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  • Love Crucified Community's Mission

    Love Crucified Mission Lourdes Pinto — May 31, 2012 Usher in the new Pentecost/New men and women are needed for the new evangelization/The Simple Path is the means to transform our hearts/The mission of LC is the "sword of the Spirit" for the decisive battle at hand. Back

  • Music – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Love Crucified Music Maria Hickein Albums: Hijo Pródigo (Prodigal Son) Permanecer en T i ​​ (Remain in you) Morir Para Vivir (Die to Live) Madre del Silencio (Mother of Silence) Hostia Viva (Living Host) Cristo Roto 2020. (B roken Christ) En Tu Sa grado Co razón ( In Your Sacred Hea rt) A las (Wings ) Cristo R o t o (Broken Christ ) Music may be downloaded from this page for free. Hijo Pródigo Prodigal Son HijoProdigo Lyrics Permanecer en Tí Remain in You Permanecer-en-ti Lyrics Morir Para Vivir Die To Live Lyrics Madre del Silencio Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 madre-del-silencio MorirPara HostiaViva Hostia Viva Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Cristo Roto 2020 Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Lyrics 10 Lyrics 11 Cristo Roto 2020 En Tu Sagrado Corazón Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 En-Tu-Sagrado-Corazon Alas Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Alas Cristo Roto Lyrics 1 Lyrics 2 Lyrics 3 Lyrics 4 Lyrics 5 Lyrics 6 Lyrics 7 Lyrics 8 Lyrics 9 Lyrics 10 Lyrics 11 Lyrics 12 Cristo-Roto Ordering CDs via regular mail: Love Crucified 105 Riverbrooke Rd. Covington Ga. 30016. ​ Include in letter: CD's name and quantity Your shipping address and email . Donation suggested: CD / $10 Check payable to "Love Crucified Community" ORDER

  • Thank You – Love Crucified

    Thank you for your generosity We thank the Lord and pray for the intentions of our benefactors at daily Mass. With your donations you are an instrument for the renewal of the hearts of priests, consecrated and laity through accompaniment, retreats, teachings and the media. Fr. Jordi Rivero ​ Main page

  • Spiritual Mothers – Interior Crucifixion

    The Mothers of the Cross, united to Mary, will renew the priesthood Mary: The Mothers of the Cross (spiritual mothers) are my maidens who, united to me, will renew the priesthood. Your “fiat” to be victim souls will be perfected in my “Fiat.” Your lives will be a holy cloth that soaks up the Precious Blood of Jesus. In this way, you will become pure living chalices filled with the Blood of Jesus. You will live your hidden lives like me in prayer, sacrifice, and suffering. Your hidden lives lived in your domestic monasteries will be a source of grace for the sanctification of priests. — 6/13/0, Simple Path #98 p.279. ​ My daughter, I desire souls to participate in My interior crucifixion as ONE with My Mother. It is in this way that you will obtain the greatest amount of graces for the world. A time of great destruction is coming to the world; it is My hidden martyrs of love that the Father will use to aid many to the Light. It is My hidden martyrs of love that possess the power to raise up My army of holy priests needed for the decisive battle that is at hand. My little ones, you are called to help form My hidden martyrs of love to perfection in Me. Accept My chalice of love and suffering, and suffer with Me, as ONE with Me, the sorrows of My Sacred Heart. As an all loving Father, I suffer the sickness of My sons' and daughters' hearts, but My greatest suffering is that they don't allow Me, the Healer of all hearts, to touch them. They seek healing in all forms except in the only One that can bring them to life. I desire for all the Mothers of the Cross to unite as one with My Mother of Sorrows to obtain graces for humanity. The salvation of many is dependent upon your RESPONSE. — Simple Path #132 p.352. As Mothers of the Cross, pray for My beloved priests as you pray for your sons. Give your lives for them as you give your lives for your children. Your voices (Mothers of the Cross) are united as one with My Mother before the throne of God. Your lives united in Mary are bringing down graces upon My priests. — 11/9/08, Simple Path #139 p.372. It is the pure suffering of the Mothers of the Cross that I will use to pierce the harshness of My sons' hearts. Suffer all with perfect faith in My crucified love. — 1/13/11. Back ​

  • Martyrdom of the Heart | Love Crucified Comm.

    Martyrdom of the heart (interior crucifixion) – suffered in peace in perfect joy My Lord, how do we live Your sorrows? ​ Embrace all the sorrows I place in your heart with perfect peace, trust, patience and love. Exteriorly reveal your gentle smile and PERFECT JOY in knowing the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for you, –Your PERFECT JOY in knowing that We live in you and you in Us, –The PERFECT JOY in knowing that you have been chosen by God to aid in the salvation of many and that you have responded, –The PERFECT JOY of living in faith, hope and charity, –The PERFECT JOY of possessing the gift of the Cross, –The PERFECT JOY of knowing more intimately LOVE and becoming ONE with LOVE, –The PERFECT JOY of possessing the Holy Spirit as your most treasured Companion, –The PERFECT JOY of seeing yourselves transformed into a new creation in Me, –The PERFECT JOY of knowing Mary and living with her as ONE HEART in My LOVE CRUCIFIED . —06/28/11, Path p.322. ​ Back

  • Our Family in Heaven | Love Crucified

    Our Family in Heaven ​ Jose with his wife Macu (left) and Mónica. Mónica Ríos March 22, 1972 — February 1, 2020† Jose Arruñada March 4, 1958 — December 9, 2020† Below: His last Easter letter Below: Letter of his last Easter. Luz Angélica Sierra Román October 6, 1959 — October 11, 2021† Adrián Marrero LC covenant: May 29, 2014 April 2, 2023 † Back to Photo Gallery

  • Meekness – the virtue

    Meekness Lourdes Pinto, August 25, 2022 In Christ, the meek are the strong, the hidden force of God, the Sword of the Spirit. They are the ones that will fight the great battle against the forces of evil and win through the meekness of Jesus crucified! See also: " Calm Dignity " Back

