfect communion with My Father and the Spirit and with all the angels and Saints. My Kingdom is love, a love of total giving of self to the other and of a total receptivity from the other. This giving and receiving of pure, undefiled love is God. My Kingdom belongs to every soul that enters this communion of love (God) through My Cross. The path to enter this Kingdom is My Love crucified. As your crucified King, wearing My crown of thorns, clothed in the wounds of humanity, and covered in the Blood of My royal (priesthood), I revealed to you (humanity) the way into my Kingdom in heaven. Only the souls that adore Me as their crucified King and who desire to enter and live as one with Me on earth in My Love crucified will live My Kingdom in heaven on earth. Union with the crucified King is the only path to communion in the Trinity on earth. This is the Kingdom I came to establish on earth. Persevere during the time of great devastation, and you will live My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. (I asked the Lord how to persevere specifically with the issues of the vaccine and mandates…) Many have received the vaccine to avoid suffering, others because they are clinging to their many attachments, others out of ignorance, but the majority because they did not seriously seek My Will and allowed themselves to be swept away by the many forces of Satan's temptations. Fear in the hearts of the multitude has come to light. This fear reveals the lack of love for Me in the hearts of the vast majority of souls, a love rooted in humility, intimacy, purity, abandonment, trust, and selflessness; therefore, the thief came unexpectedly and was able to enter their homes (hearts) and darken their souls to not recognize the signs of the times. Few, My little one, will persevere during this time of total darkness, which God is permitting as his justice. Remain in silence and prayer, and you, along with my faithful remnant, will participate with Me establishing My Kingdom on earth. Do not cave in, under any circumstance, to Satan's deception. (How about priests in order to minister the sacraments?) Did Peter and Paul follow the orders of the religious heads when they were told to stop preaching My Way? My priests can never join forces with Satan's evil to justify their ministry. They, too, must persevere as one with Me in my crucifixion during the time of great darkness. They, too, must be willing to suffer the injustice of being stripped of their faculties as I was stripped of all My glory, and this union of suffering with Me, the crucified King, will bring forth My purified Church. My little one, as mother with Mary and My spouse, you have the responsibility to help many persevere during the time of great darkness by speaking and living in My truth. Do not hesitate to share these words. Go in peace to live the truth of who you are as one with Me, your crucified King I. You have the responsibility to help many persevere during the time of great darkness by speaking and living in My truth. 1. The truth of God's Kingdom ​ a. My Kingdom is love, a love of total giving of self to the other and of a total receptivity from the other. This giving and receiving of pure, undefiled love is God. My Kingdom belongs to every soul that enters this communion of love (God) through My Cross. The path to enter this Kingdom is My Love crucified. Mt. 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." As your crucified King, wearing My crown of thorns, clothed in the wounds of humanity, and covered in the Blood of My royal (priesthood), I revealed to you (humanity) the way into my Kingdom in heaven. Only the souls that adore Me as their crucified King and who desire to enter and live as one with Me on earth in My Love crucified will live My Kingdom in heaven on earth. Union with the crucified King is the only path to communion in the Trinity on earth. This is the Kingdom I came to establish on earth. Persevere during the time of great devastation, and you will live My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. b. The truth of the battle to bring forth His Kingdom 11/19/21 My Kingdom will be established through the power of My little ones God the Father: I, the God of heaven and earth, will destroy all the enemies of God through My little ones that possess the strength of perfect faith in God Almighty. I, from the beginning of time, have used my little ones to confound the mighty ones of the world. It will not be different in the great, decisive battle that has now begun. I, the God of heaven and earth, have been preparing My army for the great battle that will cleanse My Sanctuary and the world and bring forth My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Rejoice, for My little mustard seed is part of My great army. Have courage because you, too, have come to believe in the God who loves you and sent his only-begotten Son to be a holy sacrifice for you. My Kingdom will be established through the power of My little ones who have joined themselves to the perfect and holy sacrifice of My Son. The faith of My pure victims of love past, present, and future are God's power that will defeat the enemies of God and usher in My Kingdom of Divine Love. Trust in all that has been spoken to you and continue to share these messages with the few willing to receive them. The ways of God are not the ways of the world. c. The truth of the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as one with the Reign of the Holy Spirit 4/21/21 The era of the Holy Spirit is approaching The Holy Spirit is not known yet, but the era of the Holy Spirit is approaching. He is one with the Incarnation of Jesus on earth. The Incarnation takes place through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and Son; they are inseparable. When Jesus is Incarnated in Mary's womb, the Holy Spirit is present as one in Christ. It is through the Incarnation that Mary receives the fullness of the Trinity. She is the first to live the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The Incarnation of Jesus brings the mystical incarnation of the Trinity on earth. This reality of the Holy Spirit is still not known, yet it is the reality that God's saints of the end times will live in order to usher into the world the Kingdom of God. Believe in all that has been spoken to you, even though you do not have the capacity to understand. Go in peace. Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit The Immaculata is united to the Holy Spirit so closely that we really cannot grasp this union. But we can at least say that the Holy Spirit and Mary are two persons who live in such intimate union that they have but one sole life. (p.43) A marvelous mystery lies hidden here: the mystery of the presence of a divine Person in a creature taken up so totally, down to the very roots of her being, into his control, and for all time (p.42). This helps us understand the MYSTICAL INCARNATION 7/23/21 Perfect obedience to the will of God From Mary: …But as you allow the Holy Spirit to possess your will united as one with me, your Mother, through perfect obedience to the Will of God, love will triumph, and it is I, the Immaculate, and the Holy Spirit that will triumph. Thus, the reign of my Immaculate Heart and the new Pentecost will be fulfilled in you, and God's mission will expand its fruitfulness… My little one, only love can win this battle and bring forth the fulfillment of the triumph of my Son's death and resurrection. Only purified love in the fire of the Most Holy Trinity can and will pierce Satan and cast him into hell with all his dominions…. I am drawing yo u into my Immaculate Heart to be consumed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, my Spouse… 8/15/21 Feast of the Assumption, my consecration to Mary and the Holy Spirit …Your union now with Mary, as one with the Holy Spirit, prepares you to confront Satan and his principalities in her victory, for she is the Queen Mother that has defeated the dragon in her perfect union with Me, her beloved Son. It is through her power in the Holy Spirit that you will fight the great battle… Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit – p.84 2. The truth of Satan's kingdom a. Satan is spreading the kingdom of global Communism, the new world order.