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  • In the Unity of the Trinity

    In the Unity of the Trinity Lourdes Pinto – May 20, 2021 Back

  • Oath of Fidelity

    Oath of Fidelity to the Catholic Church I, ______________________________________________, with firm faith believe and profess each and every thing that is contained in the Symbol of Faith, namely: ​ The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. ___________________________________________ With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the Word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed. I also firmly accept and hold each and every thing definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals. Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise their authentic Magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim these teachings by a definitive act. Back

  • Holy Week Reflection | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Reflections on Holy Week Letter to the community March 27, 2018 My Beloved Community, ​ As we live this Holy Week as ONE HEART in Jesus crucified with Mary, many of the Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross are suffering greatly with very difficult situations that God is permitting. I sent you a document yesterday to encourage you in your identities and mission as God’s little victim souls. Today I write to you from my heart to encourage you to PERSEVERE and not allow one drop of your sufferings to be wasted, for it is truly a drop of Jesus’ Precious Blood that we do not absorb with the living cloth of our lives. My reflection comes from the Gospel of John 12 and 13: ​ Jesus is glorified on the Wood of the Cross and through Him the Father is glorified. (12:23) Jesus tells us to follow Him (12:26), therefore, we too must follow Him to the Cross to die as one with Him ((12:24). In this way, we are resurrected, not only in heaven with the crown of glory, but also on earth, as the new creation of the Father—the new Adams and new Eves glorifying the Father on earth. These are the men and women, Christ’s disciples, living “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”, and only they, God’s apostles of Light, can usher in “Thy Kingdom come”. ​ All of us, because we have not yet died to self, desire to be great preachers, healers, miracle workers, teachers, prophets, administrators, apostolic workers, heroes and so on, without the Cross. Therefore, our works bear little fruit—our egos are what’s being glorified. We struggle following Christ daily to the Cross to die to self, to what we have become that we are not, through humiliations, accusations, discriminations, rejections, difficulties, sufferings, illnesses, piercings, abandonment, and so on, suffering ALL as one with Christ’s sacrifice of love. ​ Jesus gives us a new commandment: Love one another, even as I have loved you (Jn 13:34). How does Jesus love me? ​ He receives upon His Body my wounds and transgressions. He willingly, as the Father’s Victim Son, suffers my infidelity, unfaithfulness, lukewarmness, indifference, brokenness… hanging silently and patiently on the Wood of the Cross. He becomes the Victim Sacrifice for me, so that I can become the new creation in the image and likeness of God. ​ I then must choose to love the most difficult ones in my life—the boss, superior, spouse, who humiliated, accused, betrayed, and fired me. The person who used me and ditched me. The people—mother, father, brother, sister—who wounded me by disrespecting and dishonoring me. I must choose to love by willingly receiving their brokenness into my heart, cleansed of all resentment, frustration, anger, revenge and hatred, and suffer with Christ solely for Love as I pray for them daily, especially in the Sacrifice of the Mass. During Holy Land pilgrimage, day 8, Thursday, Nov 2, 2017, at Gethsemane, before the rock where Jesus prayed: ​ Love Crucified has been called to REMAIN with Me as I continue to shed tears for Jerusalem, to remain with Me in My continuous agony for souls, to participate with Me in the salvation of the world, as you choose daily to receive the brokenness of the souls I have placed in your lives and to suffer with Me for them. The time of the great destruction draws near, many souls will be lost, you will hear the wailing of Jerusalem throughout the world. Bring Me victim souls to suffer with Me in order to obtain graces of conversion for many souls, who otherwise will be lost. Believe in the power of your hidden lives of suffering with Me. Jesus loves me as He waits patiently, imprisoned in the tabernacle, for me to open my heart to Him, making myself completely vulnerable, unveiled of all my garments—my masks and false identity. I too must love in patience and expectant waiting for those souls closest to me to open their hearts to Christ. I must choose daily to live imprisoned in Jesus and Mary’s hidden martyrdom of heart as I suffer with expectant faith for myself and my territory of souls. ​ Jesus receives the denial and betrayal of Peter and Judas with the gaze of tender love as His tears united with Mary’s supplicate to the Father. I too must gaze upon those that have denied and betrayed me with Jesus’ gaze of love. This is only possible if I allow the Holy Spirit to draw my pierced and wounded heart into Jesus’ pierced and wounded Heart, and through the PAIN He is permitting me to suffer, I encounter His gaze. Then I can gaze upon those that have pierced me through the gaze of Love. God is glorified and death has no power! ​ Only when someone values love more highly than life, that is, only where someone is ready to put life second to love, for the sake of love, can love be stronger and more than death. Pope Benedict XVI My beautiful brothers and sisters, …We must REMEMBER who we are in Love Crucified and our history that we just reviewed in our Encounter and that Colombia will have soon. The Lord has asked us to help with the renewal of—God’s army to help usher in the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the new Pentecost and the Kingdom of God on earth. You MUST mount your white horses🔗 and live your sufferings as one with Love crucified so that your lives as God’s Sword of the Spirit can battle this war and God’s triumph be fulfilled …in the world. ​ 8/3/17 Demons of lust, pornography, shame, pride, arrogance and fear of intimacy. These demons are still at work… because from the beginning … have been called to be My warriors of the end times. …, among others, have been prepared and are being prepared to fight against these legions of Satan. I have already conquered Satan and all the principalities of death through the power of My love crucified. These angels of death can only be fought through Me, with Me, and in Me, in the power of the Spirit, through the Cross. I am dressing My soldier of light in My humility, purity, and childlike innocence. He must live knowing his nothingness and weakness, for it is I who am everything, all power and might. Pray for greater trust and abandonment so that the authority of My Spirit can be stirred into flame in him to cast out the demons of hell. The hidden force of My little mustard seed (LC Community) is the power of God’s force moving through him. My … will be My holy army for these end times. ​ 8/6/17 My little one, know that I am pleased with you because you have responded to the cry of My voice. My little one, this is a time of an outpouring of grace for My little mustard seed. You are each being given the grace to be transformed into My living hosts to bless, release from bondage and set free countless souls. See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Respond by suffering all with Me in My sacrifice of love. Respond with courage and zeal believing that God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. Believe, that as My warriors – the hidden anawims of God – you have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. Remain steadfast in living daily what I have taught you. Do not be afraid, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is close at hand. Usher in the triumph of our Two Hearts. Trust in the words I speak in your heart and share them with perfect faith and hope in the God who loves you. Go in peace. ​ “Animo”, my family!!!!! Fight courageously with your eyes fixed on our Love crucified, for He is our strength to persevere till the end as God’s holy warriors of light! “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.” (Rev 13;10) ​ Lourdes†