  • Communion and Community

    Communion and Community Fr. Jordi Rivero A Longing of the Heart ​ The deepest longing of our hearts is for communion: to be known, understood and loved and to know, understand and love others. We long communion because God, who IS communion of persons, created us in His image, to be one with Him and with our brothers and sisters. ​ Christ the Beloved ​ Our primary desire is for communion with someone who can fulfill our deepest longing; someone who, knowing our brokenness and ugliness, still loves us and treasures us; a person with whom we can be who we are and who helps us to heal and to develop to our full potential; a person who can quench our thirst for love, truth and understanding. This person is Christ. Any other relationship, if not rooted in Christ, will prove to be insufficient. Our wounds and sinfulness, as well as those of others, blocks communion from going deep. Our soul longs for the perfect love that is God. ​ Let Go of Our Control ​ Having heard that Christ loves us is not enough. We need to respond and enter the experience. It is true that He loves us even before we respond, but unless we do, He cannot take possession of our lives. Then communion with Him is impossible. A man cannot marry a woman, no matter how much he loves her, unless she responds. Jesus the Groom is waiting and thirsting for our love. We could think that responding to the perfect Lover is easy. We may even think that we are responding when we are only giving him a token. The problem is that we are afraid of surrendering our control even to Him. We are afraid of a lover so radical that He dies on the Cross. We fear that He may take us there. Like Peter, we believe we love Him with all our hearts but, when we are tested, we distance ourselves from Him. ​ Christ is Head and Body ​ Communion with Christ cannot exist without communion with His Body. "If any one says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen" (1 John 4:20). When Christ is our life we see Him in each person and in the community. It is in only in communion with others that we can go deep and discover the truth about ourselves, be forgiven and healed. ​ Family and Church ​ The first community where God places us is our family. St. John Paul II called it the "domestic church". It is primarily in our family that we are known, understood and loved, thus finding communion and developing into mature persons. However we also need a bigger spiritual family to grow to fullness in Christ. That community is the Church, the Body of Christ, the source of life for all families. Without the Church the family is impoverished and succumbs to the world. ​ Covenant Communities Covenant Communities are part of the "ecclesial movements" of the Catholic Church which, according to Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), have a history dating back to the IV Century. The movements seek to live "an integral form of Christianity, a Church that is obedient to the Gospel and that lives by it" -Cardinal Ratzinger, Ratz, EMTR ​ What is the difference between covenant community and a group that gathers to pray or to do ministry? Members of these communities not only do something together, they enter a covenant, that is, they commit themselves to God and to each other to walk with Christ as a family, according to the charism of the community. ​ In community we find communion by opening our hearts to each other to know and be known, to understand and be understood, to love and be loved. This means that we pass from theory to practice and that we can persevere together through trials, joys and sufferings. ​ The Lord gives each community its a particular spirituality and mission within the Church. For example, the spirituality of the Love Crucified Community is a path to union with Jesus Crucified, to become victims with the Victim and to be the bride united to the Bridegroom in His Passion. ​ Why do we need movements and communities if we already have the Church and parishes? Cardinal Ratzinger writes: The movement to follow Christ in an uncompromising fashion cannot be totally merged with the local Church. ...The monastic community that Basil founded is likened by Gribomont to a kind of leaven: a “small group for the vitalization of the whole”; he does not hesitate to call Basil “the founding father not only of the teaching and hospital orders, but also of the new communities without vows”. Ratz. ​ There is the enduring basic structure of the Church’s life, which is expressed in the continuity of her institutional structure throughout history. And there are the ever new irruptions of the Holy Spirit, which continually revitalize and renew that structure. Ratz, EMTR>>> The Franciscan awakening in the thirteenth century probably provides the clearest instance of what a movement is: movements generally derive their origin from a charismatic leader and take shape in concrete communities, inspired by the life of their founder; they attempt to live the Gospel anew, in its totality, and recognize the Church without hesitation as the ground of their life without which they could not exist. Ratz. ​ Pope Benedict XVI told members of the ecclesial movements and new communities: ​ Down the ages Christianity has been communicated and disseminated thanks to the newness of life of persons and communities capable of bearing an incisive witness of love, unity and joy. This force itself has set a vast number of people in "motion", from generation to generation. ...Today, the Ecclesial Movements and New Communities are a luminous sign of the beauty of Christ and of the Church, his Bride. You belong to the living structure of the Church. Ratz, EM. ​ Cardinal Ratzinger saw the movements as a work of the Spirit that needs to be received with gratitude and discernment: ​ The apostolic movements appear in ever new forms in history—necessarily so, because they are the Holy Spirit’s answer to the ever changing situations in which the Church lives. And just as vocations to the priesthood cannot be artificially produced, cannot be established by administrative diktat, still less can movements be established and systematically promoted by ecclesiastical authority. They need to be given as a gift, and they are given as a gift. We must only be attentive to them. Using the gift of discernment, we must only learn to accept what is good in them, and discard what is bad. ...the Church has always succeeded in finding room for all the great new awakenings of the spirit that emerge in her midst. Nor can we overlook the succession of movements that failed or that led to painful schisms. Ratz, EMTR ​ According to St. John Paul II, "‘Ecclesial movements’ ...represent a true gift of God both for new evangelization and for missionary activity”. (Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio, no. 72). ​ The Personal Dimension ​ The light and the love that we recieve from our brothers and sisters that are rooted in the faith and committed to tell us the truth about ourselves, enables us to make our own decisions, Becoming a community, and the building up of the community, does not exclude the personal dimension, indeed it demands it. Only when the person is struck and penetrated by Christ to the depths of his or her being, can others too be touched in their innermost being; only then can there be reconciliation in the Holy Spirit; only then can true community grow. -Cardinal Ratzinger Overcoming Difficulties ​ We want communion with Jesus but we are afraid of community, yet one cannot be without the other. Community is the body where communion can be realized. But we have all been hurt in relationships and we are afraid that we may be hurt again. We see community as a risk that may end up proving that the love we long for is not really possible. When community relationships make us suffer, as they inevitably will, we are tempted to run away from it. Them we try to justify ourselves by saying that community is not necessary. ​ Communities need to foster a strong Catholic identity and be attentive to what the Spirit is doing in Church. Members of covenant communities, like all Catholics, belong to parishes and serve in ministries as their vocation permits. Likewise communities need to be at the service of families so that they have the support of a body that is living deeply the life of Christ. Family life and events take precedence over those of the community. Jesus is calling us to follow Him to the Cross. He teaches us that love means to be willing to suffer for others. Yes, community is difficult and yes, we can be hurt, but it is also in community, often through suffering, that we find healing and hope. If we allow fear to keep us away from community, we fall for the lie that tells us that we can have communion without real community. The meaning of community is then diluted to the point that any grouping of persons is called "community." ​ As the tide of secularism and outright hate for Christ increases, it should become more evident that we need Christian communities where the Lord gathers His faithful remnant, to form and protect us and to make us His witnesses. Pope Francis wrote: ​ If something should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so many of our brothers and sisters are living without the strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ, without a community of faith to support them, without meaning and a goal in life. -Evangelii Gaudium, n. 49 Back

  • Regnum Christi 2020 | Love Crucified

    Love Crucified encounter with Regnum Christi Medellin, Colombia, 2020 This is the first 8 day retreat given by Love Crucified. The Lord confirmed the profound healing and liberating grace that He of living the Simple Path to Union with God. He also confirmed the love that unites us with Regnum Christi and the Legion. ​ ​ The end Main Page

