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  • Revelation Ch. 8– Pure Incense: The Saints.

    Book of Revelation 8 "Pure Incense": The Prayer of the Saints Lourdes Pinto & Fr. Jordi Rivero – November 14, 2019 ​ 2 TALKS – Audio and text included ​ Part –I Lourdes Pinto Part –II Fr. Jordi Rivero See notes ⤴️ See also: Revelation 14: First Fruits Book of Revelation: Prepare for the Battle and the Eucharistic Reign Back to teachings

  • Propitiate and Appease

    Propitiate and Appease the Justice of God Lourdes Pinto – October 20, 2022 Jesus, in the message to the Love Crucified Community on the feast of St Faustina, states, “Each victim soul has great power to appease the justice of God and propitiate My coming.” This teaching explains the meaning of propitiating and its power in Christ crucified with Mary. Back

  • Music – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Love Crucified Music Maria Hickein Albums: Hijo Pródigo (Prodigal Son) Permanecer en T i ​​ (Remain in you) Morir Para Vivir (Die to Live) Madre del Silencio (Mother of Silence) Hostia Viva (Living Host) Cristo Roto 2020. (B roken Christ) En Tu Sa grado Co razón ( In Your Sacred Hea rt) A las (Wings ) Cristo R o t o (Broken Christ ) Music may be downloaded from this page for free. Hijo Pródigo Prodigal Son HijoProdigo Lyrics Permanecer en Tí Remain in You Permanecer-en-ti Lyrics Morir Para Vivir Die To Live Lyrics Madre del Silencio Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 madre-del-silencio MorirPara HostiaViva Hostia Viva Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Cristo Roto 2020 Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Lyrics 10 Lyrics 11 Cristo Roto 2020 En Tu Sagrado Corazón Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 En-Tu-Sagrado-Corazon Alas Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Alas Cristo Roto Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Lyrics 10 Lyrics 11 Lyrics 12 Cristo-Roto Ordering CDs via regular mail: Love Crucified 105 Riverbrooke Rd. Covington Ga. 30016. ​ Include in letter: CD's name and quantity Your shipping address and email . Donation suggested: CD / $10 Check payable to "Love Crucified Community" ORDER

  • Hidden Ordinary Life | Love Crucified

    His Living Tabernacles in the World – as St. Joseph Lourdes Pinto — March 19, 2020 Back

  • Poverty, Rich Young Man | Love Crucified

    Poverty, the Rich Young Man Lourdes Pinto, October 18, 2018 Audio & video The Lord's words to "sell what you have and give to the poor" (Mc 10:17-31) must be discerned by each person with the Spirit of total transparency before God wanting to truly know the "one thing that I personally lack." The spirit of poverty is allowing God to strip us interiorly of our desires, expectations, plans, attachments, securities, and consolations in order to be emptied so that we can be filled with Christ. Related to Chapter 5-D in the Simple Path Poverty the Rich Young Man.pdf Back

  • Holy Week Reflection | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Reflections on Holy Week Letter to the community March 27, 2018 My Beloved Community, ​ As we live this Holy Week as ONE HEART in Jesus crucified with Mary, many of the Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross are suffering greatly with very difficult situations that God is permitting. I sent you a document yesterday to encourage you in your identities and mission as God’s little victim souls. Today I write to you from my heart to encourage you to PERSEVERE and not allow one drop of your sufferings to be wasted, for it is truly a drop of Jesus’ Precious Blood that we do not absorb with the living cloth of our lives. My reflection comes from the Gospel of John 12 and 13: ​ Jesus is glorified on the Wood of the Cross and through Him the Father is glorified. (12:23) Jesus tells us to follow Him (12:26), therefore, we too must follow Him to the Cross to die as one with Him ((12:24). In this way, we are resurrected, not only in heaven with the crown of glory, but also on earth, as the new creation of the Father—the new Adams and new Eves glorifying the Father on earth. These are the men and women, Christ’s disciples, living “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”, and only they, God’s apostles of Light, can usher in “Thy Kingdom come”. ​ All of us, because we have not yet died to self, desire to be great preachers, healers, miracle workers, teachers, prophets, administrators, apostolic workers, heroes and so on, without the Cross. Therefore, our works bear little fruit—our egos are what’s being glorified. We struggle following Christ daily to the Cross to die to self, to what we have become that we are not, through humiliations, accusations, discriminations, rejections, difficulties, sufferings, illnesses, piercings, abandonment, and so on, suffering ALL as one with Christ’s sacrifice of love. ​ Jesus gives us a new commandment: Love one another, even as I have loved you (Jn 13:34). How does Jesus love me? ​ He receives upon His Body my wounds and transgressions. He willingly, as the Father’s Victim Son, suffers my infidelity, unfaithfulness, lukewarmness, indifference, brokenness… hanging silently and patiently on the Wood of the Cross. He becomes the Victim Sacrifice for me, so that I can become the new creation in the image and likeness of God. ​ I then must choose to love the most difficult ones in my life—the boss, superior, spouse, who humiliated, accused, betrayed, and fired me. The person who used me and ditched me. The people—mother, father, brother, sister—who wounded me by disrespecting and dishonoring me. I must choose to love by willingly receiving their brokenness into my heart, cleansed of all resentment, frustration, anger, revenge and hatred, and suffer with Christ solely for Love as I pray for them daily, especially in the Sacrifice of the Mass. During Holy Land pilgrimage, day 8, Thursday, Nov 2, 2017, at Gethsemane, before the rock where Jesus prayed: ​ Love Crucified has been called to REMAIN with Me as I continue to shed tears for Jerusalem, to remain with Me in My continuous agony for souls, to participate with Me in the salvation of the world, as you choose daily to receive the brokenness of the souls I have placed in your lives and to suffer with Me for them. The time of the great destruction draws near, many souls will be lost, you will hear the wailing of Jerusalem throughout the world. Bring Me victim souls to suffer with Me in order to obtain graces of conversion for many souls, who otherwise will be lost. Believe in the power of your hidden lives of suffering with Me. Jesus loves me as He waits patiently, imprisoned in the tabernacle, for me to open my heart to Him, making myself completely vulnerable, unveiled of all my garments—my masks and false identity. I too must love in patience and expectant waiting for those souls closest to me to open their hearts to Christ. I must choose daily to live imprisoned in Jesus and Mary’s hidden martyrdom of heart as I suffer with expectant faith for myself and my territory of souls. ​ Jesus receives the denial and betrayal of Peter and Judas with the gaze of tender love as His tears united with Mary’s supplicate to the Father. I too must gaze upon those that have denied and betrayed me with Jesus’ gaze of love. This is only possible if I allow the Holy Spirit to draw my pierced and wounded heart into Jesus’ pierced and wounded Heart, and through the PAIN He is permitting me to suffer, I encounter His gaze. Then I can gaze upon those that have pierced me through the gaze of Love. God is glorified and death has no power! ​ Only when someone values love more highly than life, that is, only where someone is ready to put life second to love, for the sake of love, can love be stronger and more than death. Pope Benedict XVI My beautiful brothers and sisters, …We must REMEMBER who we are in Love Crucified and our history that we just reviewed in our Encounter and that Colombia will have soon. The Lord has asked us to help with the renewal of—God’s army to help usher in the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the new Pentecost and the Kingdom of God on earth. You MUST mount your white horses🔗 and live your sufferings as one with Love crucified so that your lives as God’s Sword of the Spirit can battle this war and God’s triumph be fulfilled …in the world. ​ 8/3/17 Demons of lust, pornography, shame, pride, arrogance and fear of intimacy. These demons are still at work… because from the beginning … have been called to be My warriors of the end times. …, among others, have been prepared and are being prepared to fight against these legions of Satan. I have already conquered Satan and all the principalities of death through the power of My love crucified. These angels of death can only be fought through Me, with Me, and in Me, in the power of the Spirit, through the Cross. I am dressing My soldier of light in My humility, purity, and childlike innocence. He must live knowing his nothingness and weakness, for it is I who am everything, all power and might. Pray for greater trust and abandonment so that the authority of My Spirit can be stirred into flame in him to cast out the demons of hell. The hidden force of My little mustard seed (LC Community) is the power of God’s force moving through him. My … will be My holy army for these end times. ​ 8/6/17 My little one, know that I am pleased with you because you have responded to the cry of My voice. My little one, this is a time of an outpouring of grace for My little mustard seed. You are each being given the grace to be transformed into My living hosts to bless, release from bondage and set free countless souls. See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Respond by suffering all with Me in My sacrifice of love. Respond with courage and zeal believing that God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. Believe, that as My warriors – the hidden anawims of God – you have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. Remain steadfast in living daily what I have taught you. Do not be afraid, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is close at hand. Usher in the triumph of our Two Hearts. Trust in the words I speak in your heart and share them with perfect faith and hope in the God who loves you. Go in peace. ​ “Animo”, my family!!!!! Fight courageously with your eyes fixed on our Love crucified, for He is our strength to persevere till the end as God’s holy warriors of light! “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.” (Rev 13;10) ​ Lourdes†