​ ​ 9/10/11 Prophecy I want the LC website used to help form My martyrs of love for the decisive battle at hand. There will be wailing and grinding of teeth, massive confusion and desperation. This state of the world will open the doors for the New World Order and then will begin the time of great darkness and persecution for all My followers. 4/10/12 A CRUSADE OF VICTIM SOULS Satan is working to bring forth his new world order of destruction, but My crusade of victim souls will possess the power of God to crush the head of Satan. You are the heel of the Queen of Heaven and Earth. 4/1/21 My little one, believe that My passion on the Cross and My interior crucifixion has obtained a new world order, not the order of Satan's destruction, but the order of Divine Love lived in God's Will. b. Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, April 20, 2011 What would the watchfulness to which the Lord invites us consist of? I would say that the disciples' somnolence (drowsy, sleepiness) in the course of history is a certain insensitiveness of the soul with regard to the power of evil, an insensibility to all the evil in the world. We do not wish to be unduly disturbed by these things, we prefer to forget them. We think that perhaps, after all, it will not be so serious and we forget. Moreover, it is not only insensibility to evil when we should be watchful in order to do good, to fight for the force of goodness. Rather it is insensibility to God: this is our true sleepiness, this insensibility to God's presence that also makes us insensible to evil. We are not aware of God — he would disturb us — hence we are naturally not aware of the force of evil and continue on the path of our own convenience. Nocturnal adoration of Holy Thursday, watching with the Lord, must be the very moment to make us reflect on the somnolence of the disciples, of the defenders of Jesus, of the Apostles, of us who do not see, who do not wish to see the whole force of evil nor do we wish to enter his passion for goodness… ​ c. The Great Deception Satan is the prince of lies. What are some of the lies? The vaccine will protect us from being infected with the Covid virus. Only through the vaccine will "herd immunity" take place The vaccine is safe. VAERS (vaccine adverse effects reporting system) Unvaccinated are spreading the virus. Lockdowns, masks… Children need to be vaccinated for their protection and that of society. What are the fruits of these lies? Fear Control through mandates Loss of freedom Segregation/division Censorship People cannot travel nor go to public places without the green card. Doctors have lost their right to prescribe medications and treatments according to their professional knowledge and expertise. Important drugs such as ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine have been made impossible in many countries to access, even by prescription of doctors, thus, bringing about the death and suffering of many. The big pharmaceutical companies have gained greater control Australia is now living under the new world order of Satan Austria, Germany, Czech Republic…. Have begun the persecution of the unvaccinated by forcing them to remain in their homes, house arrest through police enforcement. Satan has used the lies concerning Covid and the vaccine to open the path to total control of humanity. This total control, the new world order, will then impose greater force to make people accept Satan's agenda, the "culture of death," the "anti-Gospel," of abortion, euthanasia, gender ideology, critical race theory, white supremacy, the indoctrination of our children in schools, which has already begun, and through the lie of "climate change" the control of industry, oil, and so on. In the 2nd paragraph of the message, Jesus sums up all the reasons for people caving into the lie: Avoid suffering Clinging to attachments Ignorance Lack of serious discernment seeking the will of God Fear, which reveals the lack of love for Him, love rooted in humility, intimacy, purity, abandonment, trust, and selflessness. And then Jesus explains the consequence of fear- thief came unexpectedly and was able to enter their homes (hearts) and darken their souls to not recognize the signs of the times. Remain in silence and prayer, and you, along with my faithful remnant, will participate with Me establishing My Kingdom on earth. Do not cave in, under any circumstance, to Satan's deception. d. 3rd paragraph refers to the question of priests being told by their bishops to vaccinate. Did Peter and Paul follow the orders of the religious heads when they were told to stop preaching My Way? My priests can never join forces with Satan's evil to justify their ministry. They, too, must persevere as one with Me in my crucifixion during the time of great darkness. They, too, must be willing to suffer the injustice of being stripped of their faculties as I was stripped of all My glory, and this union of suffering with Me, the crucified King, will bring forth My purified Church. My little one, as mother with Mary and My spouse, you have the responsibility to help many persevere during the time of great darkness by speaking and living in My truth. Do not hesitate to share these words. 3. A WARNING to LC 11/9/21 Satan will attempt to destroy you and My community of Love Crucified My little one, be attentive to the signs of the times. You are in great danger. Satan will attempt to destroy you and My community of Love Crucified. You must remain in deep silence so that I can guide you in these perilous times. Unite My community at the foot of the Cross with Mary. Only the Holy Spirit can set you on fire as a burning oblation of sweet incense to the Father. This burnt and holy sacrifice will be received and blessed by the Father to aid the world during these dark times… it is a time of seclusion in prayer and silence with Mary preparing the world for the new Pentecost. How are we being attacked individually and as a community? Situations bring souls into the pit of their wound > darkness > Isolation > no SA As a community, through murmuring, especially through the teachings Fr Jordi and I have given concerning the signs of the times. Satan has used this to bring division, confusion, and doubts concerning the voice of God that has been leading this little mustard seed for years. JN 6: 60-61 "Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" 61 But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at it, said to them, "Do you take offense at this?" Jn 6:63-64 "the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some of you that do not believe." Back