  • Identity Know Who You Are | Love Crucified

    Identity: Know Who You Are Lourdes Pinto — December 8, 2016 Adam and Eve fell because they had not embraced their identity in relation with God and with each other and the responsibility that goes with it: son, spouse, protector, guardian of the garden... This is an essential aspect of loving. Satan was able to plant thoughts of distrust against God. Once they disobeyed, they would not accept their wrongdoing. Instead, they blamed each other and God: Gen 3:9-20 "The woman whom you put here with me, she gave me fruit..." Notice the lack of love. For Love to endure, we must know who the other is to me and be willing to suffer to defend the relationship. Adam did not act according to his identity as husband and his identity as son of God who had made them to be one in love. The woman then blames the Serpent. When the truth is exposed, they go into hiding, away from the relationship. Why were they disobedient? Their love and identity was not yet perfected through sacrifice. Instead of trusting God who is all good and truth, they were open to other options. Instead of thinking of the spouse they each thought only of themselves. Their identity wan not mature. Message 66 on The Path: "The virtue of obedience it the fruit of interior transformation... it grows from humility and purity of heart." To be obedient we must be willing to go through this transformation. We must abandon of our will and believe. Obedience is the fruit of trust and love. Disobedience comes from a heart that lacks trust and love. Jesus was perfectly obedient to the will of the Father. He loves and trusts. He knows His identity: who He is, where He came from, where He is going. To grow in obedience is to grow in deep attentiveness to the movements and stirrings of the Holy Spirit. This is why silence is so important. God told us: "Perfect obedience to My will is your response of love." Meekness Meekness is not being a wimp; it is to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we are not defined by earthly power. It is knowing who you are and where you are going. To be at home in your own skin, not afflicted with envy, no defined by what you or others do or have. To be meek is to be free because you know you belong to God. Blessed are the meek! Jesus and Mary are the New Adam and the New Eve. She gives birth to the New Adam and forms Him. Encourages and comforts Him, suffering all with Him. There is no blame between them but only perfect sacrificial victim love. This is the mission of The Path: to bring us into a profound interior transformation so that we can trust, surrender and love God and thus live in perfect obedience to His will. Only through the work of The Path, which requires our consent and great dedication, that we become meek of heart, free to live our true identity knowing where we come from, where we are going and who we are. The Lord is telling us: KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! Our perseverance in the Church, in our relationships and in community requires that we know who we are and are willing to fight for it. Messages from The Path 47-48 Jesus says to the Mothers of the Cross: "You are my consolation because you are united as one with Mary the New Eve. I need you to bring life my Missionaries of the Cross and to all the men in our territory of souls… It is my hidden martyrs of love, in perfect union with the Queen of Martyrs, that will raise up my apostles of light. Know that I have taken my abode in each of your hearts, therefore radiate the humility and purity of my mother. Do not grow weary in your hidden life of suffering all with me for you are my holy remnant that God the Father will use to purify My Church and pierce the darkness penetrating her. Therefore, go forth my daughters, as My holy warriors with Mary to seize the dragon and cast him into hell." It is through the hidden life of my mothers of the cross that my army of holy priests will be raised. These spiritual mothers will live the tears and sorrows of their hearts united as one with the mother of sorrows. Zilkia and Maria have experienced the grace of our Blessed Mother of tears in this pilgrimage. As mothers united with Mary, we bring life to others. But each (Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross) must be perfected in living her hidden ordinary life with all its trials, sorrows, exhaustion with PURE LOVE. In this community there is confession and accompaniment Our transformation and our freedom to live our identity as sons of God comes through our openness to receive both. Our way of responding when we mess up reveals the disposition of our hearts. Like Adam: the way he reacted revealed the darkness in his heart. But when we go with good disposition to confession and accompaniment, we can enter the root system of that darkness, the hidden pride in all of us. This develops a meek heart. Our identity as a hidden soul One of the greatest purifications is to embrace the reality that our lives as victims of love will go unnoticed by the world. We need to enter and accept our identity as hidden souls. Then we begin to live in the freedom of knowing who we are in the gaze of the Father and be happy being unnoticed by the world and even by our closest family. This gives power to our intercession and our ability to bring new life to the New Adams. The transformation of the Missionaries of the Cross is contingent to the Mothers of the Cross being obedient to their mission. Also, If the the men do not become meek (firm in their identity in Christ the bridegroom), they will not be able to protect the women nor the mission. They will remain old Adams. They will not be obedient to the mission given by God to this community. Thus we all need each living The Path in order to grow. Message 44 of The Path tells us: "through the restoration of motherhood I will strengthen the domestic church, aid in the healing of fatherhood and bring restoration to my universal Church." Our identity is in Christ and Mary as victims of love Ephesians ch. 1 tells us that we were chosen, destined, according to the purpose of the ONE, Christ. Ours is not a separate mission, It is one with Jesus. We continue the mission of Christ. Through The Path, we are to become Christ and be love. We exist to praise and glorify the Father as we live our identity as victims of love suffering all with Christ solely for love. Our mission is to be united specifically to His victimhood and to live it on earth bringing forth the graces of redemption. Our identity is Christ as victim. All Mothers of the Cross will conceive many sons to be Jesus. At the Annunciation, the angel says to Mary, “The Lord has found favor with you.” The Lord says this now to the Mothers of the Cross as they are called to be one with Mary: "You are my delight." So do not be afraid, each mother is going to conceive and bear sons—Jesus in the priests. This is our purpose. Nothing is impossible with God. Messages 139-140. "Give your lives for them united with Mary as victim intercessors." We give birth to them and they bring us to heaven. The women need to help form the men become victims of love. If we are not transformed at the cross with Mary as victim souls, will will bring them trouble, not help. We have to be a committed community to this transformation. Jesus is God and He humbles Himself and receives formation from the Father and from Mary. It is important to receive the charism and mission form me (Lourdes), the spiritual mother of the community. This is my identity and responsibility. If I would not give the pure milk as spiritual mother of the community, I would fail the Lord. But you as members of the Community have the responsibility to receive from me the charism. This is a fundamental point of discernment to know if you are called to Love Crucified. I had to grow through many years to say this because my lack of meekness blocked me from being fully who I am in Christ and so I hid my identity. That is a sin. Many men do not want to receive formation from ordinary moms. Until they have the humility to receive they will not be able to be Christ crucified. See how Father Felix received from Conchita to be part of Works of the Cross. Only the humble and pure of heart receive The Path and find it to be a treasure. Pride and arrogance is an obstacle to receive. It becomes a wall. May this reflection help you in your discernment, to solidify and grow in meekness, and to acquire the freedom to live who we are in Christ. Back Anchor 1

  • Stations of the Cross Lived with Jesus | Love Crucified

    Stations of the Cross Inspired by The Simple Path ​ ​ ​ ﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ Stations of the Cross Lived with Jesus Talk given by Lourdes Pinto — February 27, 2020 Back

  • Simple Path to Union with God – Book

    The Simple Path to Union with God Free book – USA only International orders View / Download Audio-Book – free E-Pub free Kindle The books are free, but any donation to Love Crucified to help spread this work & defray the cost of publishing & shipping is greatly appreciated. DONATIONS The Simple Path to Union with God is a practical, how-to-manual inspired by God to lead all people—priest, consecrated and lay faithful—to a true transformation of heart and into a more intimate union with Christ crucified. His desire is for us to be no longer two, but one in His sacrifice of love. ​ The Simple Path is the fruit of a journey that began when a simple, ordinary wife and mother responded with a “yes” to Christ’s invitation to be His victim soul. Her parish priest discerned the same call, which led to the foundation of Love Crucified Community. The Spirit led them to a new understanding of what a victim of love is and how to live it. This book encourages all souls to give their “yes” as one with Christ and Mary to this invitation. The remnant that responds becomes God’s “hidden force” that WILL pierce the darkness of Satan, raise up a holy transformed priesthood and usher in the New Pentecost with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the Church and world! The Simple Path forms the saints of the end times to enter prepared the decisive battle. ​ St. Paul exclaims: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). ​ Jesus told us: "The greatest work of the Simple Path is leading souls into the deep of their own hearts to encounter Me. A soul’s obstacles to Me lie within the heart" The Simple Path to Union with God shows us how to live, in our ordinary lives, the joy St. Paul found in being “ONE” with the Victim, “Christ Crucified.” It is a path of transformation into the intimate love of God. ​ Souls who read this Simple Path with humble and docile hearts receive: The “wisdom of the Cross” which is “foolishness” to the world, but to all that receive this wisdom, the “power of God.” (1 Cor 1:17-18) The knowledge of how to “suffer with Christ” (Rom.8:17) the sufferings of their everyday, ordinary lives as the means to grow in an intimate relationship with Him. The understanding that suffering is a “treasured pearl” and the means to enter the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The GIFT of self-knowledge that leads to true repentance of the heart. The grace to enter their wounds and unite them to the wounds of Christ in order to be healed. They discover, in this process, that their wounds are a great treasure rather than a handicap! An understanding of how being a victim of love is the path to true freedom and happiness, as they become participants in the work of redemption. The understanding of how spiritual motherhood is part of God’s plan to restore the priesthood. Faith and hope, as the darkness of our times is explained through the approved apparitions of our Blessed Mother and the writings of the popes. God’s perfect plan of salvation is revealed. ​ — 453 pages ​