  • Formation for the Mission | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Formation for the Mission Lourdes Pinto | February 1&3, 2019 Given at MC & MC cenacles Lourdes received three messages based on the Gospels confirming our mission: ​ *The first message Cf. Luke 10:1-12 Diary of a MOC 1/11/18, Mission of MC and MOC My little one, you are preparing the way for My Second Coming. It is My hidden martyrs of love crucified through Me, with Me and in Me that will usher in the reign of My Kingdom on earth. ​ The Gospel says: ​ “No purse” that means be Poor in spirit; “No sandals” that means -detached from the things of this world; a life of sacrifice, hardships, difficulties, uncomfortable, penance (I had the image of people walking up the mountain in Medjugorje barefoot) “no walking stick” -because I will sustain you, strengthen you, support you. I will lead you on this journey. ​ My Missionaries of the Cross must preach repentance again, as did John the Baptist. They must preach My love crucified bringing souls to know intimately My love. They must be detached completely from their egos, knowing themselves as nothing and miserable. They must be willing to speak the truth about the darkness within My priesthood. They must be willing to live rejected, cast out and even stoned to death. (I conversed with Jesus saying that I do not know how this will be. I see again the image of the red carpet-the women covered in the precious blood of Jesus. My Lord, how do the lay missionaries of the cross live this mission? ) They are priests within their families and they live in the world. They will need great courage to be My light in the midst of the darkness.My daughter, tell my daughters to persevere suffering all with Me solely for love of Me. *The second message Cf. Mathew 10:1-24 Diary of a MOC, 30/18 “Mission of the 12” ​ My little one, I have chosen you to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God on earth. The mission is not easy, for the ways of God are never the ways of the world. All who are chosen by God to fulfill his plan on earth are hated by some, rejected by others, ill-treated, persecuted, for I came upon the earth to set one against another, for the ways of God will never be accepted nor appreciated by those who live for the things of this world. You have been asked by God to bring Him victim souls. A victim soul must fix his eyes on Christ, must desire with all his being to become one with his Master, must be willing to learn from Him and imitate Him. He must be willing to fight against all his disordered desires. This requires certain disciplines for my disciples: ​ 1)”take no gold nor silver nor copper”- than means detached from the riches of this world, trusting that God will provide. 2)”no bag for your journey” that means that My disciples must allow My spirit to detach them from all disordered attachments. (my Lord how do we know what is a disordered attachment?) Anything that weakens your desire for Me, distracts you from loving Me, takes your gaze from Me. 3) ”nor two tunics”- My disciples must live simply as I did, poor, never in excess. 4) ”nor sandals”- a life dedicated to sacrificial love, penance, renunciation. 5) ”nor a staff”- My disciples lean on Me; I become their support; I lead the way. My disciples wear My yoke-the wood of the Cross, united to Me. I am their All. My disciples are the men and women consumed in love and desire for Me. They choose to live this way of life for love of Me and the consuming desire to be made perfect-which is to become Love. Only in this way, will My disciples reflect the face and light of God in the world. These are my victim souls that possess the power of God on earth. *The third message Mark 6:7-13, which is the parallel Gospel of the other two. The mission has been given. Are we seeking to be sent? We need first to come under discipleship and that is a discipline that must rule our daily ordinary life. We men are easily absorbed in projects to the point that they become the priority of our hearts and blind us to all else. -we do not see how we loose sight of our relationship with God, our relationship with our wives…. - Projects and jobs must be the ones God wants for us and then must be subjected to HIM so that they do not overcome us. Gospel of Mark: the need to stay with Jesus. Fr. Jordi ​ In Mark Jesus exposes the mysteries of His heart only to those who remain with Him: ”With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it; he did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything” (Mark 4:33-34). The parables were only the initial invitation but few stayed to beyond their initial interest to get something from Jesus. He came for all and loves all but did not reveal himself to all because each person must first be willing to enter a discipleship with Him. It is the only way to be transformed. He can only reveal himself to the few who are willing to stay and persevere when the flesh wants to give up under the trials of life. Only through a committed faith do we come to know Jesus. Without the walk in faith, without the process of formation and transformation at the feet of Jesus, we misunderstand the signs and wonders and make Jesus into our superstar, a wonder worker, someone who gets us what we think we want. This is why Jesus at first did not want his identity to be divulged. First it was necessary that they embrace the cross. Only after they saw him rejected in Nazareth and after teaching them about the demands of discipleship, does he send them the first time. But not even after 3 years did the disciples know the heart of Jesus. ​ Like them, we only come to know and understand Jesus at the Cross. At the Cross he reveals the depth of his being and strips away the lies about who we make Him to be. In Mark, only at the Cross is Jesus called “Son of God” (by the centurion). But for most the Cross is a scandal and they remain blind. At the Cross, if like Mary, we are one with Jesus, we also come to know ourselves. just as the cross is necessary for Jesus to fulfill his mission, and he can’t be understood rightly as Son of God apart from the cross, so too is the cross necessary for His disciples to be set free from the lies by which they live: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Only through the trials of the cross do we become real men. Back

  • Eucharist: The Hidden Life | Love Crucified

    Eucharist: The Hidden Life Lourdes Pinto — 2016 Back

  • Trust – Will Jesus be Impressed with Yours?

    Trust: Will Jesus be Impressed with Yours? Fr. Ronald Sciera – September 13, 2019 Back

  • Priests Transformed – Love Crucified

    Transformed Priests Will Help Usher in the New Pentecost In preparation for the Second Vatican Council, John XXIII, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, proclaimed vigorously: The Church needs a "new Pentecost." ​ In the book, Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary , edited by Fr. Philipon, the message of a new Pentecost for the Church as given to Blessed Conchita and the importance of a sanctified priesthood to usher in this grace for the world is explained (p.251-252): Our secularized and desecrated world is dying on account of the absence of God. It is steeped in the spirit of comfort and pleasure. There is but one remedy: The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. He alone will be able to revitalize the Church and revivify her by a "new Pentecost." Fifty years before the Council, after 1911, Conchita kept on writing again and again: "The Church and the world has need of a 'new Pentecost,' a second Pentecost, a priestly Pentecost, an interior Pentecost." Yes, Conchita's prophetic mission is that of recalling to the modern and materialistic world, avid for liberty, that it will be saved only by a NEW PENTECOST and by the GOSPEL OF THE CROSS. This new Pentecost, this sanctifying action of the Spirit, must begin with priests and extend itself to the entire People of God, as on the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and on the whole community assembled in the Cenacle. "I want to come back to the world in My priests. I want to renew the world of souls on manifesting Myself in My priests. I want a powerful impulse in My Church on infusing upon Her the Holy Spirit as on a new Pentecost" (Diary, Jan. 5, 1928). But the Holy Spirit cannot descend to the world save by Christ's Cross since both missions, that of the Son and that of the Spirit, are inseparable. ​ "The Holy Spirit will reign the day when My sacrifice of suffering will also reign: the Cross in hearts. In so far as the Cross will not reign in souls, the Holy Spirit, He too will not reign" (Diary, May 26, 1901). The messages given to the Love Crucified Community for these decisive times speak of the urgent need of sanctified priests to usher in the new Pentecost. They are an urgent call to enter the Cross and to be ONE with Him as victims of love in the heart of the Church. You will prophesy the new Pentecost that is in the horizon. You will prepare the way by raising up My army of holy priests. You will call them to repentance. Tell them of My immense love for each of them… I wish to embrace them and forgive them. I want them to know and experience the love I have for each of them. I want them to understand how much I need them to fulfill My work of redemption. My hands are nailed to the Cross; I need each of them to be My hands-- to anoint, bless and heal My children. I need them to be My feet-- moving out as My missionaries to proclaim My words. I need them to be My eyes, so that My divine gaze can penetrate the core of My children and bring them to repentance and reconciliation with God, their Father. I need them to be My suffering and pierced Heart to My people--My Heart of compassion. My daughter, My priests MUST become My loving image in the world. They, united to My Mother, will bring the Church to the foot of My Cross and through their cries, supplication, prayers and tears the Holy Spirit will be released from My Cross. 3/17/10 ​ Encouragement to seminarians to live a life in the Holy Spirit, by Msgr. Ron Sciera🔗 Back

  • Covenant – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Love Crucified Covenant Meaning of covenant🔗 Heavenly Father, moved by Your love and Your grace, in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, and the family of Love Crucified, I, (name), resolve to deny myself, to take up my cross daily, and to follow Jesus, Love Crucified. Through the immaculate hands of Mary, receive my blood, united to the Precious Blood of Jesus, as a sacrifice of love for You, for Your priests, families, the most hardened hearts, and for the salvation of the world. Transform my heart into Your living chalice so that I become Your companion of love. Inspired by Blessed Conchita and our patron saints, I offer myself as a victim united to Jesus the Victim of love. I surrender my entire heart, will, plans, desires, sacrifices, sufferings, joys, prayers, works, every thought and action, uniting all to Christ's sacrificial love on the Cross, so that no longer I live but Christ, Love Crucified, lives in me. My Lord, I surrender myself to the Holy Spirit and vow to be attentive to His promptings and movements in my soul, that I may come to a deeper knowledge of Christ and of myself, to learn from Him love, tenderness, mercy, humility, docility, obedience, purity, silence, service and all the virtues. I promise full assent and obedience to all the Catholic Church teaches and to treasure the Eucharist, the Word, Reconciliation and all the Lord provides for our sanctification. I enter into a covenant of love with my brothers and sisters of the Love Crucified Community and commit to its way of life. My words and actions shall reflect my love for all, so that we can help each other live the Path to Union and be witnesses to the world. All for the glory of God and the renewal of the Church through a new Pentecost. Every movement of my soul shall say with Christ: “Suffer all with Me, no longer two but ONE, in My sacrifice of love.” -Amen. TOP

  • Priests Called to Live as Christ – Love Crucified Comm.