  • Camino a Tí –Song | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    CAMINO A TI Path to You Text and music: Maria Hickein ​ Me has dado el camino a Ti, a Tu corazón. You have given me the path to You, to Your heart. Camino sencillo... de unión con mi Dios. The Simple Path... to union with my God. Y es Tu pecho traspasado, es la herida en Tu costado donde voy... And it is Your pierced heart, it is the wound at Your side where I go... Son Tus llagas, Tus heridas dónde encuentro nueva vida, donde soy... They are Your wounds, the wounds where I find new life, that´s where I go... Tu compañera de amor, la que consuela Tu dolor Your love companion, that consoles Your pain Que Te acuna entre sus brazos That cradles you in her arms ¡Te recibe en su regazo en Tu pasión de amor! Receives You in her bosom in Your passion of love! Soy Hostia viva por Ti, Cáliz de vida para Ti I am a living host for You, chalice of life for You Me hago amor entre Tus brazos I become love in Your embrace Ya no vivo yo, eres Tú... quien vive en mí... I no longer live, it is You... who lives in me... En mí... In me... Abriste el camino a Ti, a Dios Trinidad you opened the path to reach You, to God-Trinity Amor que Te dejas ver, Te dejas tocar. Love that lets itself to be seen, to be touched. Eres puerta a la esperanza, You are the door to hope , ¡Eres una nueva alianza y nueva luz! You are a new covenant and a new light! Y si Tú eres mi camino And thus, You are my path Mi victoria, mi destino está en Tu Cruz My victory, my destiny is in Your Cross Mi compañero de amor, el que consuela mi dolor My companion of love, the one who consoles my pain Y en el fuego de Tu abrazo and in the fire of Your embrace Me consumo y nace un nuevo corazón... I am consumed y a new heart is born... ¡Mi Dios! Custodia viva por Ti, My God! Living monstrance for you Fuerza escondida junto a Ti... Hidden force one with You... Me hago amor entre Tus brazos, I become love in Your embrace Ya no vivo yo, eres Tú... quien vive en mí… I no longer live, it is You... who lives in me... En mí... In me... ​ ​ ​ Music Page