  • Covenants | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    HOME ABOUT US ABOUT US IDENTITY OF A MOTHER OF THE CROSS IDENTITY OF A MISSIONARY OF THE CROSS HISTORY MISSION MISSION THE CALL MESSAGES from THE LORD LOVE CRUCIFIED CROSS COMMUNITY WAY OF LIFE COVENANT PRAYERS INITIAL DISCERNMENT TESTIMONIES PHOTO GALLERY TEACHINGS BOOKS/MUSIC BOOKS MUSIC RESOURCES CONTACT US SEARCH Covenants Oldest on top 2022 USA Carlos Ocampo, March 17th, 2022 Miami 2022 Colombia Martha Echeverri, May 18th, 2022 Father Mariusz Maka, Medellín 2022 Colombia Suyapa Manzanares, August 13th, 2022 Suyapa is from Honduras and traveled to make the covenant. More pictures of the encounter . 2022 USA Yunaisy Lopez, October 13th, 2022 Miami Back Next Page Carlos Martha 2022 yunaisy

  • Covenants | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Covenants Oldest on top 2016 USA Covington, GA March 3rd, 2016 Mónica Ríos, March 3rd, 2016 Kathy Andre-Eames, March 3rd, 2016 Katerine Martínez, March 3rd, 2016 Daniel Blanchette, March 3rd, 2016 Jack DeGrange, March 3rd, 2016 Ernesto García, March 3rd, 2016 2016 Colombia ​ Myriam Suárez, October 8th, 2016 Juan Miguel Jaramillo, October 8th, 2016 Gloria Grisales, October 8th, 2016 Adriana Prieto, October 8th, 2016 Yadira Galindo, October 8th, 2016 Julia Tovar, October 8th, 2016 William Aranguren, October 8th, 2016 Martha Flórez, October 8th, 2016 Back Next page

  • Encouragement to Seminarias on the Life in the Spirit

    Encouragement to Seminarians on the Life in the Spirit Fr. Ron Sciera – July, 2019 Back

  • Regnum Christi 2020 | Love Crucified

    Love Crucified encounter with Regnum Christi Medellin, Colombia, 2020 Our healed wounds united to Christ’s wounds are the place of connection where the branch is grafted to the Vine. It is precisely through our wounds that the Blood of Christ -His life- flows into us. Our healed wounds become His living chalice. Our healed wounds in Him is where we are transformed into God’s new creation – the new Adams and the new Eves. Why must you take ownership of that wound? because it is in that wound that you are able to become fully who you are in Christ for the Church. Our wounds are the place of transformation. Our wounds cleansed of the lies, resentments, anger… become God’s “living chalice,” the place of the most profound union with Christ. All our wounds have been infected by Satan with lies. We have integrated these lies into our personalities and into the way we see ourselves. They have defined our identities — ( p189) “This is who you have become but it is not who you are. I see you as who you are, and I suffer who you have become.” It is your “yes” to give the oblation of your life that “stirs into flame” the graces of your baptism and you receive the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. It is then, in this way, that your life possesses the "power of God.” That is why I desire many victim souls, for it is only the power of pure love that will pierce the darkness that is seeping into the hearts and minds of My people. Bring Me victim souls, My little one. Do not be afraid. — Path p.326 It is My victim souls abandoned to My crucified love that possess the power of God to defeat Satan and usher in the reign of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. —Path p.330. "Through the external cross which all can see, I was a victim acceptable to the Father by shedding My blood, but it was above all through the interior cross that Redemption was accomplished" — Blessed Conchita, Diary, Sept. 7, 1896. Pg 5 Main Page