    A Call for Priests to Live as Christ, Priest and Victim The Lord desires to raise up an army of holy “priest-victims”; martyrs of love who are willing to be transformed as ONE with Christ Crucified. It is they who will stand strong during the times of darkness as the “apostles of light” protecting and defending the Bride of Christ, the Church. ​ The Lord speaks of His desire for priests to the Love Crucified Community: ​ My daughter….My covenant with each of them calls them to love as I have loved; to love with My Heart. My love is sacrificial, My love is gentle and patient but above all my love is crucified. I came upon the earth desiring only the cross; My sons must have the same love of the cross I had. It is only though crucified love that their lives will bear abundant fruit; It is only through their crucified love that they will be transformed by the fire of the Holy Spirit into Me. It is only through crucified love My priests will become the fortified wall of bronze protecting My Church from the principalities of death. This is what you must tell My priests. If they do not listen to My Words they will perish during the time of great darkness. — 3/30/10 See full message🔗 ​ I am raising up My army of holy priests, My Green Berets: Men of fortitude, men of courage, holy men, men willing to lay down their lives for their God. It is these holy priests that will be My apostles of Light during the time of great darkness that is approaching. The time is at the horizon. —3/11/10 See full message🔗 ​ The Church has a clear vision for a transformed priesthood. This vision of priestly victimhood is witnessed by the life of saintly priests like St. John Vianney, Padre Pio, and St. Maximilian Kolbe. They were not just good men who served God and offered sacrifice, but men transformed into alter-Christus, forged to be priest-victims of love by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary and in the power of the Cross. Men consecrated to Mary and the Eucharist. ​ In order to fully realize his priestly vocation of being priest and victim, he must uncover his identity as victim. The crisis in the priesthood is reflected in the absence of this identity. Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen in his book, The Priest Is Not His Own , stresses the crucial need for priests to embrace their victimhood: ​ "We who have received the Sacrament of Orders call ourselves “priests”. The author does not recall any priest ever having said, “I was ordained a ‘victim’”, nor did he ever say, “I am studying to be a victim.” That seemed almost alien to being a priest. The seminary always told us to be “good” priests; never were we told to be willing victims. And yet was not Christ, the Priest, a Victim? Did He not come to die? Pagan priests, Old Testament priests, medicine men, all offered a sacrifice apart from themselves. But not Our Lord. He was Sacerdos-Victima. This being so, just as we miss much in the life of Christ by not showing that the shadow of the Cross cast itself even over the crib and the carpenter shop as well as over His public life, so we have a mutilated concept of our priesthood if we envisage it apart from making ourselves victims in the prolongation of His Incarnation.” Urgent Messages to Priests ​ Blessed Conchita received messages from the Lord concerning the priesthood from September 1927 to January 1931. The Lord stressed the urgency for priestly sanctification. He reveals His total love as an unconditional offering to the Father in the Holy Spirit through a full immolation of Himself. He explains to Conchita the importance of His priests living as victims as ONE with Him, The Victim, as the means of their transformation into Love. ​ The priestly souls indispensably have to be victims; they have to become a gift, offering themselves pure to My Father, in union with Me and giving themselves up for souls, as I did. — The Priesthood of Christ and the Ministerial Priesthood in the Experience and Message of Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, Juan Esquerda Bifet, 11. ​ Jesus reveals to Conchita His Sacred Heart and how His Heart loves. He desires for every priest to be one heart with His, loving as He loves, in total immolation: ​ Love which does not crucify is not love… How did I love? It was with a universal love of charity, as the Word knows how to love: all charity, with a love of sacrifice, immolating Myself, forgiving, forgetting and attaining graces for them with My sorrow; with a most pure divine intention; with a sublime goal of charity for souls and for Divinity, of giving Him glory. My expiatory love is incomprehensible to all human intelligence. (Ibid. 11) ​ The spiritual and apostolic value of priestly life depends on his willingness to be crucified with Christ. In a message to a Mother of the Cross of the Love Crucified Community, Christ emphasizes the importance of all priests being a witness to the Gospel message of the Cross: ​ I am the High Priest. I am the perfect unblemished holy sacrifice of the Father for the redemption of mankind. The priests that came after Me were born of My Pierced Heart; were born of My crucified love. As a woman labors to give life, My priests were conceived in My crucified Heart and were brought to life through the passage in My side created by the spear. Therefore, every priest is called to be ONE with the Word of the Cross. Of themselves they can do nothing and are nothing, but united as ONE to Love crucified they are the power of God. The mission I desire is to bring all My priests to union with Love Crucified. It is here that lies the power of God I want them to possess…. 9/21/10 ​ When priests fail to embrace their victimhood by not becoming ONE with Christ Crucified, they fail to be transformed by the Holy Spirit and live a disordered priesthood with serious consequences for themselves and their flock. ​ Tell My sons that they have gone astray from the path I set before them. They have gone astray from the narrow path that leads to life. Their hearts have grown cold and hardened because they seek their fulfillment in themselves. It is only through a life of penance and mortification that the flesh can be purified. Tell them, My daughter, to gaze at My love crucified and to allow My Mother to bring them to the foot of the Cross with those that love Me (I felt St. John and Mary Magdalene). 5/24/10 Without this transformation into alter Christus their vocation runs the risk of bringing scandal and turmoil to the Church and world. These priestly scandals pierce violently the Heart of God as Jesus laments to Conchita: ​ And the sins of scandal of my priests, what immensity they encompass! What glory they remove from me and how deep an extent they pierce My Heart! The radius those sins of scandal of my priests encompasses is incalculable for man; and only in eternity in the vision of that great light will they come to see the almost infinite evil that they produce with those innumerable sins. And I say innumerable because a sin of priestly scandal is multiplied and extends to generations.... [These hidden sins] attack the faith, blind hope and kill charity. —To My Priests , Concepción Cabrera De Armida 20. ​ Encouragement To Live This Call ​ In the following letter a priest encourages his spiritual son/priest to live his vocation as a victim with Christ. His council reflects the anointing of God’s wisdom for all priests: ​ My Dear Spiritual Son Priest , You have made it to the 10th Station of your Priesthood, stripped of a lot of this world with more to shed in the future. ​ The Universal Church and the Priesthood of Christ into which you were ordained ten years ago today has also been stripped of its holiness, dignity and even Episcopal unity by the exposure of its sinfulness. ​ The Temple is being cleansed, shaken and persecuted. Eventually all that will be left is the Bruised Face of the Suffering Servant, and the more you resemble Him in this way, the closer your Heavenly Mother will enfold you in her arms. ​ Resolve to increase your time before the Blessed Sacrament to console Him and to become a Living Host in the eyes of His People. ​ Many of His People and Ministers are still clinging to tradition, customs, incense, Latin liturgy, even the Communion altar rail, like passengers clinging to the rail of the Titanic thinking that this will give them safety and comfort. But only till we let go of everything and become ONE with the VICTIM will we truly be His Body, the Church, not in the nostalgia of the past, but in the reality of the POWER OF CHRIST CRUCIFIED IN THE PRESENT . ​ You are very learned, my spiritual son, in Theology, Cannon Law, even languages and carry within you a hidden false pride in all of this, hidden from yourself, but not from me who loves you as Paul loved Timothy. But someday in the future you will see more clearly that the PRIESTHOOD you received 10 years ago today is not in the grandeur of your status, wisdom or earthly knowledge, but solely in the SACRIFICE OF THE LAMB OF GOD. ​ And someday when you allow yourself to be stripped of everything—health, prestige, reputation, knowledge, connections, earthly wisdom and pastoral power you will achieve the joy and fullness of the Priesthood you celebrate today. This is my Prayer, Prophecy and Gift to you today. ​ It was a privilege and an honor to support you financially, and be in those moments your earthly father, not only for who you are today, but for who I trust you will become in time. ​ With heartfelt love and gratitude on this milestone of your 10th Ordination Anniversary, ​ ​ Msgr. Calkins, Padre Pio, Priest and Victim🔗 Back Messages1+2