  • Calm Dignity

    Calm Dignity Lourdes Pinto — April 16, 2021 See also: "Meekness " Back

  • Steadfast in the Truth We Have Received | Love Crucified

    Steadfast in the Truth We Have Received Lourdes Pinto — July 30, 2017 ​My Dear Family, The Lord has been preparing us, His little mustard seed, for these times, as He tells us in the message below. We cannot be surprised by the evil consuming the world, but remain STEADFAST in the TRUTH of the wisdom and understanding that we have been given! We have been granted the pearl of great value — the understanding of the mystery of Divine Love, which is the mystery of the Cross, Redemption, Suffering, and the Eucharist; all ONE MYSTERY that, when received and treasured in our hearts above all else, transforms us into the Light of Christ — into LOVE. The darkness may consume the world, but the LIGHT of God WILL conquer the forces of evil. We have been formed, trained, and dressed by Christ to be HIS LIGHT in this darkness. We have been predestined, called, and justified for the vocation to be God’s hidden victim souls (Rom 8:30). As our Blessed Mother of Guadalupe reminded us (in the words we received there), “remain with me in the perfect sacrifice of my Son, and you will receive the crown of glory.” Therefore, we are His HERALDS OF HOPE, never of doom!!! Please remember to always see the darkness taking place in the world in light of who we are and our mission, and transmit this MESSAGE OF HOPE to all!! I send you my maternal blessing and love, ONE in our Love crucified with our Mother of Sorrows, Lourdes† Message 151. Be My Prophets of Light to Warn and Awaken, Diary of a MOC I have formed you, trained you, dressed you to be My prophets of light to warn and awaken My people before the horrible day of judgment comes down upon you. There will be wailing, groaning and grinding of teeth in your streets. The darkness of evil will cover you. Be prepared when these things happen that I speak to you about. Do not let the thief catch you unprepared. Believe, you are My people, My little ones, held in the Father's palm. Believe that I am one with you, the Light in the world, My living hosts. Believe so that My Light can shine through you to penetrate the darkness consuming the world. Believe in the Power of God working through His hidden force. Love and continue to suffer ALL, as one with Me in My sacrifice of love, to enter prepared with God's armor the fiercest battle that is at hand. Do not be ashamed of My words (cf. Mk 8:38) and share the treasure of heaven that has been entrusted to you (The Simple Path to Union) with many. Complete My Path and, as My Heralds of Hope, teach it from the housetops. This is your mission. Respond with great zeal and courage of heart, as My warriors of love, for these decisive times. (10/20/2012) Back