  • Wedding at Cana | Love Crucified Community

    Canaanite Women's Faith Lourdes Pinto – August 10, 2017 The con trast between the Israelites in the desert and the Canaanite woman –Lourdes Pinto, cenacle of 8/10/17 ​ My little one, know that I am pleased with you because you have responded to the cry of My voice. My little one, this is a time of an outpouring of grace for My little mustard seed. You are each being given the grace to be transformed into My living hosts to bless, release from bondage, and set free countless souls. See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. –6/8/17 *Respond by suffering all with Me in My sacrifice of love. *Respond with courage and zeal, believing that God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. *Believe that as My warriors – the hidden anawims of God – you have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. *Remain steadfast in living daily what I have taught you. *Do not be afraid, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is close at hand. *Usher in the triumph of our Two Hearts. Trust in the words I speak in your heart and share them with perfect faith and hope in the God who loves you. Go in peace. ​ Numbers 13 & 14 The Israelites, after having lived the parting of the Red Sea, being fed miraculously with the manna every morning and quails every evening, witnessing the face of Moses shining with the Light of God after having spoken to Him face-to-face, seeing the presence of God in a cloud over the tent, finally arrive at the land of Canaan. Upon arriving, the Lord sends Moses to “reconnoiter” (make a military observation of a region) the land of Canaan, and says, “which I am giving the Israelites.” (Numbers 13:1). But after observing the territory, they are frightened because the men of this land are too strong for them. (13:31) Some begin to doubt, and this leads them into Satan’s trap of discouragement, and they begin to grumble against Moses and Aaron: “All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, the whole community saying to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt,” or “If only we would die here in the wilderness! Why is the Lord bringing us into this land only to have us fall by the sword? Our wives and little ones will be taken as spoil. Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let us appoint a leader and go back to Egypt.” (Numbers 14:2-4) They are not able to believe that God will do the impossible with the impossible. Fear becomes an obstacle to faith. The spirits of fear, doubt, and discouragement quickly spread among the entire community. It’s amazing how quickly fear, confusion, discouragement, and despair can spread throughout a group of people. The Lord also has warned us about this happening in the world: ​ Message of Jesus, 7/17/15 Soon and very soon, Justice as the illumination will be knocking at your doors. There will be great moaning and grinding of teeth. Many will despair. There will be confusion. But those who have been made clean by the blood of the Lamb will experience the glory of God... Know who you are... ​ Message of Jesus, 8/10/12 Soon the world as you know it will cease to exist. My followers will be persecuted. You will be hunted down as beasts are pursued in secret, hidden, and captured. There will be much wailing in the streets of Jerusalem. Be attentive, for the justice of God is now approaching the world. It will visit you as a thief in the night. My messages must now be published, ‘It Is My Victim Souls That Will Conquer The Dragon; Bring Me Victim Souls!’ (Then Jesus asked me to go to His Word (the Bible) to confirm what He just said. I opened to 1 Samuel 20:24-42.) The beast will pursue you as Saul pursued David... The beast shall die. He will be killed by the Word of the Cross, which is the Sword of the Spirit. Be My sword! Because of Israel’s lack of faith and obstinacy, the Lord is forced to punish them. Corresponding to the number of days you spent reconnoitering the land—forty days—you shall bear your punishment one year for each day: forty years. Thus, you will realize what it means to oppose me. (Numbers 14: 34) We can very easily read these stories of the Israelite nation and judge them, and yet fail to see ourselves in the many difficult situations that God has permitted in our lives and our lack of faith also. We forget the many times that we, too, have grumbled against others and God in the storms of our lives. We, too, forget how God has been providing for us all our lives. We can have this same spirit even within our Love Crucified community.​ Like with the Israelites, God has been leading us, His little mustard seed, by the hand. He has been speaking to us, warning us, forming us, showing great signs and wonders, and promising us truly amazing things. Message of Jesus, 8/6/17 See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. ​ God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. You have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. Do we, too, forget these promises, like the Israelites, every time we are confronted with an impossible situation? How do we grumble?​ ​ We must REPENT of our lack of trust. Pray PSALM 51 with the groans of your heart united to the groans of the Spirit! ​ MATHEW 15: 21-28 –The Canaanite woman’s faith Then Jesus went from that place and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” 23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. His disciples came and asked him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” 24 [j]He said in reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But the woman came and did him homage, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 He said in reply, “It is not right to take the food of the children[k] and throw it to the dogs.” 27 She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.” 28 Then Jesus said to her in reply, “O woman, great is your faith![l] Let it be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour. We need to have the same spirit of the Canaanite woman and learn from her, for Jesus was using this pagan woman to teach us something of great wealth. ​ 1. First, she makes herself VULNERABLE and is willing to look like a fool, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” Trust believes and always looks foolish to the eyes of the world. True trust is rooted in humility. What have we learned about humility? Humility requires that we know God and ourselves. The Canaanite woman knows that Jesus is Lord and that she is a “dog”, a pagan, unworthy of anything. 2. She PERSEVERES, even when Jesus “did not say a word in answer to her.” Even the disciples look at her with repulsion because they say to Jesus, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” Then Jesus finally answers her with the reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This woman could have easily entered and reacted from the wound of rejection, but she perseveres in faith, knowing who Jesus is. ​ Through humility and purity, you will quickly attain perfection in all the other virtues if you persevere in prayer. (03/04/11) Path #28 Persevere in wearing the crown of many thorns. Path #41 Are you willing, My little ones, to allow your hearts to be pierced as ONE with My Mother’s for the cleansing of My priesthood and the salvation of many? Do not grow stubborn, but persevere in love by suffering all as ONE with My Pierced Sacred Heart and the pierced Immaculate Heart . Path #76 3. She approaches Jesus and does Him HOMAGE, “Lord help me.” She acknowledges her nothingness and begs for His help because she is convicted of who He is. This conviction of the truth that Jesus is God, all-powerful and mighty, able to do the impossible, keeps her in homage before the Lord. The prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving should be your every breath. Path #97 This is why suffering all your sorrows with Me is so beneficial for your soul, because, in that process, you touch the open wounds of My love for you. This perfects a soul quickly in abandonment and trust until you come to experience all, the good and what you perceive as bad, as a gift of My love for you. The gift of knowing with your mind, heart, and soul that the love of God only desires to make of you the new creation you were created to be from the beginning of time, a creation in the image and likeness of God as holy sons and daughters of the Most High. Path #115 My Mother lived her life in praise of the Father. She lived in the constant awareness of who the Father is. Her soul was in a constant state of awe. Path #20 4. Her FAITH AGAIN IS TRIED by Jesus, “It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” These seemingly harsh words from the Lord do not seem to distress her in any way. Her faith in Christ is anchored in the knowledge of her nothingness and that Jesus is everything, and she proclaims from the depth of her humble heart: “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.” Our faith, too, must be tried in the furnace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. ​What seemingly harsh words from others can set me off and bring me into anger, doubt and discouragement? 5. Jesus, through her faith, casts out the demon hurting her daughter. ​ ​ These angels of death can only be fought through Me, with Me, and in Me, in the power of the Spirit, through the Cross. I am dressing My soldier of light in My humility, purity, and childlike innocence. He must live knowing his nothingness and weakness, for it is I who am everything, all power, and might. Pray for greater trust and abandonment so that the authority of My Spirit can be stirred into flame in him to cast out the demons of hell. The hidden force of My little mustard seed (LC Community) is the power of God’s force moving through him. – Message of Jesus, 8/3/17 The Lord has called us to fight against the demons of hell. For this, we must ponder the striking difference between the hearts of the Israelites and this pagan woman. The Lord in this message makes it very clear that we, too, like the Canaanite woman, must be humble, pure, and have a childlike innocence. We must know who we are – nothing – and who God is – everything, all power, and might. We must all pray for perfect TRUST and ABANDONMENT rooted in true humility so that we do not continue falling in Satan’s trap of responding through our wounded hearts, but rather, through hearts steadfast in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE! ​ To have the humility and faith of the Canaanite woman is rare. We too must be transparent before God to recognize, through self-knowledge, how our hardened hearts continue to be like the Israelite people. We must understand that we are in a process, from hearts like the Israelites to hearts of great faith and trust like the Canaanite woman. God is promising us transformation into living hosts, and we must be receptive and docile to this process. Image: Carl Christian Constantin Hansen –Christ and the Canaanite Woman Back

  • Interior Martyrdom | Love Crucifiedficado – Comunidad católica

    Interior Martyrdom Lourdes Pinto — January 25, 2014 Talk to Regnum Christi movement, Miami Back

  • Discerning Community | Love Crucified

    Discerning the Call to Love Crucified Community Contact TOP Discerning community There are in the Church a variety of associations of the faithful. Among them are the covenant communities, where members commit to the Lord and to each other to live the Gospel helped by the spirituality and way of life of the community. This commitment distinguishes a covenant community from prayer groups. Covenant communities are also different from support groups in that they not only seek to overcome a particular personal disorder, but the members seek to give their entire lives totally to Christ. See: The purpose of Private Revelations and the Simple Path . ​ Discovering the community that God wants for us is analogous to finding a spouse or a religious community. It is a gift from God. Our part is to learn to listen to God and to respond. Love Crucified Community Love Crucified is a covenant community of men and women of all states of life (single or married lay persons and priests), called to respond to the love of God as victims of Love with Jesus. ​ Those interested in continuing the process will be asked to: 1. Reflect prayerfully "About us" , and our "Way of Life." Start reflecting on the Simple Path to Union with God , and listen to the teachings on the identity/mission of the community. 2. Seek an intimate relationship with God, nourished by a sacramental life (frequent Eucharist, daily if possible; frequent confession, Eucharistic adoration, and prayer). Start practicing what you are learning. 3. Prepare for the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, using the book “33 Days to Morning Glory” by Fr. Michael E. Gatley, MIC, Marian Press. ​ After taking these steps, ask yourself: Do they awaken in my heart the desire to live these teachings? Are the spirituality and the way of life an answer to the longings the Lord has placed in my heart? Pray, examine the movements of your heart, and have the courage to decide without fear. ​ Once you express interest in the community (See: "Contact" below), 1– Initial discernment begins. A member of the community accompanies you for approximately five months. 2– A second stage of discernment follows for at least one year before being invited to commit to the covenant and receive the cross. In this second stage, there is full participation in the community cenacles and accompaniment.

  • En Tu Sagrado Corazon | Love Crucified

    En Tu Sagrado Corazón In Your Sacred Heart Letra y música (Lyrics and music ): Maria Hickein ​ ​ Uu... uuuu...uuuu...uuuu (bis) Uu...uuuu...uuuu...uuuu (bis). ​ Dónde me has traído mi Amor Where have you brought me, my Love ​ A Tu remanso de Paz To Your haven of peace ​ Dónde me has llevado mi Dios Where have you taken me my God ​ Para que pueda escuchar los latidos That I can hear the heartbeats ​ De Tu Tierno Corazón Of Your tender heart ​ ​ Son como tambores de Amor They are like drums of love ​ Que vienen a conquistar That come to conquer ​ A este pobre corazón que has querido enamorar This poor heart that you want to fall in love ​ Soy la sierva que en ti encuentra el manantial I am the deer that finds in you the spring ​ ​ Me acoges en Tu Dulce Corazón You welcome me en Your Sweet Heart ​ Me invitas a ser parte de Tu Amor You invite me to enter your love ​ Esposo bueno y tierno... derrites el invierno de mi alma Good and tender husband ... you melt the winter of my soul ​ Con fuego que no quema, me alivias, me serenas y me calmas With fire that does not burn, you bring me relieve, serenity and calm ​ ​ Al dar Tu beso eterno By giving Your eternal kiss ​ Fundiste mi mirada en Tu mirada You melt my gaze into Your gaze ​ Fusión de corazones Fusion of hearts ​ ¡Tocando al mismo son, misma balada! Playing at the same beat, the same ballad ​ ​ Uu... uuuu...uuuu...uuuu (bis) Uu...uuuu...uuuu...uuuu (bis). ​ La lluvia suave al caer The soft rain falling ​ Rompe el silencio en la noche Breaks the silence of the night ​ Y conmigo quiere hacer And with me He wants to do ​ Una canción a dos voces... A song in two voices Cantando en Tu Sagrado Corazón... Singing in Your Sacred Heart... Cantando en Tu Sagrado Corazón... Singing in Your Sacred Heart... ​ 17 de Octubre 2019, Monastery of Bethlehem, Livingston Manor NY MUSIC PAGE