  • "Ponder" – Message for 2022

    "Ponder" – Message for the New Year 2022 Lourdes Pinto — January 7, 2022 Message from the Lord for the New Year 1/4/2022 God in His infinite goodness will conquer the beast with the few little pure victims of love My little one, the time approaches for the great persecution of My followers. I, like I did with My apostles, disciples, Mother, and friends, am preparing you for this difficult hour. Few will remain faithful, My little one. Judas betrayed Me because his passions had not been purified. His zeal for his desires, power, and riches darkened his soul so that Satan could manipulate him. He became Satan’s instrument of destruction, even though he had been in the band of My intimate followers and had continuous access to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is what will happen again at the final hour. I will be betrayed by those closest to Me, My consecrated souls because the darkness within their hearts have not been purified and Satan will deceive them until it's too late. My small community of Love Crucified will also suffer this devastation because not all have listened and responded to My voice preparing them for these difficult times. Persevere, My little one, proclaiming My voice in the midst of the great darkness. I promise you and my few faithful victim souls that My triumph is at hand. Remain in the Immaculate Heart of Mary in silence and prayer pondering the words I have spoken to you, and you (plural) will have the purity of heart to persevere till the end. Do not be discouraged seeing such few faithful souls, for God in His infinite goodness will conquer the beast with the few little pure victims of love that live daily in and through My sacrifice of love as one with Mary consumed in the fire of the Holy Spirit. Encourage My little mustard seed to persevere living the Simple Path I continue guiding you (plural) in. It is this Path that will set you free to be My warriors for the final hour that draws near. Encourage them to ponder as you have been doing daily in the Heart of Mary, My Mother. Encourage them to listen and receive My words, which have the power to make of them a new creation in the image and likeness of God. Rejoice, for God loves you (plural) and is bringing forth the new men and women of His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. This new year will be filled with challenges and many trials. Pray, pray, pray so that you are not deceived by Satan and his many dominions. I am with you (plural) guiding you to victory. I bless you (pl) with my kiss of peace. Back