  • Wedding at Cana | Love Crucified Community

    Cana; New Relationships Between Men and Women Lourdes Pinto & Fr. Jordi Rivero – February 12, 2015 New relationships The Gospel story of the Wedding at Cana has a profound mystical meaning. In that sense, the spouses are Jesus and Mary, the New Adam and the New Eve. This is why Jesus calls her "Woman" (cf. Genesis 2) both at Cana and at Calvary. They reveal the redemption of men and women and the new relations now possible between them. Jesus is the God-Man, but He wanted to be helped by Mary. He depends on her as His mother and also as His companion in the work of redemption. ​ By Mary´s request, Jesus advances His Hour. It is, St. John tells us, the "third day", an allusion to the resurrection. A new way for men and women to relate to each other is beginning. Christ´s first miracle brings joy and communion in the context of a wedding. He raises marriage to the dignity of a sacrament, a visible sign of His own spousal covenant with His bride, the Church. But He is also sanctifying all relationships that are open to His grace. All relationships in Christ are a wonderful gift as they are called to share and manifest in some way the love of Christ for us. ​ Jesus is the groom that, according to jewish custom, must provide for the wine. Wine gladens the heart and facilitates joyful sharing. It symbolizes the joy of the new communion among persons that is the fruit of a greater miracle: Jesus turns wine into His own Precious Blood. The price for this is the Cross, the measure of His love. This love presents a question: Do you love Me so? Will you unite yourself with Me at the Cross? How we respond determines our relationship with Christ and the meaning of every other relationship in our lives. Are they to be a communion in the love of Christ? Jesus and Mary model the way of relating of the new man and woman. He is the groom attentive to the heart of the bride. She in turn asks all to do as He tells them. Jesus and Mary are always giving themselves to each other, suffering and rejoicing as one heart. Their relationship reveals the meaning of the words "I will love you in good times and in bad...". Their unity of hearts makes them a perfect team for ministry. As one with them, Christians are new man and new woman drawn to live in pure love and bring joy and life to all. ​ The Six Jars For the Love Crucified Community, the six jars represent our vocation as God's hidden insignificant victim souls. They are in the feast but are unoticed because they are useless for the present need. they cannot produce wine. The jars are few, only 6, yet they each have the capacity to hold 30 gallons of water. Once Jesus performs the miracle, the wine is poured out from the jars for all the people in the wedding party. Thus the multitude receives the graces of Jesus' miracle. We, as God's insignificant victim souls, allow ourselves to be emptied and purified. We are ready to be used by the Lord as we journey the Path of the Cross. The Lord unites us to Himself at the Cross. He tells us, "Suffer all with Me, no longer two but one in My sacrifice of love". We are His Body and Blood. We are His pure chalices of gold that are filled with His Blood, which is His very life. Our lives are then poured out upon many souls, the multitudes, bringing Christ's healing grace and new life. But even if I am being poured out as a libation over the sacrifice and the offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you— Philippians 2:17 As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come. 2 Timothy 4:6 From the Diary of a MOC Allow Me To Fill You With My Precious Blood I am preparing My pure holy vessels by cleansing them with My precious Blood. These living chalices will be filled with My precious Blood as I unite them to the Word of the Cross and they suffer with Me. My Blood will be poured upon My Church to cleanse Her through them. You have been given the particular mission of cleansing My priesthood. ‘Woe to you, O Jerusalem. How long will it be before you are made clean?’ To receive My Blood is to receive My suffering, My love and new life... As My martyrs of love you are called to suffer with Me so that you can love with Me... In this way, you become My living chalices of healing grace for many. (10/7/2010). Cry with Me for Jerusalem Cf. Luke 23:26-31 (prophecy) Cry with Me for Jerusalem. The multitudes will be caught in dismay as a thief in the night... The justice of God is upon you. The wood of My Cross is not dry and it will take on new life with the blood of My martyrs. Do not cry for Me but for those who do not see Me, for their eyes have been covered by Satan's deception. Bring them, My daughter, as one with My Mother, to the foot of the Cross to see the glory of God before them. God the Father will use the blood of My martyrs as ONE with My Blood to open the eyes of the blind during the time of great darkness. Through your blood in suffering as ONE with the Word of the Cross the eyes of many will be opened before the decisive battle begins (5/24/12). Proclaim the Power of Suffering I want you to live with all your love, with all your strength, with all your might as My living force. Suffer with Me in the hiddenness of your heart. Cry with Me for your brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Do not grow weary in living with Me the sorrows for a humanity that has lost their way. God in His infinite mercy will bless the multitudes through His holy remnant of victim souls. Do not fear to proclaim the power in suffering with the Victim of Love. Live who you are as My prophet of light. Be still and know that I am with you. Enter and find refuge in Me. (6/9/13) Vessels for the Rite of Purification The Gospel tells us that the jars were meant for the “Jewish rite of purification” (John 2:6). This too has a significant symbolism for our lives as victim souls. We, as Christ's vessels, receive the wounded dirty hearts of souls to be washed by our tears united in Christ crucified. A victim soul voluntarily chooses to become one with the slaughtered Lamb of God. They choose to wear My wounds of love. In this perfect union of love they receive the power of God to redeem and save souls with Me. Many are being made clean through the lives of My victim souls. These souls are the ones who truly become My mystical Body, and because of this, share in the redemption of humanity. The salvation of the multitudes depends on the response of My victim souls (JN 6:8,9). These are My saints whose robes have been made clean through the Blood of the Lamb of God and have become pure in the image and likeness of God (1Jn 3:3 / Rev. 7:14). (11/1/12) All Saints Day The Good Wine is noticed, not the Jars The jars that hold the wine are never really noticed by the people – what they notice is the “good wine” (John 2:10). This is the JOY of a victim soul – our lives are hidden and unnoticed and many times are unappreciated, yet, the graces others receive from our pure sacrifice of love bring them to notice Christ. We are poor little victim souls, but as ONE with Love Crucified and Mary, we hold an abundance of Christ's life being poured out as a libation upon the multitudes. Prepare more Vessels We also must see ourselves in Jesus and Mary in this Gospel story. Purified through the Blood of the Lamb, we also become new men and women, One with the new Adam and Eve, working together and complimenting each other, we also help prepare more vessels, victim souls, to be poured out with Christ's Blood upon the multitudes. Prepare to Encounter Justice, pour Mercy now. Prepare the way. Prepare for what? Prepare to encounter Justice (God). Love (God) is Justice. You have been encountering Mercy but each soul must prepare to encounter Justice. On that day, will you remain standing or will you be swept away in His justice? My little one, very few are prepared to encounter Justice. The gaze of Justice will condemn you or embrace you in an instant. Few are prepared to encounter Justice, the gaze of Truth. My community of LC is called to help many prepare the way through the Simple Path to Union I have entrusted to you. My hidden martyrs of love are a gift of Divine Mercy to help many be prepared to encounter the gaze of Justice. ...My hidden victims of love are preparing the way through the power of their blood united to My precious Blood being poured upon many by the mercy of Abba. You, My family, are helping God prepare our people for the encounter with Justice. It will visit you like a thief in the night and few are prepared. Bring Me victim souls for the time of justice is upon you, soon to be knocking at your door... Be pure and holy as I am Holy. Live who you are as MY martyrs of Divine Love preparing the multitudes for the great and terrible day. Prepare the way as the new men and women clothed in the white gown made clean in the Blood of the Lamb. You are My white army being sent out into the world to prepare the way for the encounter with Justice (God). (12/11/13) Men and Women Relationships Restored At The Cross / Eucharist (From Path/ 3-D-8) “I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2). The woman must "help" the man - and in his turn he must help her- first of all by the very fact of their being human persons. This mutual help enables man and woman to discover their humanity ever anew and to confirm its whole meaning. As the dignity of women is restored and we come to know and live the beauty of our sensitive hearts we can be a better "help" to men. When men and women live the holy communion that God created us to live, we can help each other grown in Christ. This is essential, not only for marriage but for all relationships between men and women. This is also the principle behind spiritual mothers for priests. Back