  • Testimony to Men | Love Crucified

    Testimony to Men Hector Ramos – November 1, 2018 Translated by Maria Hickein Hector, while being quadriplegic, is a powerful inspiration of faith. He explains how to live temptations against purity in Christ crucified as grace for the priesthood. Back

  • Holy Week message day by day

    The Lord's message Each day of Holy Week, 2023 ​ 4/ 2/23 –Palm Sunday Persevere in love as I did during the darkness of My passion I Am He who comes into the world to save her from death. I Am He sent by the Father, for He has loved you faithfully from the beginning of time. I Am He who continues alive in the world through the Eucharist, and alive and present in My living hosts. God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, continue present in the world, bringing to fulfillment God's plan of salvation. God's majesty, grandeur, and goodness will be manifested to all people, for He hears the cry of the poor. He is Love, and Love will conquer all darkness and fulfill My death and Resurrection. I came into the world, sent by the Father to fulfill His perfect plan of salvation. God's plan is being fulfilled amid the great darkness of Satan. Believe, My little mustard seed, believe you each are being formed as My victims of love to be My Light in the darkness. My Light has conquered death, and the fulfillment of Abba's plan of salvation will be fulfilled through God's victims of love past, present, and future. You are one with Me, God's victims of love, to conquer the darkness through your union in My sacrifice of love. Believe, and do not doubt during the time of the great destruction that is near at hand. Persevere in love, as I did during the darkness of My passion. Pray, pray, pray, and keep watch, and you will have the strength to persevere as God’s saints of the end times. Go in peace. ​ ​ 4/3/23 Monday of Holy Week All darkness is pierced and conquered by My Light My Light will shine in the darkness. How is this possible? Because My Light is Love. The love that lays itself down for its enemies. I Am He who comes to die for you so that you may have life. All darkness is pierced and conquered by My Light. Satan's darkness has spread and penetrated the world and My Church because God's people do not possess My Light. God's people have become drunk with the passions of the flesh and world, and therefore the power of My Light has been dimmed in many and extinguished in others. Yet, God, in His infinite mercy, is raising His saints for these end times. His saints are My victims of love who have chosen to love Me above all else, to walk with Me the narrow path of My passion, and to remain with Me in the sorrows of life, suffering as one with Me with perfect faith, hope, and love. These few men and women possess My Light, and it is through them that God will conquer the darkness, and I will be glorified on earth as I am in heaven. Persevere in silence and prayer, listening to the voice of God forming and guiding you as His holy warriors for these end times. Believe, my children, believe, that My Light that is consuming you will pierce all darkness through your perseverance to love as one with Me, the enemies of God. Continue to pray this Holy Week for extraordinary faith, hope, and love, and God's plan of salvation will be fulfilled through you (pl.). Go in peace and joy, for God has found favor in you (pl.). ​ 4/4/23 Tuesday of Holy Week I continue to suffer the sin of betrayal I Am He who loves you in pain and anguish. How much I loved Judas. How much Mary and I shed tears for him. His kiss of betrayal was a sword that cut through My Heart of flesh. It was his kiss that became the sword that pierced My Sacred Heart while I was alive. I continue to suffer the sin of betrayal continuously through My life in the Eucharist. My children, meditate today on My pierced Sacred Heart and the pierced Immaculate Heart as you witness the darkness in My Bride, the Church. I am being betrayed by my very own, just as I was betrayed by Judas, My apostle. The suffering of My passion continues through the sin of My ministers and those called to be totally Mine. My little mustard seed, will you remain faithful to Me as one with the few who remained faithful with Me during My passion, or will you, too, betray Me and leave Me alone to suffer the passion of My Body, the Church? Enter My agony of love united to My Mother's solitude, and she will provide for you the graces to persevere. Go in peace. ​ 4/5/23 – Wednesday of Holy Week I wait with Abba for your tears of repentance Today My meditation for each of you is on waiting. God is Love, and faithful, and therefore, He waits. He knows perfectly the human condition; He knows your misery. He waits in His eternal patience for each human soul. In His perfect time, He sends Me, His begotten Son, into the world to save each of you, and through Me to make of you a new creation in the image and likeness of God. God waits for He is Love. Waiting with God with expectant faith and hope is the sign of a soul who is abandoned in God. Waiting with God in My peace is a sign of holiness. I Am He who waits as one with the Father in the Eucharist. I wait for each of you to come to adore Me, to thank Me, and to give Me the gift of yourselves. I wait in Abba's grief for your repentance. I wait for each of you to say, “It is I”(Mt. 26:25), “I have betrayed You; I have been unfaithful to You; I have betrayed You, for I have loved myself before You, my God.” I wait for each of you to approach Me in your total misery, unveiled of all falsehood, so I then can draw you into the bosom of our Father. I wait with ABBA for your tears of repentance, as Peter did. Your tears of repentance are the sign of the grace of the Holy Spirit alive and at work in your hearts. I continue to wait for every soul to approach Me at the foot of My Cross with hearts open wide to receive the outpouring of My Spirit that reveals the truth of who you are and who I am. My little mustard seed, approach Me today in Spirit and truth; the truth that you have offended Me, your God, so that you can receive the overflowing love of God Trinity. It is only through the fire of Divine Love that you will persevere as one with Me your passion. My little mustard seed, God, in His infinite mercy, is pouring out an abundance of graces upon the world these holy days of My passion and Resurrection. These graces are a gift of Abbas’s infinite love for His children. Open wide your hearts to receive God's outpouring of love. The world is being made new through My holy remnant of victim souls past, present, and future. Persevere through the path I have been guiding each of you through with great patience and tenderness. Thank Me, your God and Savior. Go in peace. ​ 4/6/23 – Holy Thursday at 11:20 pm REJOICE this Holy Thursday night, for God is making a new earth On this night of Holy Thursday before midnight, I wish to thank you, My little mustard seed, for keeping watch with Me. The world sleeps while Satan roams, unleashed by the sins of humanity. Yet, My little remnant keeps vigil with Mary, and God is pleased, for He will work His wonders through the few who remain attentive to their God and Savior. REJOICE this Holy Thursday night, for God is making a new earth through His few victims of love that have become and are becoming one with their Victim Savior. Be consoled tonight because God hears your every prayer and answers them. ​ 4/7/23 – Good Friday It is this new world order of Love that you are called to witness. John 18:37— “Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice." I Am the Son of God, one with the Father and Holy Spirit. I came to witness the truth of who God is—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I came to reveal our Father. I was, and Am, the perfect witness of who the Father is. My every word, thought, action, gaze, and silence witnessed Love—God. It is impossible to be My witnesses if you have not been transformed into Me by the Spirit so that we are ONE, no longer two. I Am the voice of the Father, for I spoke only what I heard from Him. My voice, which is the voice of the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit, has been speaking to you, and through you to My little mustard seed, and to the ends of the world to make you (pl.) My witnesses of the Gospel of new life. My voice has taken you (pl.) into the wilderness of your hearts to confront the evil which lies deep within each human being because of sin. My voice has been guiding you through a Path of transformation so that My Word can possess you through My Spirit and you can become one with God, His image and likeness through Me, with Me, and in Me, the new Adams and Eves for the new evangelization. On this holy Good Friday, prostrate yourselves before My Love crucified and beg our Father to make you the witnesses that will usher in a new earth established with the Reign of My Holy Mother as one with the Reign of the Holy Spirit and My Eucharistic Reign. It is this new world order of Love that you are called to witness. ​ ​