  • Simple Path overview – Love Crucified

    The Simple Path to Union with God . An overview from Lourdes' heart The Simple Path to Union with God: an overview from Lourdes’ heart to the contemplatives of St. Joseph, 9-25-21 Initial prayer In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen. Jesus, we adore You, we praise You, and we thank you for this opportunity to be together. I thank you for the immense joy, the gift of meeting these brothers and sisters of California for the first time. I thank You for this technology that allows us to be together in this way. My Lord, we know that you have a perfect plan for this time; therefore, we submit ourselves totally to your Sacred Heart, to the Immaculate Heart, our most Holy Mother, in union with St. Joseph. I abandon myself totally as your insignificant vessel so that you, Jesus, and our Blessed Mother can speak whatever you wish to these beautiful sons and daughters of yours, that this time together be for the glory of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to continue to open our hearts, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us as men and women in the image and likeness of God so that that love can triumph through us. Our Blessed Mother, cover us with your mantle on this Saturday, your day, your mantle of purity, open our hearts to hear what it is that you want us to hear, and open the mouth of Maria and mine to speak what you want us to say. Cover these means of communication and each of us with the Precious Blood of your Son and protect us from any snares of the devil. Amen. Introduction Betty invited me to speak with you and asked me to begin by giving a testimony and explaining the Simple Path to Union with God that many of you have, what this Path is, and how this Path came about. So, I began to pray, like I always do: my Lord, what do you want me to say to these beautiful souls in California? The Lord placed absolutely nothing specific in my heart, and a retired priest that lives with my family gave me a Bible verse this morning and said, “this is what the Lord wants from you, Lourdes, it’s from Matthew 10:19”: Do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. So, I realized that I needed to have vulnerability. I’m a teacher, and I’m used to giving very organized teachings that the Spirit inspires, as Maria knows. So, I think this is the first time that I come to a group with no paper and no notes, just to speak to you from the heart so that I can get out of the way and our Lord and our Blessed Mother can say to each of you whatever they want through me. So let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Lourdes Pinto; I have been married to Peter for 43 years; we have eight children: seven sons and one daughter. She’s our eighth, the gift of Our Lady of Guadalupe for us, so her name is Lourdes, also named after our Blessed Mother. My husband and I are now expecting our 14th grandchild. This is very much who I am. Maria, do you want to give a little introduction? MARIA: I have been at the side of Lourdes for a long time. Before we started with Love Crucified, the Lord had already put in my heart that I needed to accompany this beautiful lady wherever she would go. My name is Maria Hickein. I started with her as a home school mom. I’m also married and a grandmother. I have seven children, five of them adopted. Two Russians, one Ukrainian, two African-Americans, one Spaniard, and one born in the United States, so I have a little bit of everywhere in my heart and home. I can say that the teachings of Love Crucified have given meaning to my life. I say to the Lord, “thank you for giving sense to my life, for everything God connected.” The Lord calls us from the moment of conception, so it’s just a matter of putting every little part of it together to understand who we are. LOURDES: Love Crucified –the beginnings The Lord had prepared me for this call through a beautiful blessed woman; maybe many of you know her, Blessed Conchita, a Mexican mystic, wife, and mother. A friend gave me one of her books in 2004, and that was the beginning of the work of the Holy Spirit in my heart. I began to fall in love with Jesus crucified. He became my one and my all, and we started a beautiful and profound, deep spiritual walk. I got the call in 2006; that was before the community began in 2008. Peter and I, with six of our children, were on a pilgrimage, which ended in Medjugorje. There, one early morning, while my husband and all my children were still sleeping, I heard an invitation very clearly in my heart. I did not know what it was to hear the voice of God so clearly in your heart. It was a very short invitation. I heard the Lord say to me, “will you be my victim soul?” At that moment —I feel God always prepares us in advance— I said, “yes.” I said yes in the most simple way of my heart as a mother. Mary is my mother, and I said, “she is the victim mother united to her son; if I want to truly follow Jesus Christ and follow his mother, I say ‘yes.’” So, not having the slightest idea what I was saying yes to, not even understanding what the invitation was or what it meant to be a victim soul, I simply said “yes.” From that yes, that simple yes, began this whole walk. That was the beginning of the Simple Path to Union with God. The Lord began to form me into the type of victim He specifically wants for these decisive times. Warriors I was amazed that the words of the Lord in my heart began to come like military talk: I’m forming my warriors for these decisive times; I’m forming my army of men and women, courageous men and women of all walks of life, of all different orders of all different religious communities to be my army, to be our Blessed Mother’s army to fight the great battle that is upon you. This was the type of voice coming to my heart, but I needed a profound formation and began to receive it. In 2008, without us even planning it, the community of Love Crucified started with, I think, four of us praying together. Father Jordi is the founding father priest with me. The Lord united me to him for spiritual direction, and, through his guidance, all of this began. Next, the Lord asked us to write the Simple Path because it is for the whole Church. The Simple Path: an experience of life in Christ In Love Crucified we have never recruited or fundraised. I had no idea how more Mothers of the Cross would come. Yet, today I can tell you that we have Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross from different states in the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Switzerland, and Honduras. The Lord began to expand His work. So, the Simple Path is an experience of life. I always tell everybody, it’s not a book you read, it’s in the form of a book, but it’s a way of life you live. The goal of the Simple Path, the Lord says, is simple, yet to live it is very difficult for us humans because, due to our woundedness and our brokenness, we are so complicated. But God is simple. God knew the difficult times in which called us to live, and He wanted to form us to be transformed in Christ and through Christ into the unity of the Most Holy Trinity. He wanted us to live this profound union with God here on earth, to experience the goodness, the love, the mercy, the power, the majesty, personally with God here on earth. He also wants formed men and women warriors for the battle that now has begun in the world. Going deep into the heart to empty us and unite us to Him The goal of the Simple Path to Union with God is to take us deep into our hearts and to open our hearts in a way that God can begin to purify us, to empty us of all our darkness, of all the lies that we have come to believe about ourselves. Why? Because it is all a blockage to union with God. The more we allow God to purify us, to cleanse us, to empty us, the more veils drop from the eyes of our hearts so that we can live more and more in profound union with Him, knowing Him in the sanctuary of our hearts, which the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls our conscience. The Path begins with Mary leading us to the Cross The Lord began by uniting us to our Blessed Mother through consecration to her. Only with Mary can any of us reach the Cross, and only through the Cross can we enter the fullness of union in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is why Satan has done so much to scare people about the Cross. I was very innocent when I began this mission. I knew that every priest is ordained priest and victim, yet to my great surprise, I was shocked to find that most priests, the minute I mentioned ‘victim soul,’ wanted nothing to do with what I had to say. They did not understand, and that was such a mystery to me. How could it be that our priests, who are ordained priests and victims, have no idea of what it means and how to live the victimhood dimension of their priesthood, which is where the greatest power is. The Lord has given me the opportunity to come to know many priests in different religious orders who have found in the Path a means to understand how to live the victimhood dimension of their priesthood on a regular, ordinary life. So, that is one of the blessings. After we were consecrated, our Blessed Mother received us, just as she took Mary Magdalene, the other holy women, and St. John. Very few made it to the Cross, but those who were united to our Blessed Mother did. St. Louis de Montfort tells us Jesus has many friends of the banquet, but very few friends of the Cross. I see more and more that there are few men and women that truly have been transformed. We have a lot of good men and women, we have a lot of good priests, but we lack transformed men and women, which is what the world needs now. This is what our Lord desires: that we be men and women with the guts, with the courage to enter the deepest recesses of our hearts to see the ugliest parts of ourselves, the darkness within ourselves, that we’d love to keep hidden. How easy it is to put on masks, but how difficult it is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove our masks, to remove all our fakeness, to bring us to be totally unveiled before him, naked before our God, so that He can dress us in the gowns, the white linen gowns of the pure ones of the book of Revelations, the ones that have been washed and cleansed with the blood of Christ. That takes courage; that takes love. And that is the goal of God and the Simple Path to Union with God. For this, he brought us, in chapter two, to the foot of the Cross with Mary. To give you an idea, our community spent about an entire year at the foot of the Cross. You have it in a short chapter, so this shows that you don’t just read; you live the Path. During that time, the Lord brought us to St. Catherine of Sienna's beautiful teachings and confirmed to us the importance of being at the foot of the Cross. There, the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of knowledge. This is very important because most of us do not know ourselves and, of course, we don’t know God very well either. The work of the Holy Spirit at the Cross: Knowledge of God and self-knowledge We began to pray earnestly with Mary, to kiss the feet of Jesus and say: “begin to give me the self-knowledge I need at this moment of my life, grant me the grace to see something in my heart that you want to reveal to me.” We were amazed at what God did when we permitted Him. When we asked the Holy Spirit for the gift of self-knowledge —because it is a gift— He actually gave it to us. It can come as inspiration in prayer; it can come from scripture, but most of the time, self-knowledge comes from those we live closest with and then it is very hard to accept it. My husband gives me self-knowledge, my children will give me self-knowledge, also in the community, brother to brother. Boy, when they tell us something about ourselves, sometimes, ah, it’s