  • ONE with Me – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    ONE with My Mother... One with Me You are chosen to be ONE with My Mother of Sorrows. You are called to live and taste My agony of love as ONE with My Mother. I cry for ______, for he has turned away from Me in his rebelliousness, and like him, so many, My daughter. I shed tears for each and every one. Look at the God Who loves you nailed to the Cross. See My tears as I look down upon every son and daughter who has not come to Me to gaze at Love. Can you hear My groans that come forth from the depth of My crucified Heart? The groans of My agony of love. Listen to My groans of love. I thirst for you to quench My thirst with your kiss of love, your kiss of gratitude, your kiss of purity, your kiss of sorrow, your kiss of desire to be ONE with Me, suffering in love with Me. Do not fear to feel the sorrows of My Heart, to partake in My chalice of suffering in Love and for Love. Embrace through your arms of silence each and every sorrow I place in your heart and participate with My Mother in My agony of love. This union of sorrows will bring many graces to the world. Teach My family (LC) how to suffer with Me. Raise up many victims of love to defeat the prince of darkness. 3/11/12 Back ​

  • Heralds of Hope – II | Love Crucified

    Heralds of Hope –II Hope Vs. Despair Lourdes Pinto — April 28, 2022 Back

  • Identity of a Mother of the Cross – I | Love Crucified

    Identity of a Mother of the Cross —Part I Lourdes Pinto — October 5, 2013 🔗See Text Note : This text are supplemental notes, not a complete transcription of the audio. To get a fuller and richer understanding of this teaching, we recommend you listen to the audio. Words from the Lord to a Mother of the Cross Be My Companion / Collect My Tears 2/18/13 Cf. Mt 35 I desire for you to be My companion in this time of great suffering; to remain with Me.... To collect My tears shed for all of humanity. You have been chosen to be ONE with Me, My consolation, during these end times. This is your identity as a Mother of the Cross. ​ (I asked Jesus how to live as His companion of love. It is easy when I am in prayer and He allows me to feel His presence and see His gaze, but during the day there are so many distractions...) ​ Be attentive to each person you encounter in your life. I live in them. I suffer for them and with them. This is My Body (Mt 35:31-41). My little one, have the docility of heart to receive the brokenness of all people into your heart as ONE with Me. This is participation in the love of the Trinity: to receive the wounds of your brothers and sisters and to give the sacrifice of your life, as ONE with Me, for their salvation and sanctification. This is Love. Live Who You Are. Believe. 5/30/13 “Believe, My family (LC), in the hidden force I have revealed to you. My hidden force is My Eucharistic Life. Live, who you are called to be, as My living hosts in the world. This is the power of God, the fire of the Holy Spirit, that will set the world ablaze. Believe in the hidden force as the POWER OF GOD. The hidden force is the fire of My blazing Love. Live the martyrdom of solitude I am now revealing to you as ONE with Me. This most intimate union of suffering with Love and for Love will bring forth new life. Live as My hidden martyrs of love for these decisive times. Believe in the POWER OF GOD contained in THE LIVNG HOST.” Be My Companion of Love / Tears 2/15/13 I desire to draw you into the depth of My Sacred Heart to immerse you in Love. Enter into the deep, My little one. Enter into the ocean of My mercy. Come My little one and be My companion of love. Be with your God and Savior as I enter My agony again. The time has come when the Father will turn His gaze from the world. My Mother and I will cry for you (humanity), Who will remain faithful during the great and terrible persecution? Remain with me and collect My tears to present them to the Father for you have found favor with Him. The Martyrdom of the Heart Conquers 11/9/12 The martyrdom of the heart is the martyrdom of suffering with Love and for Love. My daughter, if you could only understand the fruit of the martyrdom of suffering you would desire nothing else on earth. The hidden life of suffering with Love and for Love is of far greater worth than great and small works tainted with human recognition. Believe in the hidden force contained in the martyrdom of the heart. This is the purest fragrance of love that has the power to conquer the enemies of God. Your Life is an Oblation 11/21/12 The harvest is ready to be harvested. The wheat will be separated from the weeds, but the wheat that has grown interwoven with the weeds will be cast out to burn in the fire of God's justice. Your life no longer belongs to you. It has become an oblation pleasing to the Father to free many souls from their entanglements with sin. Your life has become a living sacrifice with Me to set many free while there is still time. Live who you are as My sacrifice of living love. Remain With me in my Agony 2/20/13 The time is short. My little one, I am living My agony of love for My Bride, the Church.I am alone; few remain with Me awake, attentive, concerned for the Heart of their God who cries for them. Will you too fall asleep as I continue to ask you to remain with Me collecting My tears for humanity? ​ Live Love with the Victim of Love 6/9/13 I want you to live with all your love, with all your strength, with all your might as My living force. Suffer with Me in the hiddenness of your heart. Cry with Me for your brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Do not grow weary in living with Me the sorrows for a humanity that has lost their way. God in His infinite mercy will bless the multitudes through His holy remnant of victim souls. Do not fear to proclaim the power in suffering with the Victim of Love. Live who you are as My prophet of light. Be still and know that I am with you. Enter and find refuge in Me. Mary's White Army 7/17/13 Mat 11:25-27 "You have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike." The childlike innocent will inherit the Kingdom of God. My little one, the decisive battle for the salvation of the world is about to be waged. The greatest forces of evil are almost all in place. Many lives will be lost. This is the battle I have been preparing you for, My little one. It will be won by My pure victims of love. These have the innocence of a child in their love for Me. These trust in the power of My sacrifice of love. These unite to My sacrifice as one with Me to obtain grace for the world. These are Mary's white army. This army will wage war against the principalities of death and win. Allow Me to detach you from all things so that you can become one with God. ​ With Mary, Pray for My Priests 11/9/08 "As Mothers of the Cross, pray for My beloved priests as you pray for your sons. Give your lives for them as you give your lives for your children. Your voices (Mothers of the Cross) are united as one with My Mother before the throne of God. Your lives united in Mary are bringing down graces upon My priests." Prayers reach heaven 11/24/08 "The prayers of the Mothers of the Cross are heard by My Father in Heaven. They are a sweet fragrance that reach heaven. These mothers are My Father's white lilies. They have been purified in My blood... Believe, My daughter, believe." Living Chalices 6/13/09 The mothers of the cross are my maidens that united to me will renew the priesthood. Your “fiat” to be victim souls will be perfected in my “Fiat”. Your lives will be a holy cloth that soaks up the precious blood of Jesus. In this way, you will become pure living chalices filled with the Blood of Jesus. You will live your *hidden lives like me in prayer, sacrifice and suffering. Your hidden lives lived in your