  • Faith to Become Sword of the Spirit | Love Crucified Community

    A Fast Acceptable to God Lourdes Pinto – March 5, 2022 A Fast Acceptable to God Rooted in Love MOC, 3/5/22 Isaiah 58: 3-7 “Why do we fast, but you do not see? Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?” Look, you serve your own interest on your fast day, and oppress all your workers. 4 Look, you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to strike with a wicked fist. Such fasting as you do today will not make your voice heard on high. 5 Is such the fast that I choose, a day to humble oneself? Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush, and to lie in sackcloth and ashes? Will you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord? 6 Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? ​ Enter this Lent into the cloister of your hearts –message from Jesus, 2/28/22 My Sacred Heart desires companionship. Enter this Lent into the cloister of your hearts where I dwell. In silence and stillness, remain with Me, praying for the conversion of the world and the salvation of countless souls. I desire silence and continuous prayers, for your prayers united to My sacrifice of love have great power before the throne of ABBA. This is my desire for each of you this Lent. Acts 7:51 “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit.” To be docile to the Holy Spirit, we need to circumcise our hearts. The Simple Path God has entrusted to His mustard seed is the Path of the circumcision of our hearts so that we can be God’s people guided and led by the Spirit into the Kingdom of God to enter the Holy of Holies, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to be consumed in the Trinity. Therefore, God has not formed us with many exterior practices such as endless novenas and consecrations, 40 days of fast, etc. The Pharisees had many exterior practices, many prayers, cleansing rituals, fasts ... yet, Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit calls them “stiff-necked” people, uncircumcised in heart that resist the Holy Spirit.” In our broken humanity, we can live many exterior pious practices and live opposing the Holy Spirit because interiorly, our hearts remain hardened and in darkness. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.” Mt 23:25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside look beautiful, but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and of all kinds of filth.” Mt 23:27 How do we let the oppressed go free? –message 11/29/10 See the oppression and darkness in your family as the same darkness in the world and in My Church… This darkness also oppresses My Heart and I continue to suffer. My daughter, God the Father, intended from the beginning of time for My Body (the Church) to be united to its Head to pierce this darkness. It will be My holy remnant in My Church that united in My Cross will pierce the darkness. My daughter, you must choose to love always. In your family, love through your silence, love through your gentleness, love in kindness, love in patience, persevere in love. –Message 12/31/12 Receive My wounds, the sin, brokenness, and oppression of your brothers and sisters, so that you can radiate My light in the darkness. This is love. The love of the world is self-seeking and self-centered, but the love of God is self-giving. –Message 12/26/13 This hidden life of suffering the oppression of other souls with Me will obtain for you the crown of glory. ​ to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, –Message 12/19/11 You must become the chain of pierced hearts that will unbind the chain of darkness and bondage ​ Free many souls from their entanglements with sin –Message 11/21/12 As I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, the novena of our Lady of Undoer of Knots, Jesus brought my interior sight to see Him again bound with rope, and I unbounded Him. He now revealed that rope to me again, but this time with knots in it. He explained to me again that He wants us to receive the knots of many souls, and as one with Mary, to suffer with Him to unbind many souls and set them free. This is the chain of love… ​ Interior bridal gown of the Mothers of the Cross Feast of the Assumption –8/15/12 Around your waist is a rope. This represents the rope tied around Jesus’ hands during His trial. You unbound Him with your love, and the rope now around you symbolize your union with Him in His agony and crucifixion. Through Him, with Him and in Him, you will help unbound many souls, especially priests, from the bondage of sin. ​ ...and not to hide yourself from your own kin You have to choose to love those most difficult to love. You must always choose love, patience, and tenderness and never give in to anger and resentment. (#106, p.294) Ponder every relationship and situation in your lives where you are not loving with Me, through Me and in Me. Ask yourselves, “Why is it so difficult to love this person or to love in these situations?” It is precisely in those situations and with those persons where you need to be purified. (#57, p.171) Silence We become the white linen cloth representing the purity of the pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary and receive the ungratefulness, rejection, harshness, arrogance… of souls into our hearts to suffer, intercede for them, and to give God all honor and praise due Him. We live as this white cloth as one with our Mother of Sorrows in the silence of remaining in the pain of our sorrows as one with Christ. ​ To live in the silence of Mary –8/10/21 I am called to live in the silence of Mary. It’s a silence of living in union with God. A silence that is continuous prayer. A silence that is entirely focused, attentive to each moment, each person, and situation. A silence of contemplation and interior work. The work of living as Christ’s white linen soaking up His precious Blood discarded by souls. Useless speech or activity can move me out of this silence of union. In the Holy Spirit, you possess the Father and Me as One. The Spirit now lives in you and you in Him. You are ONE. This divine dimension is SILENCE. When you enter this divine union in silence, you must be careful to nurture it; careless speech and careless activity can bring the soul out of this divine dimension of silence. Path #101 Silence of waiting My battle for souls is my willingness to wait in ABBA through Jesus crucified and His long waiting in the Eucharist. It is the most intimate participation in the Divine Love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for humanity. It is the perfection of the interior martyrdom lived solely for Love. My insisting and pushing stop, and I accept and live in my powerlessness abandoned in God’s eternal waiting, trusting only in His goodness and mercy. The long waiting brings me face to face with my powerlessness, my nothingness, and if I keep my gaze on Christ, my faith is strengthened through the knowledge of His goodness, majesty, and power. “Mortify yourself in silence.” Sirach 27:4 When a sieve is shaken, the refuse appears; so do a person’s faults when he speaks. We need to fast from murmuring, all frivolity in speech and activities, reacting from our emotions, seeking consolation when we’re suffering, distractions… What keeps me from continuous prayer? “Christ’s love, as God’s agape, is love that comes down from on high and loves that which is unworthy so that it may become worthy.” Back