not so easy, right? Yet, when we sit with it in prayer and really allow God to take us deep, a beautiful gift is given to us, and that’s the goal of precious repentance, that is living in divine mercy. We can’t receive mercy and enter into mercy if we don’t receive the knowledge of what’s wrong with us, the knowledge of what has to be healed in us, the knowledge of what’s broken in us. Then God begins, through the humility of repentance, to begin to transform us. Our wounds healed by the Cross I want to focus now on an area that the Lord revealed to us as important: our wounds. Why? Because as long as we live stuck in our wounds, we’re stuck, as in an elevator or a pit. Think of a pit; if you’re in the bottom, your vision of life is very limited. You can only see up; you can only see very little. That’s how most of us live our lives: we live stuck in our wounds; therefore, our ability to see is very limited. The Lord brought me to an experience years ago when I was already married and had quite a few children. My husband and I have a beautiful marriage. He loves me dearly, yet, even with all the blessings in my life, I felt a profound emptiness deep within my heart, and I felt there was a part of me that was dying inside but did not know why. I’m maybe older than some of you, so I remember growing up watching Tarzan; I used to love Tarzan. In those movies, people would fall in the quicksand. At that time, I could relate to that slow sinking. I was in quicksand. On the outside, everything seemed perfect, but on the inside, something was not right. One day, I began to sense the Lord reaching out to me with a wooden cross. In prayer, I held out my hand, and I grabbed it, and I felt I was pulled out. And that was very significant because it was through the Cross that Jesus came to pull me out of my darkness to bring me into the light. The power of the hidden life The Lord began to reveal to me the power of the hidden life. And how did He do it? In the most ordinary of my life, very much like Saint Therese, the Little Flower. I’ll give you two examples because they impacted most my formation in the hidden life as a victim soul. My son, Alex, who is now 23, was about four years old. I was homeschooling most of my children and came into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. In comes this little boy, and something happened. I’m a mom, very much used to being affectionate and kissing my children. Motherhood has been the highlight of my life, but something different happened that morning; I got on my knees and hugged him. Time seemed to stop. I knew I had just received a grace. I knew without a doubt that the hug I gave Alex was received by children throughout the world that were in desperate need of a mother’s hug and that someday in heaven, I would meet and know those children. It was a moment of grace that I will never forget. It was an instant, yet I was changed forever as a mother, as a wife because the Lord revealed to me that when we enter and live our lives in Jesus crucified, God touches every act and gives it an impact that affects the world, just like the miracle of the multiplication of the bread. The second experience was while being the head of the Catholic homeschooling association of south Florida. Many mothers who were being called to homeschool came to me for training on the how-to of homeschooling. As you can imagine, when we receive that call, we’re all so nervous, so all these nervous women came to me, and I would spend hours with them, showing them, giving them the courage to answer the call, answering all their questions. One morning, I’m in the Blessed Sacrament in prayer, and I feel the Lord asks me, “Lourdes, what do you think was the most pleasing thing you did yesterday?” Of course, with my human thinking, I immediately said, “helping the women, teaching them to homeschool,” because in my human logic, I tend to judge things according to how many people I impact or how much time I spent doing that. So that was my immediate answer, but the Lord said to me, “no, that was not the most pleasing act, what pleased me most.” Then He brought to my memory the night before. I was in the habit of preparing chocolate milk for my children before bed. Having eight children, I lined up eight little glasses of milk on my kitchen counter. That night, each glass represented one of my children, and from the depths of my heart, as I was stirring that chocolate milk, I was praying for each of them in the most profound way. Nobody saw this act. I even forgot it. It was one of the many things we do and don’t even think of them. The Lord revealed to me that that act was the most pleasing to Him that I had done that day. Making chocolate milk. Boy, what a lesson from God that was for me! It began to transform my life as I could see the value of the most insignificant, the most boring. The world was telling me your life as a woman is not worth much. Spending your day cleaning dirty diapers, breastfeeding, looking like a mess most of the time. You’re not doing anything. But the Lord began to reveal that my most hidden life —I was home a lot homeschooling— was my domestic monastery. The bell was constantly ringing, calling me to embrace the next shore. Maybe it rang more than it does for you, beautiful monks and brothers! But I had to learn to listen to the bell, and my prayer life was of the essence. I fell in love with Jesus in the Eucharist. How much the Eucharist has to be the center of our lives! I went to the Blessed Sacrament very early every morning while my husband stayed with the children. If I were breastfeeding, I would bring them with me. More and more, the Blessed Sacrament became the center of my life. That is where the Lord revealed to me the meaning of the hidden life, both His and mine. I saw that our hidden life has to become one with His hidden life in the Eucharist, that the power of God is in the Eucharist, and that, as we live our hidden lives united to Him, more and more as victim souls, we become living hosts. The Cross, victim souls, and love Blessed Conchita teaches the union with Christ as living hosts is the mystical incarnation. My brothers and sisters, the mystical incarnation is a grace that God wants to give all of us, but it is not possible outside of the Cross. Do not fear the Cross; the Cross is the place of transformation; the Cross is the place of freedom; the Cross is the place of the greatest joy and happiness. Satan has done so much to make us fear the Cross. Years ago, they wanted me to change the word “victim soul.” A priest who was not part of our community told me, “it’s not going to go well for you; nobody is going to respond to your call.” So, I was told, “Lourdes, maybe we should not say ‘victim souls,’ let’s give it another name.” I took it to prayer, and I said, “my Lord, what do you want?” He didn’t beat around the bush with me; He said to me, “will you be my victim soul?” And I had to respond ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ I did not understand; I was scared. Do not be scared. Being victim souls is a blessing that Satan doesn’t want us to have. The Sacred Heart The Path does not keep us at the foot of the Cross; it takes us into Christ crucified. We tend to romanticize the Sacred Heart with beautiful pictures and devotions, but how many live consumed in the fire of the Sacred Heart? My brothers and sisters, the Sacred Heart is full of love and full of suffering. Pain because God, who is perfect love, suffers for us. You and me, ordinary men and women, mothers and fathers, can understand that from a human perspective. Why do we suffer so much with our children? Because we love them so much. Why do we suffer so much with our spouses? Because we love them. You cannot separate love and pain. When we learn to unite our suffering to Christ, we come to touch His love. That is why the motto of our community is the words from our Lord to us: “suffer all with me, no longer two, but one in My sacrifice of love.” Suffer all. How difficult! It’s so simple, but boy, it’s so hard for us! I’m struggling all the time! Maria is my spiritual accompanier, and she’s amazing. She’s constantly helping me remember when I get piercings of rejection humiliation. As mothers, as fathers, how unappreciated are we! But I can never come to know the suffering of our Lord for being unappreciated if, in my heart, I never suffer the pain of being unappreciated. Everything we suffer: rejection, betrayal, humiliations, misunderstandings, they’re all in the heart of Jesus Christ. Healing our wounds Everybody has wounds. Some psychology is good, but it may keep us focused on our woundedness. In chapter three of the Simple Path, the Lord taught that the simplest yet most powerful way to be healed is to draw our wounds into His wounds. This way, we are set free from the tendency of being stuck in our wounds. When we learn to suffer our brokenness and woundedness in Christ, our wounds are transformed in Him, and they become the chalice. Think of the chalice that the priest cleans at Mass as representing our heart and our wounds. Those wounds are infected with lies about ourselves that Satan planted long ago. This infection causes disorders in our lives. When we place those wounds in Christ’s Heart, He begins to heal them and unite them to His wounds. He doesn’t get rid of them; that’s the beauty. Instead, He transforms them into His living chalices, and He fills those wounds that we carry with His blood, His life. Like Saint Paul, we can say: I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. –Gal 2:20 His love and His mercy and His healing power live in us, move through us. We become the living Christ. That is the Simple Path to Union with God. The Path is not finished. We’re still living it in our community. In chapter four, the Lord teaches us the meaning of the three nails of the crucifixion. In the past two years, He has taken us deep into the nails so that we need to put it into writing someday. Prophetic preparation for the decisive battle The end of the Path, chapter eight, is important. It is about the signs of the times and covers some prophecies from our Popes, approved apparitions of Our Blessed Mother, and the saints. It ends with prophecies to our community for the world. My brothers and sisters, we have entered the decisive battle. What we are living with this pandemic is worldwide. Satan’s destruction wants to bring forth a new world order of Communism. They are using the pandemic to step by step take away our freedom. We must understand. We must see with the eyes of God the decisive times because if we are going to be warriors, we have got to know how to battle. The Path is a beautiful preparation, one that you’re all also walking. We are in a spiritual battle against the forces of Satan. Jesus Christ pierced the darkness of Satan with the power of his divine love at the Cross. Only the power of love can pierce the darkness, and that is why we need to be men and women transformed. We are so blessed to be living in these times. Why? Because we have the grace from God to become saints at a much faster pace than most saints did in the past. It’s really a blessing. God is pouring out His grace to raise the saints that Saint Louis de Montfort talked about. Saints of the end times, these are us, and it takes one thing: I had to say ‘yes,’ that was all. The Lord didn’t give me this long explanation. I had the choice to say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ And if I am here and if each of you received the Simple Path to Union with God, that was not my doing; that was God’s doing. If you got this book, it’s because each of you is being called by the Lord and asked the same question, “will you be my victim souls?” He waits for your answer. The only reason you have the Path and that God brought me here is that He wants to make you a saint. Home