  • Covenant – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Love Crucified Covenant Meaning of covenant🔗 Heavenly Father, moved by Your love and Your grace, in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, and the family of Love Crucified, I, (name), resolve to deny myself, to take up my cross daily, and to follow Jesus, Love Crucified. Through the immaculate hands of Mary, receive my blood, united to the Precious Blood of Jesus, as a sacrifice of love for You, for Your priests, families, the most hardened hearts, and for the salvation of the world. Transform my heart into Your living chalice so that I become Your companion of love. Inspired by Blessed Conchita and our patron saints, I offer myself as a victim united to Jesus the Victim of love. I surrender my entire heart, will, plans, desires, sacrifices, sufferings, joys, prayers, works, every thought and action, uniting all to Christ's sacrificial love on the Cross, so that no longer I live but Christ, Love Crucified, lives in me. My Lord, I surrender myself to the Holy Spirit and vow to be attentive to His promptings and movements in my soul, that I may come to a deeper knowledge of Christ and of myself, to learn from Him love, tenderness, mercy, humility, docility, obedience, purity, silence, service and all the virtues. I promise full assent and obedience to all the Catholic Church teaches and to treasure the Eucharist, the Word, Reconciliation and all the Lord provides for our sanctification. I enter into a covenant of love with my brothers and sisters of the Love Crucified Community and commit to its way of life. My words and actions shall reflect my love for all, so that we can help each other live the Path to Union and be witnesses to the world. All for the glory of God and the renewal of the Church through a new Pentecost. Every movement of my soul shall say with Christ: “Suffer all with Me, no longer two but ONE, in My sacrifice of love.” -Amen. TOP

  • Revelation Ch. 8– Pure Incense: The Saints.

    Book of Revelation 8 "Pure Incense": The Prayer of the Saints Lourdes Pinto & Fr. Jordi Rivero – November 14, 2019 ​ 2 TALKS – Audio and text included ​ Part –I Lourdes Pinto Part –II Fr. Jordi Rivero See notes ⤴️ See also: Revelation 14: First Fruits Book of Revelation: Prepare for the Battle and the Eucharistic Reign Back to teachings

  • Propitiate and Appease

    Propitiate and Appease the Justice of God Lourdes Pinto – October 20, 2022 Jesus, in the message to the Love Crucified Community on the feast of St Faustina, states, “Each victim soul has great power to appease the justice of God and propitiate My coming.” This teaching explains the meaning of propitiating and its power in Christ crucified with Mary. Back

  • Music – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Love Crucified Music Maria Hickein Albums: Hijo Pródigo (Prodigal Son) Permanecer en T i ​​ (Remain in you) Morir Para Vivir (Die to Live) Madre del Silencio (Mother of Silence) Hostia Viva (Living Host) Cristo Roto 2020. (B roken Christ) En Tu Sa grado Co razón ( In Your Sacred Hea rt) A las (Wings ) Cristo R o t o (Broken Christ ) Music may be downloaded from this page for free. Hijo Pródigo Prodigal Son HijoProdigo Lyrics Permanecer en Tí Remain in You Permanecer-en-ti Lyrics Morir Para Vivir Die To Live Lyrics Madre del Silencio Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 madre-del-silencio MorirPara HostiaViva Hostia Viva Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Cristo Roto 2020 Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Lyrics 10 Lyrics 11 Cristo Roto 2020 En Tu Sagrado Corazón Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 En-Tu-Sagrado-Corazon Alas Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Alas Cristo Roto Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Lyrics 10 Lyrics 11 Lyrics 12 Cristo-Roto Ordering CDs via regular mail: Love Crucified 105 Riverbrooke Rd. Covington Ga. 30016. ​ Include in letter: CD's name and quantity Your shipping address and email . Donation suggested: CD / $10 Check payable to "Love Crucified Community" ORDER