  • Faith in Promises God Made | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Faith, In the Promises God has Made Lourdes Pinto — October 21,2021 Audio & text Faith in the Promises God has Made 10/21/21 Romans 4:13, 18-22 For the promise that he would inherit the world did not come to Abraham or to his descendants through the law but through the righteousness of faith. Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become “the father of many nations,” according to what was said, “So numerous shall your descendants be.” 19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was already[b] as good as dead (for he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. 20 No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21 being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. 22 Therefore his faith[c] “was reckoned to him as righteousness.” Lk 1:45 Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord. You, my little one, and the few following My simple path to union with God are God’s force to defeat Satan and pierce the darkness of his destruction in souls. Your faith is needed to live in the power of God . 6/23/21 Such a soul acts imperfectly, for she has not yet unwound the bandage of spiritual self-love, for has she unwound it she would see that, in truth, everything proceeds from Me, that no leaf of a tree falls to the ground without My providence, and that what I give and promise to My creatures, I give and promise to them for their sanctification, which is the good and the end for which I created them. (The Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena , p.88-89) CCC 144 To obey (from the Latin ob-audire, to "hear or listen to") in faith is to submit freely to the word that has been heard, because its truth is guaranteed by God, who is Truth itself. Abraham is the model of such obedience offered us by Sacred Scripture. The Virgin Mary is its most perfect embodiment. CCC 145 The Letter to the Hebrews, in its great eulogy of the faith of Israel's ancestors, lays special emphasis on Abraham's faith: "By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was to go."4 By faith, he lived as a stranger and pilgrim in the promised land.5 By faith, Sarah was given to conceive the son of the promise. And by faith, Abraham offered his only son in sacrifice.6 CCC 146 Abraham thus fulfills the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1: "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" Mary - "Blessed is she who believed" CCC 148 The Virgin Mary most perfectly embodies the obedience of faith. By faith Mary welcomes the tidings and promise brought by the angel Gabriel, believing that "with God, nothing will be impossible" and so giving her assent: "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be [done] to me according to your word."12 Elizabeth greeted her: "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord."13 It is for this faith that all generations have called Mary blessed. CCC 149 Throughout her life and until her last ordeal15 when Jesus her son died on the cross, Mary's faith never wavered. She never ceased to believe in the fulfillment of God's word. And so the Church venerates in Mary the purest realization of faith. Promises to LC: *I promise I will grant you the grace of transformation. It is My new disciples that I Myself am preparing and training, united as ONE with the Holy Spirit and My Mother, that will cleanse My Church and bring forth from the depth of My Cross the new Pentecost with the reign of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. 3/ 8/11 *I promise you, My humble ones, that as the darkness consumes the world you will be consumed by the Fire of God, the Holy Spirit. You will be the first fruits of the new Pentecost. 3/16/12 10/10/14 Do you believe My little one, all that I have spoken to you throughout all these years? Believe in the promises of God and you will see the glory of God unfold before your eyes. The Spirit, the power of the love of the Father and Son, will set the world ablaze with His fire through the power of all My victim souls consumed in My sacrifice of love… I will make all things new through the triumph of My Cross, which is the triumph of LOVE. 9/13/11 This hidden life of suffering the oppression of other souls with Me will obtain for you the crown of glory. 12/26/13 Receive the crown of glory reserved for the martyrs of Christ’s love. Do not be afraid during the time of the great trial that must come upon the world, for I am with you. You have followed me to the altar of sacrifice. It is here in the perfect sacrifice of the Mass that I am forming you as God’s holy warriors of love to fight the final battle. Remain with me in the perfect Sacrifice of my Son and you will receive the crown of glory. 12/12/16 Basilica of Guadalupe Romans 5: 2-5 …we[c] boast (rejoice) in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we[d] also boast(rejoice) in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Renew consecration to the Immaculata with the Holy Spirit Your union now with Mary, as one with the Holy Spirit, prepares you to confront Satan and his principalities in her victory, for she is the Queen Mother that has defeated the dragon in her perfect union with Me, her beloved Son. It is through her power in the Holy Spirit that you will fight the great battle. Remain in prayer, and silence so that nothing disturbs your spirit as one with Me, your Beloved. Rejoice, my daughter, you are being counted among the remnant victim warriors of God's great army. Go in peace to love through Me, with Me, and in Me as one with Mary Most Holy. The battle has been won! 8/15/21 Back

  • Mexico 2016 album | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Pilgrimage to Mexico of the Love Crucified Community Dec 7-13, 2016. Part II You will learn here why Father Felix is so significant to our community. He had a profound spiritual union with Venerable Conchita Cabrera de Armida. He recognized the authenticity of what the Lord was doing with her and embraced fully the vocation to found with her the Works of the Cross. They are two with one heart. Born in France in 1859, Felix became a Marist priest for the missions (1887). His first mission was to Colombia, where his zeal for souls was put to the test by the enemies of the Church. After six years, in 1902, he moved to Mexico. It is said that "he could not say farewell to Colombia without his soul bleeding." On the 4th of February 1903 he met Conchita. She had gone to confession early that day, but when the trolley car in which she traveled passed by a church, she felt the urge to go again. At the confessional, she providentially met Fr. Felix, who had just finished a novena to the Holy Spirit asking to be a fervent priest. Conchita read his soul and could see his desire to grow spiritually. She knew that he was the priest chosen to found with her the Works of the Cross. Father Felix: "After a few words, Conchita began to speak to me about my soul for two hours, from ten to twelve, confident of herself and as if Our Lord inspired her, telling me of my interior life, what she did not like in me (without ever having met) I knew in my soul clearly the truth of the things that were said to me and this gave me confidence in my new penitent. When Our Lord gave me knowledge that I had to trust her, she began to speak to me about the Works of the Cross (at that time she had only founded the Apostleship of the Cross and the Sisters of the Cross.) She told me about the spirit of these Works and suddenly it seemed so beautiful that the idea came to my mind of ​​a Congregation of men, a sister congregation with the Sisters of the Cross. Suddenly I said to Conchita: — Is there an Oasis of men? — "No," she replied, "but there will be, because Our Lord has said that after the women are approved, the one for men would be founded, both to support priests." Fr. Felix´s decision embrace this new vocation cost him much rejection, ridicule and false accusations -even from his own brother who was also a priest. A year after meeting Conchita, they sent him back to France where he obediently trusted in God as he remained faithful to what God had done. Fr. Felix writes about the letter he received from his superior, the general of the Marists: "I was strictly forbidden to communicate with Mrs. Armida, either directly or indirectly". After ten years, Conchita persuaded bishop Ibarra to ask for his return to Mexico. He arrived during the Cristero war and went straight to Conchita to tell her that he was ready for the Works of the Cross. In 1924, 21 years after they had met, they founded the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit at top of Tepeyac, where we saw the Cross. God puts his own to the test to make them ONE with Him. L.C. family praying at the tomb of Fr.Felix. The sign on the wall is from Jn.6:49, "Your fathers eat the manna in the desert and died." To believe that God gave manna in the past is not enough. Fr. Felix believed that God was doing wonders in his own life and he responded in faith with great trust, humility and audacity. He is one of our patrons in L.C. Visit to the Cathedral of Mexico Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe On her feast, Dec 12 Pilgrims come from all the towns of Mexico, many walking for days, bringing statues and banners. Their sacrifices are an example to us. Jesus surely looks at them with profound love but also with sorrow for many are like sheep without a shepherd. They are attracted to their Mother but they need someone to guide them to the fullness of faith. We of the Love Crucified Community came from 6 states of the USA and Colombia, but in our hearts, we brought the entire Community, our families, and the whole Church. We, too, must come humbly seeking the help of our Mother. The old basilica (left), home for centuries to the tilma of Guadalupe until it was moved to the new basilica (right) on Oct. 12,1976. Our Mother is the woman of Revelation: The sun radiates behind her, the moon beneath her feet, the stars are her mantle... Also, the praise of the surrounding angels was discovered based on the notes deduced from the position of the stars and flowers on her tunic. Message of Our Lady and its importance 🔗 Christ receives the blow to protect His mother! On November 14, 1921, a man approached the image of Our Lady and placed a bomb hidden among flowers. The explosion did not cause her any damage, and did not even break the glass that covered the image. Instead, the impact of the explosion was received by the crucifix that was next to her and was left in the condition that we see in the photo. The Lord has told us that the Missionaries of the Cross must be like a bronze wall to protect and defend the Mothers of the Cross. Now, we can also say that we must be like that crucifix, which represents what He did. As Jesus died for His bride, the Church, we must give our lives daily for her. The enemies of Christ pass away, but He remains. Today a larger crucifix stands guard next to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Continue to Part III

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