  • Cristo Roto –Song | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    CRISTO ROTO Broken Christ Text and music: Maria Hickein ​ Soy el Cristo roto, mutilado por el pecado... I am the broken Christ, maimed by sin... ¿Quién Me quiere consolar? Who wants to comfort Me? Todo flagelado, desfigurado, tan maltratado... All flagellated, disfigured, so mistreated ... ¿Quién Me viene a acompañar? Who comes to accompany Me? Como un mendigo implorando compasión... Like a beggar seeking compassion... Soy ese amigo que te dio Su corazón... I am that friend that gave you His heart... Soy el Cristo roto, olvidado, tan despreciado... I am the broken Christ, maimed by sin... ¿Quién Me quiere ir a buscar? Who wants to go looking for Me? Vivo encadenado, amordazado, encarcelado... I live chained, gagged, imprisoned ... ¿Quién Me pone en libertad? Who sets Me free? Muero de frío por no hallar un corazón I'm dying of cold for not finding a heart. que busque al Mío y Me abrigue con su amor... who looks for Mine and who shelters Me with his love... Soy tu Cristo roto, rechazado, I am your Christ - broken and rejected- fui traicionado con un beso sin amor I was betrayed with a kiss without love Soy tu Cristo herido, humillado, abandonado, I am your Christ - wounded, humiliated, abandoned- ¿Quién repara esta traición? Who repairs this betrayal? Busco al amigo con quien compartir Mi sed I am looking for a friend to share My thirst with y que Conmigo se crucifique también... and that, with Me, also crucifies himself... Otro Cristo roto... Another broken Christ... ​ ​ Music Page