domestic monasteries will be a source of grace for the sanctification of priests. You will imitate to great perfection my virtues of humility, simplicity, gentleness, silence and charity. You will be women of an intense prayer life centered in the Eucharist.Your lives will be a continuous prayer offering as you offer up your daily sacrifices and duties on the altar of your homes. As you love in suffering imitating Jesus and I you will be our joy and consolation. ​ Servants perfected in Hidden Life 5/31/11 The MOC are the joy in heaven. They are the most pure servants of the Father. It is through the hidden life of the MOC that My army of holy priests will be raised up.These spiritual mothers will live the tears and sorrows of their hearts united as one with My Mother of Sorrows. It is My Mother’s sorrows that continue to shower grace upon the world, and as My MOC unite as one with My Mother, the shower will become a living torrent of grace. Therefore, each MOC must be perfected in living her hidden ordinary life with all its trials, sorrows, exhaustion…. with pure love and in this way she will find her joy; the joy of knowing that she is participating in the hidden sorrows of My Mother for the salvation of many souls. Allow My Mother to form each of you, My daughters. It is Rosa Mystica that wants to form your gentle hearts. Mary reveals the sorrows of her pierced heart that continue to remain hidden and the roses of prayer, sacrifice and penance. You must imitate Mary in this way. Your lives will become the sweet fragrance of prayer and your sacrifices and penances will be lived in the most ordinary of your duties as women. Your lives as My victims of love will go unnoticed by the world but seen by the eyes of the Father. He will use your hidden lives of love to humble the proud. Know that you are My consolation. ​ Martyrs of Love possess Power to Raise Army 6/28/11 My daughter, I desire souls to participate in My interior crucifixion as ONE with My Mother. It is in this way that you will obtain the greatest amount of graces for the world. A time of great destruction is coming to the world; it is My hidden martyrs of love that the Father will use to aid many to the Light. It is My hidden martyrs of love that possess the power to raise up My army of holy priests needed for the decisive battle that is at hand. My little ones, you are called to help form My hidden martyrs of love to perfection in Me. Accept My chalice of love and suffering and suffer with Me, as ONE with Me, the sorrows of My Sacred Heart. As an all loving Father, I suffer the sickness of My sons' and daughters' hearts but My greatest suffering is that they don't allow Me, the Healer of all hearts, to touch them. They seek healing in all forms except in the only One that can bring them to life. I desire for all the Mothers of the Cross to unite as one with My Mother of Sorrows to obtain graces for humanity. The salvation of many is dependent upon your RESPONSE. My Lord how do we live Your sorrows? My daughter, embrace all the sorrows I place in your heart with perfect peace, trust, patience and love and exteriorly reveal your gentle smile and PERFECT JOY in knowing the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for you, your PERFECT JOY in knowing that We live in you and you in Us, the PERFECT JOY in knowing you have been chosen by God to aid in the salvation of many and you have responded, the PERFECT JOY of living in faith, hope and charity, the PERFECT JOY of possessing the gift of the Cross, the PERFECT JOY of knowing more intimately LOVE and becoming ONE with LOVE, the PERFECT JOY of possessing the Holy Spirit as your most treasured Companion, the PERFECT JOY of seeing yourselves transformed into a new creation in Me, the PERFECT JOY of knowing Mary and living with her as ONE HEART in My LOVE CRUCIFIED. Raise Dead Bones 8/10/11 It is the hidden force of the Mothers of the Cross that will help to bring to life the dead bones of My sons (priests). Our Lady's message to Mirjana 10/2/2013 Dear children, I love you with a motherly love and with a motherly patience I wait for your love and unity. I pray that you may be a community of God's children, of my children. I pray that as a community you may joyfully come back to life in the faith and in the love of my Son. My children, I am gathering you as my apostles and am teaching you how to bring others to come to know the love of my Son; how to bring to them the Good News, which is my Son. Give me your open, purified hearts and I will fill them with the love for my Son. His love will give meaning to your life and I will walk with you. I will be with you until the meeting with the Heavenly Father. My children, it is those who walk towards the Heavenly Father with love and faith who will be saved. Do not be afraid. I am with you. Put your trust in your shepherds as my Son trusted when He chose them, and pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. Thank you. ​ Key virtues that form a Mother of the Cross: Humility, simplicity, silence, tenderness/ gentleness Zeal for the House of the Lord Passionate lovers of Jesus Christ Be Jesus' companions of love Console Hidden force Hidden martyrs of love Living hosts Pure living chalices of His precious Blood Sacrifice of living love Holy remnant Participate in the love of the Trinity Live the martyrdom of solitude Live with Jesus the sorrows for a humanity that has lost their way Collect Jesus' tears in the chalice of our hearts Live an intense prayer life centered in the Eucharist. Live the hidden ordinary life with all its trials, sorrows, exhaustion…. with pure love. Through hidden martyrdom raise up God's army of holy priests needed for the decisive battle. Be the Father's pure fragrance that has the power to conquer the enemies of God, white lilies. Be pure servants. Be ONE with the Mother of Sorrows. Be Mary's white army. Back Anchor 1

  • Alma Víctima –Song – Love Crucified Catholic Community

    ALMA VÍCTIMA Victim Soul Text and music: Maria Hickein ​ Refrain: Date toda a Mí Give yourself fully to Me Igual que Yo me di por ti. As I gave Myself to you. Mi pequeña flor creciendo al sol de Mi Amor, My little flower, growing under the sun of My Love. Déjate por Mí llevar, Allow Me to lead you, Y por Mis manos transformar, and let my hands transform you ¡Niña de Mis ojos! ¡Mi alma víctima! You are the apple of My eye! My victim soul! Sigue pequeñita en Mi presencia, Remain as a little one in My presence, Que la humildad sea tu gran resplandor, let humility be your shining light, Bien pegadita a Mi, In My close embrace, Bebiendo de la fuente de Mi Corazón, Drinking from the fountain of My Heart, ¡Fundiéndote en Mi Amor por ti! melting in My Love for you! Refrain: Date toda a Mi Give yourself fully to Me Igual que Yo me di por ti. As I gave Myself to you. Mi pequeña flor creciendo al sol de Mi Amor, My little flower, growing under the sun of My Love. Déjate por Mí llevar, Allow Me to lead you, Y por Mis manos transformar, And let my hands transform you Niña de Mis ojos! Mi alma víctima! You are the apple of My eye! My victim soul! Vive bajo el Manto de Mi Madre Live under the mantle of My Mother Vestida en Su Pureza Virginal Vested in Her Virginal Purity Sé Mi pequeño ruiseñor Be My little nightingale Que eleva en alabanza su cantar de amor raising into praise his love song ¡Sin miedo a la oblación final! without fear of the final oblation! Refrain: Date toda a Mi Give yourself entirley to Me, Igual que Yo me di por ti. As I gave Myself to you. Mi pequeña flor creciendo al sol de Mi Amor, My little flower, growing in the sun of My Love. Déjate por Mi llevar. Allow Me to lead you. Y por Mis manos transformar, And let My hands transform you ¡Niña de Mis ojos! Mi alma víctima! You are the apple of My eye! My victim soul! ​ ​ ​ Music Page