  • Covenants | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Covenants Oldest on top 2012-2013 USA Fr. Ron Sciera, April 20th, 2012 @GA Ammie DeGrange, September 8th, 2012 @ Washington Patricia Sánchez, September 13th, 2012 @Miami 2014-2015 USA ​ Ana Segovia, March 22nd, 2014 Ivette González, March 22nd, 2014 Juliana García, March 22nd, 2014 Adrian Marrero, May 29th, 2014 @Miami Héctor Ramos, May 29th, 2014 @Miami Bernardette Alfonso, March 13th, 2015 Back Next page

  • Lament of Daughter Zion

    Lament of Daughter Zion Lourdes Pinto – October 8, 2022 Back

  • Obstinacy: A Barrier to the Union of Sorrows

    Obstinacy: Barrier to the Union of Sorrows Lou r des Pinto – February 2, 2023 Pa rt I Part II Back

  • Men & Women Cenacles | Love Crucified Community

    Teachings of the Love Crucified Community Monthly Cenacles For Love Crucified Women (MOC) For Love Crucified Men (MC) Teachings for Love Crucified Women (MOC) Motherhood Requires Mercy and Justice Lourdes Pinto | May 6, 2023 Women must live the emotion of anger through the power of their sorrows as ONE with Christ in Mary! Holy anger must always act from love! Mourn with Mary Lourdes Pinto | March 4, 2023 The Lord tells the Mothers of the Cross, remain in mourning with Mary . This teaching explains the lament of Mary and the process of the purification of the human emotion of sorrow needed to achieve the union of sorrow and joy in the cloister of Mary’s Heart. Soledad (Solitude) Lourdes Pinto | February 4, 2023 The spiritual state of Mary’s “soledad” is the summit of The Simple Path. Jesus said, "The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth." Holy Sorrow Vs. Sadness Lourdes Pinto | November 12, 2022 “The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth.” This teaching answers the questions: Is there a difference between holy sorrow and the emotion of sadness? How is sadness transformed into holy sorrow? Lament of Daughter Zion Lourdes Pinto | October 8, 2022 We are learning to live the emotion of sorrow through the purification of the 2nd nail so that the sorrows of the maternal heart, united with the Mother of Sorrows, have the power of the Cross to help in the purification of the world. Significance of the Veil Lourdes Pinto | May 7, 2022 There is a trend among Catholic women to return to wearing the veil at Mass, yet few understand the deeper significance of the veil. ​ A Fast Acceptable to God Lourdes Pinto | March 5, 2022 God reveals to Isaiah (Is 58) the fast He desires. This reflection shows the nitty-gritty of how to “loose the bonds of injustice” and unbind the chains of oppression. It explains God’s wisdom in mortifying ourselves through silence. ​ Prayer of Long Waiting in Silence Lourdes Pinto | Sept 11, 2021 "Your hearts purified, emptied, and formed as My victims of pure love, one with My Mother of Sorrows, is the power of God to cast into hell the principalities of death. Give yourselves to prayer and silence as My warriors preparing and saving souls..." (6/6/20). The prayer of long waiting in silence with trust and hope is an intimate participation in the love of the Trinity for humanity. Women of Courage Called to Battle Lourdes Pinto | Aug 7, 2021 Our Lord is calling for women of courage to unite their sorrows to the sorrows of Our Mother’s heart. She collects with her tears Our Lord's Precious Blood. United with Mary and anointed with Christ's Precious Blood, these holy women possess the power of God to free many souls from the deception of Satan and the powers of the new world order being established in the midst of this pandemic. ​ The Mystery of the Cross: A Love Unknown by the World Lourdes Pinto | Dec 5, 2020 In this reflection on “The Pieta,” we discover our identity as Mothers of the Cross to live the hidden martyrdom of the heart as Mary, our Mother of Sorrows. Like Mary, we must sacrifice our maternal hearts and participate as ONE in the sufferings... the pains...the tears and sorrows of Our Beloved— Love Crucified. We are called to enter and remain in the Mystery of the Cross, in the silence and hiddenness of our hearts. Humility in Silence Lourdes Pinto | March 7, 2020 This talk leads us to ponder the depth of God’s humility in Christ's silence as He is stripped. We are called to be His Body, His Blood, One Sacrifice for love of Him and participate intimately in His suffering. Through the Path, we are challenged to come to know and understand our self-love, misery, and impure hearts, so we can grow and be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ Crucified. Our growth in silence is connected to our growth in humility. ​ Long Suffering Lourdes Pinto | October 5, 2019 MOC Serve In the Awareness of Who God Is Lourdes Pinto | August 3, 2019 ​ Identity and Mission of MOC Lourdes Pinto | September 1, 2018 ​ Formation for the Mission Lourdes Pinto | February 3, 2018 Also given to the MC. ​ Christ's Hands Tied Lourdes Pinto | August 4, 2018 ​ La Soledad (Solitude) Maria Hickein | January 7, 2017 ​ Brides of Love Crucified Lourdes Pinto | October 10, 2015 ​ Remain Lourdes Pinto | February 7, 2015 ​ Spiritual Motherhood for Priests Maria Hickein | October 4, 2014 Peter Followed at a Distance Lourdes Pinto | February 1, 2014 ​ "My Gaze is Upon You" - Power of Your Ordinary Life Lourdes Pinto | August 11, 2012 "Believe, my daughter, believe." We need the faith of a Mustard Seed, and Jesus will do the impossible through us. "Believe in the power of your ordinary hidden lives lived through Me, with Me, and in Me." The greater the tenderness of our hearts, like Jesus', the greater our sensitivity to love and suffer with Christ. ​ ​ ​ Teachings for Love Crucified Men (MC) Fatherhood Requires Mercy and Justice – Understanding Just Anger Lourdes Pinto | May 4, 2023 What is just anger? This teaching answers the question and reveals that true fatherhood must have BOTH mercy and justice. One without the other is not authentic love. Obstinacy: Barrier to the Union of Sorrows Lourdes Pinto | February 2, 2023 The sin of obstinacy is more common among men. Why? What is the sin of obstinacy, and why is it so gra ve? Do you struggle with obstinacy in your life? This teaching explains how obstinacy is a barrier to the most perfect union with Christ on earth: the union of sorrows. Coupling the Spiritual Box Cars Fr. Ron Sciera – December 1, 2022 Forward progress on the Path entails moments of back and forth. The key is to stay connected by living attuned to THE REAL COUPLER! Emotions – The Spirit Aligns Our Emotions in Christ Lourdes Pinto – November 11, 2022 The 2nd nail of crucifixion makes us aware that our emotions need to be transformed so that we can be fully human in Christ. This teaching covers the how-to process of connecting with our emotions and allowing the Spirit to integrate them in Christ. ​ Do I Really Want to Repent? Fr. Jordi Rivero – February 3, 2021 Only united with Christ's love in suffering through the battle, can we come to repentance. ​ Missionaries of the Cross of LC – Testimony Fr. Jordi Rivero – March 5, 2020 The struggles to embrace the gift given to us. God's Question Fr. Ron Sciera – April 11, 2019 "Do you think that My death and resurrection was useless and powerless?" ​ Testimony to Men Hector Ramos – November 2, 2018 Hector encourages the men of LC to have the faith of the prophets: Believe, My sons, believe!” ​ Missionaries of the Cross – Identity and Mission Lourdes Pinto | August 30, 2018 Identity and mission of the Missionaries of the Cross, men of the Love Crucified Community. Bronze wall. ​ Formation for the Mission Lourdes Pinto | February 1, 2018 Also given to the MDC Men Yoked to Christ Lourdes Pinto | January 11, 2018 How to remain faithful and strong, focused in the identity and mission God gives us, by following the example of St. Joseph. ​ Missionaries of the Cross – Identity Lourdes Pinto | January 5, 2017 –audio. ​ ​ Top of Page ⬆︎ MOC MC