  • Violence of Sorrows – II – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Violence of Sorrows –Part II Lourdes Pinto – August 4, 2016 Back

  • Self-Will: Public Enemy #1

    Self-Will: Public Enemy #1 Fr. Ron Sciera, Augu st 3, 2023 The monster of self-will that lies disguised within us is a strong force that prevents us from receiving self-knowledge of our ugly sins. TOP This teaching is based on messages that the Lord has given the community regarding self-love, the ego and self-will. ​ Self-love- 11/16/10, 1/17/11, 3/1/11, 4/20/11, 11/25/11, 12/12/11, 12/14/11, 10/4/12, 11/17/21, 2/17/22, 5/17/22, 11/14/22, 1/23/23, 3/10/23, Ego- 1/18/12, 1/11/18, 10/16/19, 1/9/23, 4/13/23 Self-will - 5/8/23

  • Rock Bottom In Our Hearts

    Rock Bottom in Our Hearts Micah Parsons – March 9, 2023 ​ The Lord cries out to the Missionaries of the Cross through the intercession of the Mothers of the Cross, REMAIN in mourning with Abba and Mary. This teaching explains the lament of Papa (God) and the process of feeling the pain to reach the "Rock bottom, in our hearts." A soul does not ascend high, to UNION with God and Mary, unless the soul hits rock bottom in his heart. Top of Page ⬆︎

  • MC Testimony Love Crucified

    Missionaries of the Cross of LC – Testimony Fr. Jordi Rivero, March 5, 2020 Father Jordi shares his struggles to respond every more deeply to what the Lord is teaching in the Love Crucified Community through Lourdes Pinto. Men of the community are called Missionaries of the Cross and The Path refer to the community's book, The Simple Path to Union with God Back

  • Army of Priests | Love Crucified Community

    His Army of Priests Lourdes Pinto, to Legionary Priests, 2013 Back

  • Tu Pasion de Amor | Love Crucified

    TU PASIÓN DE AMOR Your Passion of Love Lyrics and music: Maria Hickein ​ Esposo mío, ¡amado mío! My Spouse, my Beloved! desde el pesebre hasta la Cruz from the manger to the Cross Te has entregado a mí en Tu amor crucificado You have given yourself to me in Your crucified love Tu corazón me has dado, moriste para mí... You have given me your heart, You died for me. y Te has quedado encarcelado and You remained imprisoned tanto has amado que para mí You have loved so much that for me te hiciste pan de vida para alimentarme You became bread of life to nourish me y de tu amor saciarme... para vivir en mí... and fill me with Your love... to live in me... y ahora al fin te digo: «¡Sí!» and now at last I say, "Yes!" me entrego toda a Ti I give myself fully to you esposa amante y fiel your loving and faithful bride... para endulzar con mi beso de amor... la hiel... to sweeten with my kiss of love ... the gall ... ¡De Tu Pasión de amor! of Your Passion of love! Esposo mío, ¡esposo amado!, My Spouse, my Beloved! has perdonado a Tu esposa infiel, You have forgiven Your unfaithful spouse, me has esperado como eterno enamorado, You have waited for me as an eternal lover, y tu beso apasionado es más dulce que la miel... and Your passionate kiss is sweeter than honey... en el madero de Tu lecho es donde hoy quiero on Your Cross-bed is where I now want amar sin miedo abrazada a Ti en la Cruz, to love without fear embraced to You on the Cross, has consumado en mí Tu amor y me has salvado, You have consumated in me Your love and You have saved me, has borrado mi pecado. You have blotted out my sin ¡Ha triunfado en mí Tu luz! Your light has triumphed in me! Y ahora al fin te digo: «¡Sí!» And now at last I say, "Yes!" me entrego toda a Ti I give myself fully to You esposa amante y fiel Your loving and faithful bride para endulzar con mi beso de amor... la hiel... to sweeten with my kiss of love ... the gall ... ¡De Tu Pasión de amor! of your Passion of love! MUSIC PAGE

  • Reign of Immaculate & New Pentecost | Love Crucified Comm.

    To help usher in the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the new Pentecost. My daughter the mission of LC is to bring souls to the feet of Jesus crucified with Mary, through consecration. They will enter the Cross through the gate of Mary. You will teach them the way to union with God. You will proclaim consecration to the Holy Spirit through the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mary most Sorrowful. I desire for this time to be the time of My greatest martyrs. It is the blood of My martyrs united to the Blood of Jesus Christ that will usher in the new Pentecost with the reign of the Queen of Heaven and Earth. I desire countless hidden martyrs like My Spouse, the Queen of Martyrs. Here lies the POWER OF GOD and the full power of the Holy Spirit, which will be poured out through the POWER OF THE CROSS. — 9/15/10 Feast of our Mother of Sorrows ​ It is this crusade (victim souls) that will raise up My army of martyrs that will overcome the principalities of darkness and usher in the reign of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother with the new Pentecost for My Church. Do not be afraid to proclaim what I am giving you. 9/16/10 ​ Pray! Pray! Pray! for God's army of holy priests to come forth to usher in the reign of My Immaculate Heart. It is these priests who will help guide God's sheep into the safety of my Son's Cross to receive the fire of His love, the Holy Spirit. Believe and prepare, for the world is being made new. 5/26/14 Back