  • Hidden Ordinary Life | Love Crucified

    Hidden Ordinary Life Lourdes Pinto — 2012 🔗See Text Note : Text contains supplemental notes, not a complete transcription of the audio. To get a fuller understanding of this teaching, we recommend you listen to the audio. In the Sacred Heart, the Fire of the Holy Spirit -Chaplet of unity ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Unity Jn 17: 21-23 "so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me." ​ And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me. Conchita: A Mother's Spiritual Diary: Ch. 5, The Abysses of the Trinity 'The end of every creature consists in this unity in God. There is found peace and lasting felicity. Souls which tend more and more to identify themselves in this Unity, that is, to make themselves but one with the Incarnate Word, the prototype of every creature's perfection, and which let themselves be divinized by Him in the Holy Spirit and in the Father, these souls are the holiest since holiness depends on love and the more love there is the more likeness there is to God, the more Unity there is with Him, the more perfection and holiness. (p227). With the mystique of the Cross we come to the highest summits of Transformation by the Holy Spirit who unites to the Word and leads to the Father. (p 228) "The very virtues you practice, direct them all to this Center of love, to this Unique Being whence all grace and holiness come, to this unity which is God. The Holy Spirit, one with the Father and the Son will bear you on His wings up to the heart of this Unity, that you may understand, move, breathe and live in It. This divine Spirit, on spiritualizing you, that is, on unifying you, will make you penetrate into what is Spirit, that is, into the essential Divinity, having prior to this passed through Jesus Christ in your transformation into Him in virtues and through love. (p 229) "All that you do and practice, cast it as often as possible into this Unity which must bring you along by the infinite perfection of its ever new beauties and by its infinite love. Your pains, your sufferings, your joys, your acts of renunciation, your desires and your hopes, your needs and your feelings, cast them all into this Unity which by its contact will simplify your life, the essence of your life, until you come to make yourself like to this unity itself in the plurality of virtues" (Diary, April 15, 1913). (p 230) The secret of arriving at unity is to let yourself be conducted by the Holy Spirit since it is He who brings about Unity in God Himself (p 230). It is through the "treasured pearl of suffering" that our Lord called us to "receive" that we are able to PARTICIPATE in our Spouse's redemptive suffering. It is in this participation of SUFFERING WITH HIM that we come to KNOW LOVE and LIVE IN LOVE! We enter the fire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is PURE LOVE, the love of the Most Holy Trinity, through the passage of suffering all with Him. This is the life of true *victim souls; the life of pure love, and this is the "PURE LOVE" our Lord says will conquer the darkness that is consuming the world. ​ Through the passage from the feet through the side our hearts are prepared to enter the fire of the Holy Spirit in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Just as glass has to be soft and pliable so that it can be shaped and molded in the fire, our hearts also must become soft and docile in humility and purity so that they can become ONE with Jesus, and thus,enter the union of love with our Triune God. Also, just as wood enters a fire and goes through stages of transformation until it becomes one with the fire, this process of transformation also takes place in the furnace of Jesus' Heart. ​ The Spirit and the Bride say, Come! p. 82 Mary's role is precisely to prepare the Bride of Christ, the Church, to be one with the Spirit as she herself is, and so intercede in a united way for the coming of the Lord Jesus. By consecration to Mary we allow her to prepare us as the spotless Bride of Christ. We must realize, however, that her way of preparing the Bride for the work of the Cenacle is by way of the Cross. She takes literally our consecration to her as she teaches us the docility of Jesus himself. Mary prepares the Bride to be “in Christ a kind of sacrament of intimate union with God, and of the unity of all mankind”, in order to intercede for the new Pentecost. ​ Unity with Peter in the person of his successor, the reigning Pope, is expressed in our loyalty and reverence as we listen to him, obey him, support him in our teachings, pray for him and with him, and love him. ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ​ FEAST OF MARIA ROSA MYSTICA 7/13/11 For two days now I have been seeing Jesus’ chest as a consuming fire. Moses approached the burning bush, but could only approach God in the fire. Now, through Jesus Christ, we are able to enter the fire and be fully consumed in the fire of the Holy Trinity. ​ My mercy in My blood and water is being poured upon the world, but I find very few hearts open to receive My grace. It is as the parable of the seed (Mat. 13:1-23). There are very few hearts docile, humble, pure, cultivated in patient suffering, and open to receive My gift of infinite mercy and love. This Heart (Sacred Heart) which has loved you (humanity) so much is not loved. I promise you, My little one, that those that come to Me in the last stage of My mercy will ascend perfection quickly, for the Father and I, and the Holy Spirit love you and want to restore humanity in Us. You will lead many through this simple path of holiness I am revealing to My little mustard seed (LC), but be assured that My little mustard seed will be the seed that produces a hundred fold in My Church. Do not be afraid to be consumed in the fire of My Sacred Heart. The fire of My Sacred Heart is the Holy Spirit. As you are consumed in the fire of My Sacred Heart you are consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. My hidden force is the fire of the Holy Spirit moving out in the world. The passage to enter the fire of My Sacred Heart begins with My Mother, who is the gate to enter My Cross, therefore, she is the gate to enter heaven. ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ​ TO ENTER MY HEART IS... 3/04/12 To enter My Heart is to enter the consuming fire of God, which is the Holy Spirit. To enter My Heart is to drink from My bitter chalice of love. To enter My Heart is to be consumed into God, to become ONE with God, no longer two but ONE. ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ​ 7/1/11 The love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was fully contained in My human heart. In My humanity, the Word Incarnate, My love was manifested in My suffering. My ocean of mercy flowed from My love in suffering for you. To love here on earth is to love in suffering because of sin. Only in heaven does love exist without suffering. You desire to become ONE Heart with Me. Do you then desire to suffer with Me? To love is to suffer. I suffer the condition of each of your wounded and broken hearts because I love you. You were created from the beginning of time to know LOVE and to live in LOVE. This is happiness, but sin came into the world and the darkness has overcome the Light in the hearts of many of our children.My Sacred Heart consumed in the Fire of Love continues to love and desires to set the world ablaze with My fire. This is love. Do not be fooled, My daughter, My death and resurrection has defeated sin and darkness. The darkness of satan can never extinguish My fire of love within you. It is My fire within you that has the power to extinguish the darkness surrounding you. It is My victims of love that the Father will use to set the world on fire. It is My victims of love that possess the fire of My Spirit. Enter the furnace of My love through the passage of choosing to suffer all with Me in the hiddenness of your lives. My Heart thirsts for such love. ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ​ ONE HOST ONE VICTIM Conchita page 162 of the Diary (this is Fr. Jordi's translation from the Spanish original): All the victims united with the great Victim " Host, one Victim, one Priest that immolates himself and immolates Me in your heart on behalf of the world. The Father will receive with pleasure this offering presented by the Holy Spirit and the graces of heaven will descend as rain on the earth. ​ "This is the nucleus, the global, the concrete ensemble and essence of perfection in my Works of the Cross. Clearly, my immolation suffices and more than suffices to appease the divine justice of God. But true Christianity, the flower of the Gospel, is it anything else or does it aim at anything other than uniting all victims into ONE, all sufferings, virtues and merits into the ONE that I am, so that all these may be of worth and obtain graces? ​ What does the Holy Spirit intend in My Church save to form in Me the unity of wills, of sufferings and of hearts in My Heart? What was the desire of My Heart throughout My life, but to bring about that ONENESS with Me by charity, by love? Why did the Word descend into this world save to form with His immaculate Flesh and His most pure Blood, one blood to expiate and to win souls? Has the Eucharist any other purpose than to unite bodies and souls with Me, transforming them and divinizing them? ​ And not only on altars of stone, but in hearts, living temples of the Holy Spirit, is the Victim to be offered to heaven. In doing so the souls become with Him hosts and victims... God will be thereby profoundly touched" (Diary, June 6, 1916). ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ​ FUSION OF HEARTS Fr. Jordi Rivero I have come to understand that divine love produces a fusion among persons. THE fusion that is at the CENTER is the union in the H.S. of the Father and the Son in the ONE TRIUNE GOD. Then, as we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are fused, becoming the Body of Christ and therefore a fusion is produced also among the members of the same Body. This fusion is only possible by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it has been torn or badly weakened by sin and the result is a lack of fire in the hearts of the members of the Body. This is what caused the actual brokenness of Jesus on the cross and the piercing of His heart. The act of love of Jesus brought death to the sin that divides us and restored unity in love. The fruit of this act of love revealed fully at the Cross is the outpouring of the fire of the Holy Spirit. The fusion of the persons in the Body of Christ is a fruit of the Cross. It is a gift of God's love. It cannot be reproduced or chosen by humans, no matter how holy they may be. God gives this gift only to souls that, having died to self, have entered into the furnace of His Heart through the love of the cross. This gift of fusion occurs in various degrees. It can be so profound that it is actually experienced as a burning in the heart, a fire that is within. This fire is that of the Holy Spirit in the heart of Jesus. Characteristic of this union is the zeal of the Holy Spirit that makes Christ live in the hearts and which continues to put to death what is not His. This fire fuses but does not annihilate the uniqueness of each person. Just as the body is one but has distinct organs, each part of the body continues to contribute its own uniqueness to the whole. This is clear to me, though at my poor level. As logs enter the fire becoming one with it and strengthening it, so we become one in the fire of the Heart of Jesus. This is why saints grow in bunches. This is the communion of saints (Cf. St. Paul). The fire of the Holy Spirit is painful because it is constantly burning away all impurities, putting to death the powers of sin with the power of the Cross. This is why many reject it and stay in the cold. Let us not be afraid to go to Jesus, to go to the Cross, to be Love Crucified. If we understood this we would never in any way offend another for whom Christ died. ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ​ THE UNFOLDING OF THE PROPHECIES The Spirit and the Bride Say, Come! Pg 91-92 God's plan to increase the reign of the Divine Savior is different from man's plan. One of the prophecies given at St. Peter's Basilica during the closing Eucharist on the day after Pentecost, May 19, 1975, spoke of a “new age” and a new combat for which we will need new wisdom, new power, and new understanding of his plan: I speak to you of the dawn of a new age for my church. I speak to you of a day that has not been seen before.... Prepare yourselves for the action that I begin now, because things that you see around you will change; the combat that you must enter now is different; it is new. You need wisdom from me that you do not yet have. You need the power of my Holy Spirit in a way that you have not possessed it; you need an understanding of my will and of the ways that I work that you do not yet have. Open your eyes, open your hearts to prepare yourselves for me and for the day that I have now begun. My church will be different; my people will be different; difficulties and trials will come upon you. The comfort that you know now will be far from you, but the comfort that you will have is the comfort of my Holy Spirit. They will send for you, to take your life, but I will support you. Come to me. Band yourselves together around me. Prepare, for I proclaim a new day, a day of victory and of triumph for your God. Behold, it is begun... 3/16/12 Promise to LC After reading Hosea 14:2-10 Jesus said: This morning your God desires to make a promise to My family. You are My people because you have listened to the voice of your God and heeded My words. The family of LC will grow to bear many branches that will spread out wide and far as the Cedar of Lebanon. Many will enter her shade to find the safety and presence of God, for God, My little ones, is with you. The Holy Spirit is possessing you, purifying you, consuming you in the fire of Love of the Father and the Son. My Cedar of Lebanon will catch on Fire as the burning bush before Moses … All who enter this family will be consumed in the Fire of My Spirit. I promise you, My humble ones, that as the darkness consumes the world you will be consumed by the Fire of God, the Holy Spirit. You will be the first fruits of the new Pentecost. Be at peace for I am with you. Live as ONE in My sacrifice of love. NEW PENTECOST 1/26/12 The time is near, quickly approaching. Are you responding fully, My little ones? Are you ready, for the great and terrible day is upon you? You are My people. I have been forming you for the battle that draws near. Are you ready My family? Heaven watches with anticipation for soon the eyes of many will contemplate My glorious Cross upon the sky. Raise up My hidden martyrs of love for the decisive battle that draws near. Call forth My victims of love, for it is they that are the passage for the Queen of Heaven to usher in the new Pentecost for the world... ​ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ “NEW COMBAT” 1/29/2010 “The world depends on swords, missiles and guns to win battles, but this decisive battle will be won by the Cross. My victim souls uniting themselves to My love crucified will free the world from the bondage and darkness of Satan.” 9/26/11 PROPHECY MICAH 5-7 The justice of God is upon My people. It is My holy remnant of victim souls who's prayers and sacrifices will cover the earth as heavenly dew (Micah 5:7-9). The justice of God will come upon the world. My daughter, the great and terrible day is approaching upon the earth. The majority will be caught in total dismay. Life as you know it will cease to exist. It is My holy remnant of victim souls that will defeat satan and all his principalities. Persevere in suffering all with Me. Persevere as ONE with the Word of the Cross, for then and only then, do you hold the power of God. Your lives in My crucified love become the sword of righteousness. Bring Me many victim souls for the battle at hand. My little ones I need you. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ 1/18/12 SAMUEL 17: 32-51 David and Goliath My little one, the time draws near. You hold the sword of the Spirit in the mission given to you. My family of LC are My warriors of love that will defeat the dragon in the decisive battle that draws near. Be ready to approach this evil in the same way that David approached Goliath. You will conquer the dragon in your littleness and purity because it is God who is with you. You must not fear and believe with the innocence and zeal of David. My daughter, form My family well in the teachings I give to you. You each must approach the battle with five stones also. First, the stone of humility, possessing the perfect knowledge of your nothingness and My power and majesty. Second, the stone of purity, purity of mind, heart, intention, word, desire... Third, simplicity, detached from all, most especially your ego. Fourth, trust, perfectly abandoned to My will. Fifth, courage, courage rooted in love of Me to be perfectly obedient to My commands. These stones are your weapons for battle for the dragon will not be defeated according to the standards of the world but in the Light of Love. Therefore, My family, prepare for battle. Be attentive to Me 11/12/11 SWORD Believe that the sword of this mission will conquer the dragon (The Holy Spirit then brought to my mind David and Goliath) David and Goliath: How could it be that the little one who could not wear the armor of the mighty warriors defeats the giant? The ways of God are never the ways of the world. He was wearing the armor of God and he possessed the power of God. He trusted in God with the innocence of a child. God defeated the enemy through His humble vessel so that all glory is given to God not man. The enemy will be conquered and all things will be made new but never in the ways of the world. God has chosen to give the sword of righteousness to His little mustard seed. The sword of the mission is the power of God that will pierce and conquer the dragon. You must remain little, insignificant and innocent drinking the pure milk of the words I bring to you (1 Peter 2). Believe, My little ones, believe that the God of heaven and earth has chosen you for the decisive battle. Live with the innocence of a child the mission given to you. Be little, pure and humble, be nothing, and it is I Who will do the impossible. Trust with the innocence of a child... for you are nothing, but I am God, and I will use My little ones to confound the mighty ones of the world. Believe in the power of My Cross and the power of My precious Blood, for it is only through the Triumph of My Cross that all darkness will be conquered. Live, love and suffer as ONE with Me and you will become the sword that will pierce this darkness. 11/2/11 SWORD “I'm forming you as My warriors of love. “ The armor you put on is to protect you from being over come and conquered by the enemy, but your sword is what has the power to pierce the enemy and conquer it. To put on the armor of light, to put on your Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 13:12,14) is to become the Sword of the Spirit. I have been leading you through the passage of union with your Crucified, union with the Word of the Cross. It is in this union in which you enter your Crucified, beginning at the foot of the Cross with Mary, that your lives become the Sword of the Spirit. These are the warriors that will fight the decisive battle and have the power of God to conquer the dragon. Back Anchor 1