  • Carmelite Monks Encounter | Love Crucified

    Carmelite Contemplative Monks Love Crucified Encounter Girardota, Colombia, 2020 Pg.3 Main Page

  • Community – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Community "Communion and Community" by Fr. Jordi Rivero Click here to read. ​ "The Good Shepherd, the Sheep and Community" by Fr. Jordi Rivero Click here to read. Back

  • Covenants | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    HOME ABOUT US ABOUT US IDENTITY OF A MOTHER OF THE CROSS IDENTITY OF A MISSIONARY OF THE CROSS HISTORY MISSION MISSION THE CALL MESSAGES from THE LORD LOVE CRUCIFIED CROSS COMMUNITY WAY OF LIFE COVENANT PRAYERS INITIAL DISCERNMENT TESTIMONIES PHOTO GALLERY TEACHINGS BOOKS/MUSIC BOOKS MUSIC RESOURCES CONTACT US SEARCH Covenants Oldest on top 2020 USA María Elena Ramírez, June 18th, 2020 Luz Anaeli Solís, June 18th, 2020 2020 Spain Rosario González, July 22nd, 2020 2020 Switzerland Janet Voge-Su, August 10th, 2020 Fr Ascencio introduced Janet to LC and Fr. Karol is her pastor First time in Love Crucified that a covenant is signed by 2 priests Back Next page janet

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