  • Encouragement to Seminarias on the Life in the Spirit

    Encouragement to Seminarians on the Life in the Spirit Fr. Ron Sciera – July, 2019 Back

  • God's Hidden Victims Souls – Book

    God's Hidden Victim Souls His army for the great battle that has begun God's Hidden Victim Souls Book Request FIRST NAME / NOMBRE LAST NAME / APELLIDO EMAIL / CORREO ELECTRONICO Line 2/ Segunda linea Street / Calle State/ Estado City / Ciudad Postal / Zip code Phone / Teléfono # BOOKS/LIBROS ENGLISH # BOOKS/LIBROS ESPAÑOL The books are free, but any donation to Love Crucified to help spread this work & defray the cost of publishing & shipping is greatly appreciated. Send Request DONATION *To avoid erasing this form, send request form before donation Thanks for requesting our book. God bless you. We will ship as soon as possible.

  • Regnum Christi 2020 | Love Crucified

    Love Crucified encounter with Regnum Christi Medellin, Colombia, 2020 Come to Me, says the Lord... My gaze is upon each of you. I see your struggles; I know your trials; I feel and suffer your sorrows; I collect your tears; I suffer with each of you. Have perfect faith in the God that loves you… Believe in the power of your hidden ordinary lives lived through Me, with Me and in Me, ONE with Me, no longer two. Believe in My crucified love, in the power of My crucified gaze to penetrate all darkness. My gaze is upon you; allow Me to heal your wounds and purify all darkness. — Diary of a MOC p.59 on the Path. Heart to heart sharing the Path... My desire for you, My thirst for each of you, is to make you My living icons. My little ones, suffer all with Me, gazing upon My crucified love so that your suffering can perfect your faith and you can become My living chalices poured upon the world, redeeming, restoring and purifying with Me. Learn to wait upon the Lord, for that proves your love and perfects your trust. — continuation of the above The soul that lives wrapped in the gift of knowledge grows in true humility and is then able to advance in My path on the wings of the Holy Spirit. At times, you fall and have setbacks; but do not get discouraged, for these falls are meant to help keep you wrapped in the gift of knowledge, the gift of knowing that you can do nothing without the grace of God. The Lords heals my wounds and fills me with joy... Pg.3 Main Web Page

  • Regnum Christi 2020 | Love Crucified

    Love Crucified encounter with Regnum Christi Medellin, Colombia, 2020 Our healed wounds united to Christ’s wounds are the place of connection where the branch is grafted to the Vine. It is precisely through our wounds that the Blood of Christ -His life- flows into us. Our healed wounds become His living chalice. Our healed wounds in Him is where we are transformed into God’s new creation – the new Adams and the new Eves. Why must you take ownership of that wound? because it is in that wound that you are able to become fully who you are in Christ for the Church. Our wounds are the place of transformation. Our wounds cleansed of the lies, resentments, anger… become God’s “living chalice,” the place of the most profound union with Christ. All our wounds have been infected by Satan with lies. We have integrated these lies into our personalities and into the way we see ourselves. They have defined our identities — ( p189) “This is who you have become but it is not who you are. I see you as who you are, and I suffer who you have become.” It is your “yes” to give the oblation of your life that “stirs into flame” the graces of your baptism and you receive the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. It is then, in this way, that your life possesses the "power of God.” That is why I desire many victim souls, for it is only the power of pure love that will pierce the darkness that is seeping into the hearts and minds of My people. Bring Me victim souls, My little one. Do not be afraid. — Path p.326 It is My victim souls abandoned to My crucified love that possess the power of God to defeat Satan and usher in the reign of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. —Path p.330. "Through the external cross which all can see, I was a victim acceptable to the Father by shedding My blood, but it was above all through the interior cross that Redemption was accomplished" — Blessed Conchita, Diary, Sept. 7, 1896. Pg 5 Main Page

  • Covenants | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Covenants Oldest on top 2012-2013 USA Fr. Ron Sciera, April 20th, 2012 @GA Ammie DeGrange, September 8th, 2012 @ Washington Patricia Sánchez, September 13th, 2012 @Miami 2014-2015 USA ​ Ana Segovia, March 22nd, 2014 Ivette González, March 22nd, 2014 Juliana García, March 22nd, 2014 Adrian Marrero, May 29th, 2014 @Miami Héctor Ramos, May 29th, 2014 @Miami Bernardette Alfonso, March 13th, 2015 Back Next page

  • Lament of Daughter Zion

    Lament of Daughter Zion Lourdes Pinto – October 8, 2022 Back

  • Obstinacy: A Barrier to the Union of Sorrows

    Obstinacy: Barrier to the Union of Sorrows Lou r des Pinto – February 2, 2023 Pa rt I Part II Back