  • AM I Resisting Jesus Crucified?

    Am I Resisting Jesus Crucified? Fr. Ron Sciera , October 5, 2023 I love my concept of Jesus, but is it real? Do I seek Him as He truly is? Do I take my cross and Top of page

  • The Pope and Remaining in the Bark

    The Pope and Remaining in the Bark Fr. Jordi Rivero — November 4, 2020 Back

  • Called To Be Prophets — Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Prepare the way for the coming of the Lord The time of the great and horrible devastation is drawing near. Prepare the way for My Son. My little ones, you must set out to preach with the fire of God. I am commissioning you as my prophets to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. You must preach repentance as St. John the Baptist. But repentance through the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ. You must bring to light the darkness of sin hidden in the hearts of My priests. My fire will consume this darkness. My Missionaries of the Cross are my Son's Green Berets because… The Green Berets will face head-on the darkness that consumes the priesthood. They will fight with the sword of the Spirit. They will be clothed and possessed by the power of God because they are one with the Word of the Cross. You, my daughter, will raise up my Missionaries of the Cross along with the hidden force of the Mothers of the Cross. Do not be afraid to speak with the fire of the Holy Spirit you possess. The time is at hand when all my priests will be separated in two camps, the goats from the sheep. You are My prophets for these decisive times, called to build the bronze wall of my Son's army of holy priests around the Bride, the Church. During the great devastation, many will enter her safety through her holy ministers. The main responsibility of the Missionaries of the Cross is to bring to light the devastating darkness Satan continues to keep concealed. Bring to light the sin of My ministers and call them to repentance at the feet of Jesus crucified. They all must unite to the Word of the Cross so that they can possess the power of God to lead my Church to safety during the storm that is approaching. 3/28/11 Back

  • Encounter Colombia 2022

    Encounter Colombia 2022 Suyapa came from Honduras to make her covenant with LC. More on her covenant Adoration The joy of the Lord filled the hearts Cleaning the covenant crosses Jaime and Constanza made their consecration to Our Lady and entered the second stage of discernment with LC From left: Fr. Edgar, Adriana, Lourdes, Marcela, Juan Carlos Next Page

  • Regnum Christi 2020 | Love Crucified

    Love Crucified encounter with Regnum Christi Medellin, Colombia, 2020 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement –Philemon 1:7. SUFFERING> KNOWLEDGE > REPENTANCE > FAITH Suffering all your sorrows with Me is so beneficial for your soul, because in that process you touch the open wounds of My love for you. This perfects a soul quickly in abandonment and trust until you come to experience all, the good and what you perceive as bad, as a gift of My love for you. — Path , p.310 Why do I desire and need for you to suffer with Me? It is through My suffering that you come to know Love. Love is purified in suffering, but My suffering is pure love; therefore, when you suffer with Me, your love is purified in Me. This suffering with Me and loving with Me brings new life, a new creation. — Path p.96. Be attentive to each person you encounter in your life. I live in them. I suffer for them and with them. This is My Body (Mt 35:31-41). My little one, have the docility of heart to receive the brokenness of all people into your heart as ONE with Me. This is participation in the love of the Trinity: to receive the wounds of your brothers and sisters and to give the sacrifice of your life, as ONE with Me, for their salvation and sanctification. This is Love. — Path p.104 Jesus: My wounds are the passage to enter the infinity of God. Our infected wounds are: the foundation of the walls that are built in our hearts. Our infected wounds are OBSTACLES to live unity with Christ – one in His sacrifice of love. Pg. 4 Main Web Page

  • Priests Transformed – Love Crucified Community

    God’s Plan for Raising up a Transformed Priesthood "As the shepherd, so the sheep; as the priest, so the people. Priest-victim leadership begets a holy Church. Every worldly priest hinders the growth of the Church; every saintly priest promotes it. If only all priests realized how their holiness makes the Church holy and how the Church begins to decline when the level of holiness among priests falls below that of the people!" -Ven. Fulton Sheen ​ Click on the links below to understand God's desire and plan to bring about a transformed priesthood. 🔗 A Call for Priests to live as Christ, Priest and Victim ​ ​ 🔗 A Crusade of Victim Souls ​ 🔗 Spiritual Motherhood ​ ​ 🔗 Transformed Priests Will Help Usher in the New Pentecost ​ ​ 🔗 How the Love Crucified Community Can Help You Live Your Victimhood ​ ​ 🔗 Resources ​

  • Victim souls – Lord's Plea: Bring Me...

    To respond to the plea of the Lord, “Bring Me victim souls.” All Christians are called to be victim souls. Only God is holy; therefore, to be holy means to be transformed into the One you receive in Holy Communion, to become One with Me. Perfect love on earth is expressed by laying down your life for the salvation of your brother and sister. It is your “yes” to give the oblation of your life that “stirs into flame” the graces of your baptism and you receive the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. It is then, in this way, that your life possesses the "power of God.” That is why I desire many victim souls, for it is only the power of pure love that will pierce the darkness that is seeping into the hearts and minds of My people. Bring Me victim souls, My little one. Do not be afraid. 1/29/11 Simple Path #122 p.326 The time is at hand when all will be called to suffer persecution for My sake. This time of persecution will divide My followers into two camps: those with Me and those against Me. Few will remain with Me in the time of the great tribulation. You, My little ones, are being prepared for this time. Your lives lived in humility and purity of heart united to Me will be the light in this darkness. Your lives hidden and transformed in My crucified love will usher in the New Pentecost for the world. My hidden force of spiritual mothers, as one with My Mother of Sorrows, will raise up God's army of holy priests for the decisive battle to be waged against the principalities of darkness. Your mission is to raise up and form many victim souls for these decisive times, for the battle will be won through the power of the Cross. My hidden martyrs of love is the power of God to wage this war against the principalities of death. 2/25/14 …Bring Me victim souls to suffer with Me in order to obtain graces of conversion for many souls, who otherwise will be lost. Believe in the power of your hidden lives of suffering with Me. 11/2/17 Back

  • Photo Gallery | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    Pilgrimages Covenants Others Encounters Missions Our family in heaven

  • Messages of Jesus and Mary to Love Crucified Community

    Messages from Jesus and Mary A wake-up call from God for their victim souls in these decisive times Years 200 6 to 2 009 – 2010 – 2011 – 2012 – 2013 – 2014 – 2015 – 2016 201 7 – 201 8 – 20 19 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 2023 These messages and the book The S imple Way to Union with God can be downloaded here 👉 ​ "Will you be my victim soul?" 4-Minute Message – YouTube ​

  • Covenants | Love Crucified Catholic Community

    HOME ABOUT US ABOUT US IDENTITY OF A MOTHER OF THE CROSS IDENTITY OF A MISSIONARY OF THE CROSS HISTORY MISSION MISSION THE CALL MESSAGES from THE LORD LOVE CRUCIFIED CROSS COMMUNITY WAY OF LIFE COVENANT PRAYERS INITIAL DISCERNMENT TESTIMONIES PHOTO GALLERY TEACHINGS BOOKS/MUSIC BOOKS MUSIC RESOURCES CONTACT US SEARCH Covenants Oldest on top 2020 USA María Elena Ramírez, June 18th, 2020 Luz Anaeli Solís, June 18th, 2020 2020 Spain Rosario González, July 22nd, 2020 2020 Switzerland Janet Voge-Su, August 10th, 2020 Fr Ascencio introduced Janet to LC and Fr. Karol is her pastor First time in Love Crucified that a covenant is signed by 2 priests Back Next page janet

  • Propitiate and Appease

    Propitiate and Appease the Justice of God Lourdes Pinto – October 20, 2022 Jesus, in the message to the Love Crucified Community on the feast of St Faustina, states, “Each victim soul has great power to appease the justice of God and propitiate My coming.” This teaching explains the meaning of propitiating and its power in Christ crucified with Mary. Back

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