  • Men & Women Cenacles | Love Crucified Community

    Teachings of the Love Crucified Community Monthly Cenacles For Love Crucified Women (MOC) For Love Crucified Men (MC) Teachings for Love Crucified Women (MOC) Motherhood Requires Mercy and Justice Lourdes Pinto | May 6, 2023 Women must live the emotion of anger through the power of their sorrows as ONE with Christ in Mary! Holy anger must always act from love! Mourn with Mary Lourdes Pinto | March 4, 2023 The Lord tells the Mothers of the Cross, remain in mourning with Mary . This teaching explains the lament of Mary and the process of the purification of the human emotion of sorrow needed to achieve the union of sorrow and joy in the cloister of Mary’s Heart. Soledad (Solitude) Lourdes Pinto | February 4, 2023 The spiritual state of Mary’s “soledad” is the summit of The Simple Path. Jesus said, "The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth." Holy Sorrow Vs. Sadness Lourdes Pinto | November 12, 2022 “The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth.” This teaching answers the questions: Is there a difference between holy sorrow and the emotion of sadness? How is sadness transformed into holy sorrow? Lament of Daughter Zion Lourdes Pinto | October 8, 2022 We are learning to live the emotion of sorrow through the purification of the 2nd nail so that the sorrows of the maternal heart, united with the Mother of Sorrows, have the power of the Cross to help in the purification of the world. Significance of the Veil Lourdes Pinto | May 7, 2022 There is a trend among Catholic women to return to wearing the veil at Mass, yet few understand the deeper significance of the veil. ​ A Fast Acceptable to God Lourdes Pinto | March 5, 2022 God reveals to Isaiah (Is 58) the fast He desires. This reflection shows the nitty-gritty of how to “loose the bonds of injustice” and unbind the chains of oppression. It explains God’s wisdom in mortifying ourselves through silence. ​ Prayer of Long Waiting in Silence Lourdes Pinto | Sept 11, 2021 "Your hearts purified, emptied, and formed as My victims of pure love, one with My Mother of Sorrows, is the power of God to cast into hell the principalities of death. Give yourselves to prayer and silence as My warriors preparing and saving souls..." (6/6/20). The prayer of long waiting in silence with trust and hope is an intimate participation in the love of the Trinity for humanity. Women of Courage Called to Battle Lourdes Pinto | Aug 7, 2021 Our Lord is calling for women of courage to unite their sorrows to the sorrows of Our Mother’s heart. She collects with her tears Our Lord's Precious Blood. United with Mary and anointed with Christ's Precious Blood, these holy women possess the power of God to free many souls from the deception of Satan and the powers of the new world order being established in the midst of this pandemic. ​ The Mystery of the Cross: A Love Unknown by the World Lourdes Pinto | Dec 5, 2020 In this reflection on “The Pieta,” we discover our identity as Mothers of the Cross to live the hidden martyrdom of the heart as Mary, our Mother of Sorrows. Like Mary, we must sacrifice our maternal hearts and participate as ONE in the sufferings... the pains...the tears and sorrows of Our Beloved— Love Crucified. We are called to enter and remain in the Mystery of the Cross, in the silence and hiddenness of our hearts. Humility in Silence Lourdes Pinto | March 7, 2020 This talk leads us to ponder the depth of God’s humility in Christ's silence as He is stripped. We are called to be His Body, His Blood, One Sacrifice for love of Him and participate intimately in His suffering. Through the Path, we are challenged to come to know and understand our self-love, misery, and impure hearts, so we can grow and be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ Crucified. Our growth in silence is connected to our growth in humility. ​ Long Suffering Lourdes Pinto | October 5, 2019 MOC Serve In the Awareness of Who God Is Lourdes Pinto | August 3, 2019 ​ Identity and Mission of MOC Lourdes Pinto | September 1, 2018 ​ Formation for the Mission Lourdes Pinto | February 3, 2018 Also given to the MC. ​ Christ's Hands Tied Lourdes Pinto | August 4, 2018 ​ La Soledad (Solitude) Maria Hickein | January 7, 2017 ​ Brides of Love Crucified Lourdes Pinto | October 10, 2015 ​ Remain Lourdes Pinto | February 7, 2015 ​ Spiritual Motherhood for Priests Maria Hickein | October 4, 2014 Peter Followed at a Distance Lourdes Pinto | February 1, 2014 ​ "My Gaze is Upon You" - Power of Your Ordinary Life Lourdes Pinto | August 11, 2012 "Believe, my daughter, believe." We need the faith of a Mustard Seed, and Jesus will do the impossible through us. "Believe in the power of your ordinary hidden lives lived through Me, with Me, and in Me." The greater the tenderness of our hearts, like Jesus', the greater our sensitivity to love and suffer with Christ. ​ ​ ​ Teachings for Love Crucified Men (MC) Fatherhood Requires Mercy and Justice – Understanding Just Anger Lourdes Pinto | May 4, 2023 What is just anger? This teaching answers the question and reveals that true fatherhood must have BOTH mercy and justice. One without the other is not authentic love. Obstinacy: Barrier to the Union of Sorrows Lourdes Pinto | February 2, 2023 The sin of obstinacy is more common among men. Why? What is the sin of obstinacy, and why is it so gra ve? Do you struggle with obstinacy in your life? This teaching explains how obstinacy is a barrier to the most perfect union with Christ on earth: the union of sorrows. Coupling the Spiritual Box Cars Fr. Ron Sciera – December 1, 2022 Forward progress on the Path entails moments of back and forth. The key is to stay connected by living attuned to THE REAL COUPLER! Emotions – The Spirit Aligns Our Emotions in Christ Lourdes Pinto – November 11, 2022 The 2nd nail of crucifixion makes us aware that our emotions need to be transformed so that we can be fully human in Christ. This teaching covers the how-to process of connecting with our emotions and allowing the Spirit to integrate them in Christ. ​ Do I Really Want to Repent? Fr. Jordi Rivero – February 3, 2021 Only united with Christ's love in suffering through the battle, can we come to repentance. ​ Missionaries of the Cross of LC – Testimony Fr. Jordi Rivero – March 5, 2020 The struggles to embrace the gift given to us. God's Question Fr. Ron Sciera – April 11, 2019 "Do you think that My death and resurrection was useless and powerless?" ​ Testimony to Men Hector Ramos – November 2, 2018 Hector encourages the men of LC to have the faith of the prophets: Believe, My sons, believe!” ​ Missionaries of the Cross – Identity and Mission Lourdes Pinto | August 30, 2018 Identity and mission of the Missionaries of the Cross, men of the Love Crucified Community. Bronze wall. ​ Formation for the Mission Lourdes Pinto | February 1, 2018 Also given to the MDC Men Yoked to Christ Lourdes Pinto | January 11, 2018 How to remain faithful and strong, focused in the identity and mission God gives us, by following the example of St. Joseph. ​ Missionaries of the Cross – Identity Lourdes Pinto | January 5, 2017 –audio. ​ ​ Top of Page ⬆︎ MOC MC

  • Carmelite Monks Encounter | Love Crucified

    Carmelite Contemplative Monks Love Crucified Encounter Girardota, Colombia, 2020 Pg.3 Main Page

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